Radionnic Ships of Light are the universal transportation mode of the Cosmos, transporting people and things from one local to another as needed throughout all frequencies of all Dimensions of Creation. In practice these act no different than the assorted cars, ships, trucks, trains, and planes moving people and goods around Earth. As with Earth vehicles, people walk about fully materialized per the dimension they are in when in a Radionnic Ship. Some Ships can carry large numbers of people.
To recap, on Earth today a very large body of specially dispensated Radionnic Ships are present, called 'The Heavenly Host'. It has been said that the best way to hide something is in plain sight. The Radionnic Ships have been hiding in plain sight for thousands of years. The Heavenly Host now comprises a vast body of volunteers from all over Creation, who, among other things like Armageddon, are assisting Earth in its transition from planet to radiant protostarr in the womb of Orion two hundred and fifty thousand years from now as child becoming parent. It is also centrally instrumental in helping Mankind return to the fifth dimension where they belong.
The current Creation is over nine hundred light years across and still within it's infancy. That's a lot of places from which volunteers can come. They've all arrived in Radionnic Ships. The Ships are able to move freely about Earth in the course of their responsibilities, including making higher dimensional contact with the boots on the ground Christ Army of task force volunteers, now presently incarnated on Earth's surface. Known variously as Light workers, Children of the Light, and Unistarrs of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty. The Army of Christ has been incarnating ever increasingly for over thee and a half million years since Mankind first became trapped in the third dimension by Luciferian default.
The vast fleet of the Heavenly Host comprises millions upon millions of the Ships which sit in the upper fifth dimension outside the orbit of Pluto. The coming of the fleet is not a two bit affair. The entirety of your positive future is vested in their positive presence here. You rarely see the ships in ship form but see them constantly by the distinct magnetic reflections they make in the clouds. Those of you who are Bible literate will recall the verses, 'We who are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air'...(1. Thess, 4:17). Similarly, a Cloud led Moses and his people through the desert by day....(Exodus 13:21-22). Likewise, 'Behold, he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him ...( Revelations, 1:7).
You have been observing the Ship's Clouds for thousands of years not understanding what you have been looking at. Today, everyone starts off completely ignorant. You look at clouds overhead and see nothing but an interesting looking cloud or display of clouds. Then you hear about Chemtrails. Now suddenly, every linear effect you see in any cloud anywhere in the world is a Chemtrail. The actuality is that most of the linearly patterned Cloud formations around the world are Radionnic. As mentioned in the Home Page, Radionnic Cloud formations are the magnetic field reflections of the Fifth-Dimensional Radionnic Ships sitting in Earth's atmosphere in Earth's fourth dimension. Radionnic Cloud formations and Chemtrails look patently different. The following is a photograph of a Radionnic Cloud.

The photograph below on the other hand contains Chemtrails. As you can easily see, not exactly the same.

Sometimes the lads like to have a few pints before going out on a mission and it shows in the quality of their work.
Just to be sure you understand the difference clearly, Figure 3 below shows Chemtrails in the process of being laid down. Again, as you can clearly appreciate, not exactly the same as the Radionnic Cloud in Figure 1 above.
To give you a better idea of how Chemtrail spraying works, here's a picture of three guys really going at it with a two bit contribution to the photograph from the peanut gallery.

The difference from Figure 1 above and Figure 6 below is again obvious. Chemtrail lines are usually uniform and expand uniformly. The lines in Figure 1 above are not. Most Chemtrail lines are all the same width along their length even after expanding considerably. The lines in Figure 1 above are not. Radionnic lines are usually broad and feathery, Chemtrail lines are not. Chemtrail lines are usually in a mishmash, anything but systematic. When they're systematic, they converge at the horizon by parallax by geometric default. This as an image which was very very small when it came down off the internet, leaving little to work with. Hence i9t doesn't lok look impressive when enhanced and enlarged but makes the point.
Radionnic Clouds on the other hand always have a systematic and/or organized look about them, and also always converge about ten or fifteen degrees above the horizon like Figure 1 above.
Radionnic Clouds can also emanate from visible ship outlines. You might just sort of notice the implied outline of a very wide saucer ship in the Figure below. Like pooches, there are many kinds of Radionnic Ships large and small.
Jet Contrails and sprayed Chemtrails also bear distinct differences. No matter how many trails are involved and how long they've been up, Contrail lines generally tend to remain narrow and eventually always fade out.
Weather modification Chemtrail lines on the other hand are very parallel, gradually get wider and wider over time, and never fade away. Eventually spreading out into a thick cloud cover. A spraying of thirty six parallel Chemtrail lines occurred in Ottawa, Canada in June of 2011. The lines started out from the each jet planes just like the lines in Figure 4 above. After about an hour and a half they had started to spread out and blend together like the lines in the Figure below. After about five hours the sky was solidly grey overcast from horizon to horizon and stayed that way for almost two weeks.
Actually this was a deliberately planned and actually needed meteorological event. The forecast for the whole North Eastern US and Eastern Canada had been for thirty two to thirty three degrees Fahrenheit for the next ten days, This would have fried off all the fledgling crops across the whole region like fat left on the frier. Because of the spraying, the temperatures never went above twenty eight degrees. Ergo, not all Chemtrails are bad.
The official term for the Heavenly Host Ships is 'Radionnic'. The official term for the fleet is 'The Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host'. Their self-presented official Revelation Disclosure is this information you are now reading. You have been demanding for years that space visitors from other planets uncloak themselves and reveal their presence. They are at long last doing just that. The Cosmic forces at play on Earth are at long last in place sufficient to require it. However, not the way you expect. Not by a drop onto the White House lawn, buy by this Revelation Disclosure herein. This disclosure is the Radionnic Fleet's officially sanctioned un-cloaking.
First you need to know that the Radionnic Ships are here strictly on business for First Cause and not to show off or tick anyone off or scrounge off the resources. Secondly, once you have finished reading this Revelation Disclosure you will know for a certainty that not only is there life on other planets, it exists uniformly everywhere, and that all of you on Earth today are from elsewhere and are not just newcomers out of the Ocean and still wet behind the ears. That particular viewpoint is a myth of Science.
Planets do not birth evolutions. Root races are brought into the Planet to undergo cycles of evolution. When the cycle is complete the Root race is moved along to its next cycle of evolution and a new root race is brought into the Planet to start theirs. Earth's root race program began two hundred and fifty million years ago. By the end of the next two hundred and fifty thousand years it will have been completely completed. Not a single person on Earth has come from Earth. Everyone of you has come from somewhere else, just as the Radionnic Ships here on Earth are from elsewhere. And no, Earth is not being invaded by bad guys or even by little green men. The fleet is not called the 'Heavenly Host' without good reason which you will learn.
After reading this information all the way through, you will also know for a certainty how to tell when a Radionnic Ship is overhead no matter who you are and where you are on the Planet, or who's the current Pope, or what's in your pipe. Half of you believe in UFOs. The other half of you think the first half is crazy. You are both correct. The Radionnic Fleet is from First Cause, which starts from the Creators in the fifteenth dimension and links all the way down to this third. The Liberal thinking half of you have the right to be excited about that part. Earth also has about a thousand or so tin pots stuck here under Galactic Quarantine in the clean up in the Aftermath of the Luciferian Self Will Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus called Armageddon. The conservative thinkers among you have a right to be disdainful about those. The full nature of the 'Cosmic Overplus' and 'The Luciferian Rebellion' and how they play into the events on Earth today is given in Starrgrams 15, 16, and 17 of 'The Revelatorium', listed in the Indexes at the right.
The lesser ships are stuck in Earth's lower fifth dimension and are all tied to lesser Cause. Lesser Cause stems from the lesser purposes of the Luciferian Rebellion which began five billion years ago. The ships adhere to the Luciferian tenets of opposition to the true Laws of Creation which only influenced the lower half of the fifth dimension down to this third, and only exists in this Local Universe of a thousand galaxies. As you can see, not exactly a match up against all of Creation as many of you try to argue.
The tin pots are able to manifest in the Third Dimension and are officially called the 'Alien contamination'. The Alien Contamination are the source of all of your so called Ufo sightings, abductions, and most of your so called channelling over the years. The tin pot interlopers range from gadfly nuisances from Draco, who have tried and are still trying to interfere in earth's affairs at all levels, to well meaning do-gooders from such as the original Pleiadians who mean well but are clumsily in the way. All of the people in these ships are starting to be taken out of the negative picture now by being allowed to incarnate into Earth's population on a path to redemption. The conservative part of your population have a right to diss this lower part of the UFO equation but not the higher.
As said, the vast fleet of the Heavenly Host is from all over Creation. As also said, Creation is over nine hundred trillion light years across and still within its infancy. As also said, that's a lot of places for Radionnic Ships to come from. The tin pots on the other hand are strictly from this Local Universe of only a thousand galaxies. Again, hardly a Las Vegas center ring match up. The Heavenly Host is here because Planet Earth is currently collectively undergoing over twenty five milestone Cosmic changes which are absolutely previously unprecedented in the annuls of Creation. The eyes of the entire Creation are upon this little but ultimately important planet and not just out of curiosity. What happens here affects all of Creation as a whole. So take it again by dictum, that what's going on here on Earth at the present time is really, really, no small potatoes, and the Radionnic Ships are central to the whole production.
That is all not, as previously commented, because you sic, crawled out of oceans and are now ready to join a so called Galactic community. It is because Earth is front and center in the start up of a whole new Super Universe now underway, and Mankind was originally brought here to train as seed Soul Atoms for the new Creation. All to occur within Earth's fifth dimension. Then three and a half million years ago things went South when you fell from Earth's fifth dimension into Earth's third through meddling interference by the Luciferians. This is now the very last leg of a very very long long trek back to normalcy. You are finally being returned back to the fifth\ dimension where you belong.
The process is already well underway. By the end of the Age of Aquarius two thousand years from now, everything will be back on track and you will all be back in the fifth dimension. To give you a quick catch up, Earth's fifth dimension is what you call the Garden of Eden. Connect the dots. When you were kicked out of the Garden, the third dimension is where you ended up. Similarly, full Galactic Law is starting to be installed into your mass consciousness at the present time, at the end of which Earth will be welcomed back into the Galactic Community as a Planet in good standing. Earth had been put under Galactic Quarantine two hundred and fifty thousand years ago because of malfeasance by its ruling Planetary Prince, Caligastia. Who ascended a third of Earth's third dimensional population back up the fifth dimension before their time and against all official enjoinments not to.
To re-iterate yet again just to make sure the points are getting through the cobwebs, the Heavenly Host task force volunteers are from all over Creation. They are here to help ensure that things on Earth move forward on the correct path of its Cosmic Destiny. The Ships are called Radionnic because they have singular magnetic poles, who always project as positive and negative polarity pairs, and always radiate their magnetic fields outwardly towards each other. They sit unseen in Earth's higher dimensions while their magnetic fields cause reflections as the visible ionized water vapours you see as Radionnic Clouds in the atmospheric frequencies of the third dimension below.
As briefly ewvealed on the Home Page, every type of respective Ship produces a different kind of Radionnic reflection depending on its type. The image below shows the radial lines of yet another type of Radionnic Mother Ship sitting off screen to upper left and a Father ship sitting just off center left. Then of course, X marks the spot Just above the X are the vertical radials of a Pleiadian Ship. Almost touching the X at its right is another small Pleiadian Ship, and below the X just above the trees in the center is small Father Ship. The worn out Contrail coming down from the left shows the difference in perspective between Contrails and Radionnic Fields. There are also a slew of Mobile Scout Ships all over the place. Quite the busy occasion.
- Radionnic Clouds -
This Revelation Disclosure starts by making a case for the Radionnic Clouds produced by Radionnic Ships when in Earth's atmosphere. It continues by making a case for the Ships themselves when they become visible as Fourth-Dimensional water vapour condensations. It finally makes the case for why they are here and what is to become because of it. As has been said, the Ships are here to help clean up Earth's remnant lesser conditions in the aftermath of the Luciferian Rebellion. One of the more adverse lesser conditions from the Rebellion was your demeaning fall from out of Earth's Edentic fifth dimension into Earth's third dimension three and a half million years ago where you have been mired ever since. This was not the fall of the Garden of Eden. That occurred twenty five thousand years ago at the beginning of the previous Age if Aquarius. The Garden of Eden is detailed at length in Starrgram 11, 'Adam and Eve', of 'The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega'.
The Cosmic Energies helping to raise you back up into the fifth dimension are now already unfolding. The Radionnic fleet is intimately involved in ensuring that the Energies become installed in your consciousness properly. Two thousand years from now most of you will be back up in the fifth dimension where you belong. Those of you that don't will be relocated according to your frequency to one or another of the twenty five hundred other planets in this Local Universe which also resulted with an outer Third-Dimensional condition like Earth where you will continue your clearing. See more about this in ''The Revelatorium' Starrgrams at the index right.
The Luciferian Self-Will Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus was officially ended by Christ on the Mount two thousand years ago. Hold fast to that thought as this is the single most important factor in what is happening today. The clean up in the aftermath is already well underway. Plant Earth is hard fast in the middle of Armageddon because some of you are part of the problem and the rest of you are part of the solution but just haven't woken up yet to the fact. The information in this Revelation Disclosure is of seminal importance for both of you. For those of you who are part of the problem, it reveals what the problem is and why you are a part of it and what you need to do to become clear of it. For those of you who are part of the solution it reveals what is being done, what still needs to be done, and why you need to wake up about it real quick. If you don't you will be considered as part of the problem until you do. Twenty five hundred planets are all that were afflicted with a Third-Dimensional population like Earths. Earth is the first of the twenty five hundred planets to be cleared. Which why all the important players are here. It is also the beta test planet. What works here will be moved along to the other planets.
This is only the beginning. As mentioned, the Cosmic changes currently occurring on Earth also include the birth of a whole new Super Universe which is already starting to unfold. They also include the transition of Earth itself into a radiant protostarr in the womb of Orion two hundred and fifty thousand years from now as an integral part of the new Creation. This is not Homer Simpson stuff. Some of the Energies coming into Earth right now for these particular reasons were set in motion long before this Galaxy was even begun. The making of Eternity is daily work.
The Radionnic fleet is here to help in all these changes. Among their more hands-on actions, they are casting an emerald green Energy field of pure love around the planet so it doesn't explode while the Stygian Deeps of Negative Nplus static in the lower astral hell states are cleared out forever, almost concluded. The back of the Beast has been broken and the Universe rejoices.
The Radionnic Ships have been around in Earth's atmosphere to some degree or other for many many millennia. As previously mentioned, your Bible and other early writings reflect that. The great Radionnic fleet of today has been on site outside Pluto since the early fifties. The more awake ones among you first started became aware of the great fleet in the late fifties and erroneously called it variously The Galactic Fleet', 'The fleet of the Galactic Federation', 'The Andromeda Command', 'The Pleiadian task force', 'Captain Cody and the Space Cadets' and a myriad of other such off the cuff interpretations. They are in fact the 'Heavenly Host', from all over Creation. Pause for a moment and let that sink in. In reduced numbers they were the exact same type of Heavenly Host that accompanied Jesus Christ two thousand years ago, Moses before that, and ad infinitum before that. The Luciferian factors first made their appearance around Earth seven hundred and fifty million years ago. The Radionnic Fleet first appeared on Earth when Earth's Root Race Program began two hundred and fifty million years ago.
You have also been all too quick to offer up supposed conclusions about why you think they are here based upon the kinds of things you have been doing to each other here in the third dimension for the last three and a half million years ago. Ranging all the way from, They're here, we're toast', to they're here we're saved'. The reality is that the Radionnic Fleet is here to help you transit safely through the number of extremely intense, high frequency inductions which are confluencing upon Earth today consequent of the cosmic events now unfolding. Most of which won't be mentioned in this Revelation Disclosure but are explained in detail in 'The Intelligent Design of Creation', and 'The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega' via the indexes at the right.
Which is why 'The Revelatorium Revelations' has been given to you from the Melchizedek Worlds of the Magellanic Clouds at the present time as a preface or 'Cliff's Notes' to the 'Waters of Truth' which are starting to come down during Aquarius, called 'The Great Book' opening at last. Which is to help mitigate your ascension back to the fifth dimension. There is only one way that the higher Realities work, one truth. If you ask a hundred and fifty thousand different 'Enlightened Ones' what the higher Dimensions are all about, you will get one hundred and fifty thousand different answers. The RRevelations is to set the record straight. There is only the one true Reality which the RRevelations presents.
- Radionnic Info -
Also as mentioned, on a daily basis hundreds of millions of the Radionnic Ships will be teleported into Earth's fifth dimension at any given time. Since the spring of nineteen eighteen, hundreds and hundreds of millions. Their presences in Earth's atmosphere creates the distinctive third-Dimensional magnetic field patterns as mentioned in Earth's atmosphere called Radionnic Clouds. The Radionnic Cloud arrays are their signature. When you see a Radionnic Cloud signature you know a Radionnic Ship is in behind it as the cause. Some of you slow thinkers out there believe there are wing nuts around such as this word smither, who believe that Chemtrails are Radionnic UFOs. The Reality is that what most of you believe to be Chemtrails are Radionnic UFOs.
Not to misunderstand, Chemtrails are here for a fact too, but only here and there. They occur wherever an over stuffed authority figure decides that the natural order of things needs to be disturbed. Radionnic Ships of Light on the other hand, are all over the place all of the time disturbing nobody. You just need to know what to look for. The term 'Radionnic', meaning the Radiating-like nature of the Clouds are their green light. You only need to grasp this essential difference once and thus you have it for all. The difference can't be missed. As in the Figures above, the Radial lines in Radionnic Clouds are usually wide feathery and massive, the trail lines in Chemtrails are usually straight, narrow, wimpy. And nobody but nobody makes Chemtrails in a radial pattern.
Contrails too. Check the Radionnic ionnizations in Figure 1 above again, and check them again against the Jet Contrail running in from the left in Figure 10 above Since Chemtrails start out identical to Contrails at the point of emission, the point stays made. Contrail and Chemtrails can never turn into Radionnic Radial rays and visa versa. If you continue to confuse them from this point on, you either need new glasses or a very bowl full of broccoli. Or better still, give your head a good shake to clear out the cobwebs, because there a lot of you out there with very big cobwebs in your thoughts at the present time.
The study of the Radionnic Clouds is called 'Radionnics'. The four great Mother Ships of the fleet are called 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse'. The word 'Apocalypse' in Greek means 'Revelation' not disaster. Also, as already mentioned the fleet is from all over Creation. Also remembering they are here as part and parcel of the Great Cosmic changes which are occurring on Earth at the present and not here to pillage, disrupt, or take over.
Ufo aficionados look eagerly for flashing lights and other such Man like effects to prove the existence of UFOs. Supposed UFOs with flashing lights are not a sign of Extraterrestrials. No matter the size, shape, motion or complexity of any sighted object, regularly occurring flashing lights are Man made. After having traveled millions of light years though Inter-Stellar and Inter-dimensional space, the Ships do not need running lights to tell them where they are going. Any of you thinking they do clearly have not thought the matter through carefully. Coloured astral flashes can come off the Ships, mistaken as electric lights, but the flashes are not regular and are not affixed to the Ships.
Mobile Radionnic Scout Ships are the most commonly observed Radionnic Ship. A considerable up tick in the number of daily appearances started in the spring of two thousand and sixteen in the escalation of unfolding frequencies now incoming to Earth. Both Mother and Father Ships have also suddenly started becoming observed in increasing numbers as the energies coming into the planet have started going sky high and the next phase of the Armageddon project is starting to unfold. And as mentioned, a really big up tick occurred in two thousand and eighteen.
Also, as mentioned in the home page, Negative and Positive pole Scout Ships, plus Mother and Father Ships always occur together as connected partners. Even though they can be very widely spread apart the Negative Positive pole aspects remain connected across the ethers like a magnet overhead. Likewise, Scout Ships do not teleport in from Pluto. Mother Ships teleport into Earth's atmosphere and release the Father Ships and sometimes other Mother Ships plus the Scout Ships where and when needed. Local inter-dimensional and inter octave gateway portals allow the Ships to move around to the different frequencies of the fourth dimension where they are needed to do their particular days work.
Regardless of type, Radionnic Scout Ships always emit from the parent Ships into Earth's environment as a Negative and Positive Fifth-Dimensional polarity pair. In Earth's Third-Dimensional physicality, the negative and positive poles of a magnet can never be separated. Breaking a bar magnet in two produces two bar magnets. In the fifth dimension and higher a pair of magnetic poles will always be connected even if at great distances apart. To your Third-Dimensional eyes, each Radionnic Ship will seem to act individually as though a magnetic monopole, whose individual presence reflects as the individual Radionnic Fields and condensations seen in the Third-Dimensional cloud cover underneath. The magnetic fields of Mother and Father Ship partners will also always be connected, whether near each other or even if hundreds of miles apart and even if on opposite sides of the planet. Anchor Scout Ships will always face opposing each other at one hundred and eighty degrees, even if nearby hundreds of miles apart. Mobile Scout ship pairs can sit directly side by side, or in opposite side of a Radionnic Field, and many pairs will often sit collectively within a same cumulous Cloud location.
The visible Radionnic magnetic field arrays are usually produced whenever an area of cloud moisture passes through the Radionnic Ship's magnetic field. The magnetic field ionizes the water vapour, which then concentrates it ionnically along the magnetic lines, creating the reflection of the Ship's magnetic radiations within the water vapour. This is their tell-tale, since such stand alone magnetic monopoles in and of themselves are completely impossible in the ordinary Third-Dimensional world of physics. The ships can also electrolyse the water vapours around them into clouds into clouds. Big ships can produce a full sky overcast in minutes. Smaller Scout ships can produced a small white puff ball in seconds.
Radionnic Anchor Scout Ship Radial f arrays are always distinguished from Chemtrails, Contrails, and jet stream activity by converging to a focal point about ten to fifteen degrees above the horizon instead of at the horizon by parallax. Their recognition is aided by the fact that the Radionnic fields can stick around for awhile in the same place without moving, sometimes for days, even weeks, even as the passing areas of ionized water vapour revealing them have long since passed through. The Ship haven't moved, the Radionnic Fields haven't moved, even as the original water vapours moving through could now be passing over England. In contrast, Contrails are long gone in a short while, and Chemtrails quickly become spread out into overcast, even as both continue to drift along with the drifting vapours.
The following image tells the story. The image is a screen copy from a sped up video which shows the Radionnic Cloud staying put while everything else scoots by. The cumulus clouds in front go by quickly to the left and the secondary cloud layer above moves more slowly to the left. Cars go up the highway at hundreds of miles per hour. The white diffuse cloud in the middle, diffuse white cloud slanting upwards to the right, and white diffuse cloud slanting upwards to the left are all part of the Radionnic Field. Which stays put throughout. Proving once and forevermore that Radionnic Radials are not Chemtrails, and Chemtrails are not Radionnic Radials. Chemtrails get caught in the wind like everything else and move right along with it like everything else. Radionnic Radials don't. The video is at: Non-Moving Radionic Field. To re-run, use the Backspace key at YouTube upper left. Use the Backspace key a couple of times to get back to this page here.
To make the point clear yet again, when you see a Radionnic Cloud formation you are not looking at a Radionnic Ship. You are looking at the Ship's magnetic field, reflected in the cloud layer below. The Ship itself will be sitting in the higher dimension above in the same location, figuratively speaking above the formation. As said, Scout Ships and Mother and Father Ships exist in Earths atmosphere all over the place all of the time sitting bare faced in the noon-day sun as magnetic monopoles. From the Third-Dimensional physical point of view the formations can also sometimes appear as a pair of side by side monopoles, not always so obvious or anywhere near as common.
The pair of monopoles are, as previously stated, from a Negative and Positive pair of Radionnic Ships acting as the respective Negative and Positive poles of a magnetic field set up between them. As mentioned the field is no different in principle than a bar magnet. In particular, the radial cloud lines of an Anchor Scout Ship pair as discussed in detail in Starrgrams 2 to 4, are in fact the field lines of the magnetic field running from one end to the other just like iron filings around a bar magnet only high overhead, sometimes spanning hundreds of miles.
The polarized magnetic field provides a local magnetic environment in which a saucer shaped, cigar shaped or long cylindrical shaped Mother Ship or Father Ship can hang around in and get whatever needs doing done. Also, any number of small Mobile Scout Ships. Nobody is here on a holiday. Whenever you see an Anchor Scout Ship Field or pair, a Mother or Father Ship or both will usually be somewhere in the vicinity. As also said, the Anchor Scout Ship Fields can be very small or very large depending on the Anchor Scout Ships involved and different type of Mother Ship or Father Ship in the field. The Mother Ships and Father Ships can be tucked in close to the Anchor Ships, or far a-field like a family pooch off the leash. But always, still inside a magnetic umbrella somewhere, even if not visibly seen. Mobile Scout Ships in considerable variety also ply within the fields. Mobile Scout Ships can sometimes be ultra condensed and appear almost like a solid object. Similarly, cigar shaped Mother and Father Ships can be ultra condensed and appear like a cylinder which can be very short or very long.
Off-world, Mother and Father Ships move about by teleportation. In Earths on-world higher dimensions they move by magnetic polarity opposition and attraction. The magnetic fields of the assorted Ships ply against the north/south pole alignment of the Anchor Scout Ship Fields by thought, allowing them to travel quickly to anyplace they want not unlike your modern high speed Maglev trains.
Please note that while the term 'Magnetic monopole' is used freely in these discussions, it must understood that stand alone magnetic monopoles in and of themselves are completely impossible, even in the higher dimensions. Magnetism is from the interaction between the Negative and Positive polarities of the interlocking triangles of what you call the 'Starr of David' high within the initiation of the Holy Trinity, and can never be permanently divided.
No matter where in Creation, when one magnetic pole is present, its opposite pole is also always present around somewhere, the very essence of Quantum Theory. Whether it be a Scout Ship, Mother Ship, Father Ship or even a sub atomic part of an atom, its partner or opposite pole is always present somewhere, the principle behind Quantum entanglement. Consequently, whenever the term monopole is used herein for conversational purposes, it will always be taken for granted that the partner pole is also present somewhere, seen or not wherever it may be. To help get you up to speed, more about this is discussed in Starrgram 3 of the 'Intelligent Design of Creation' in the Index at the right. After you have read all of the Starrgrams of the Design, you will completely understand.
You will also find that you don't have to be in the country or up a mountain top somewhere to see Radionnic Ship presences. This is not like the Milky Way. Many of the live photographs in this Revelation Disclosure were taken by people in the know, and were taken from the equivalent of up or down 'Your street' USA. The ones from the Internet are from anywhere in the World.
To finish, Mother Ships are involved in moving Ships around where needed. Father Ships are more involved in moving people around and in passing needed information down to whichever consciousnesses are in the loop on the planet below. All Radionnic Ships are involved in absorbing information up from the surface of the planet through the higher consciousnesses of those of you who are pure enough in consciousness not to send up static.
- Revelation Disclosure Protocols -
The Radionnic 'Lay of the land' is extremely extensive and this Revelation Disclosure takes you all the way through step by step. For a considerable time now so0me of you have been trumpeting two thousand and sixteen as the year for big things to happen on the UFO front. Such as an official Government Disclosure which is just starting to happen. Well, yep, big things did suddenly start to happen in two thousand and sixteen, only on the Radionnic side not the tin pots. In early spring of two thousand and sixteen, an official request was made from above to bring the presence of the Radionnic Ships of light down into the consciousnesses of Humanity. The occurrences of the Ships in Earth's atmosphere suddenly accelerated enormously. The presence of the Radionnic fleet is now being officially herewith Disclosed. You are now being taught unconditionally how to recognize them and why they are here.
This Revelation Disclosure starts with Radionnic Clouds in Starrgrams 2 to 15 and finishes of in Starrgram 16 with a quick introduction to the matters of Volume II. Volume II will deal with Condensated versions of the Ships, plus peripheral aspects such portals, orbs, fairies, Sylphs, and etc. The remaining Starrgrams of this book deals with supplementary matters. The Revelation Disclosure contains enough different examples, with enough covering explanations of each to fully apprise you about what you should be looking for under nearly all possible circumstances. Plus, to have at least a little understanding of what it is you are actually looking at and why. To avoid having to repeat the phrase 'Found on an Internet search, date and location unknown' seven hundred an eighty eight times, if no date and location of a particular photograph is given, assume it came from an Internet Search or equivalent where the date and location is anybody's guess..
Likewise, to help appreciate these photographs more, on most computers you can enlarge the screen view by holding down the 'Ctrl' key and scrolling your mouse wheel or pad to the size you want. Don't go overboard, but who knows what you'll find in a given picture. The bigger the better. The word smither composing this Revelation Disclosure found some amazing things by blowing up seemingly plain looking Radionnic Fields. You never see these extra little things when looking at the sky. You usually never see them even when looking at the photograph of it either. But blow it up, and woah!'. Some of the stuff in Starrgrams 16 was discovered solely by way of aggressive blow ups.
Also keep in mind, that the most of the cloud photos herein are not the stunning breath takers you see from guys and gals with four thousand dollar cameras and twenty five years experience under their belt. Most are from simple cell phones and no years under the belt. The really good quality locally taken photographs are more by good luck than by good know how. The caveat is that the ones specified from, are usually top notch photographs taken by top notch photographers. Also, because a large number of the photographs presented herein other than Flicker have been squashed, squished, squeezed, shrunk to thumbnails, and squirted through the Internet before finally coming down as sow's ears. Some stayed that way and it shows, fortunately most turned nicely into silk purses after some deft enhancement tweaking which also shows.
Some of the more salient Radionnic features in some of the photos were not even visible in the original downloads. Most of those that weren't off the Internet were squashed, squished, squeezed, and squirted through panoramic PhotoMerge programs. These programs make nice panoramic photographs but the fidelity of the originals takes a big hit. Only a few of the photos herein went directly from camera to computer and thus were saved from getting seriously beaten up. The net result is that some of the photos herein look pretty grim. The good news is that after a lot of friendly persuasions through an assortment of different photo enhancement programs and operations, even the worst at least shows what the text says they do.
Likewise, many of the original Radionnic Fields photographed filled the entire sky. You will discover that soon enough, as soon as you start seeing Radionnic Clouds for yourself. In Biblical times they were called 'Glory in the sky', and no kidding. These majestic views would have required two or more very accurate successive camera sweeps going back and forth higher and higher overhead to get it all. Because of the very small aperture sizes of cell phone cameras however, even trace changes in the angle of a cell phone can produce marked miss-alignments in the final product. The PhotoMerge programs used to compose the multiple shots taken into a single panoramic view seriously hate miss-alignments. So very few second and third level row sweeps ever proved useable. Consequently, what you see in most of the images herein is only a low first row sweep capturing a very small portion of what was actually present in the sky at the time. As said, some of these things filled the whole sky like Cinerama.
Also, be ready to see the same photograph in two or more Starrgrams for completely different reasons and completely different point effects. By convention, if a particular photograph is repeated in a later Starrgram, the location of the previous is always given. That way you are never thrown into a state of Deja Vu. Similarly, a lot of cross referencing is used between the images to help point out the similarities, differences, continuities, and other relevancies between the various Radionnic effects discussed.
The cross referencing also helps to show that among other things, nothing ever shows up exactly the same when looking in a given direction twice in a row, despite the same direction being referenced numerous times. It's the juxta-positioning of one complete photograph against another that gradually builds the case. One of a thing is a thing, two of the thing proves it. Please note too that you don't have to back check the references to continue reading if you don't want to. You won't be left in the dark if you don't. They are done specifically to help you build up a greater understanding of how Radionnics works in general and how some of the aspects work in detail, not to keep you constantly reading backwards and forwards for the sake of reading.
Also note that some of the points are likewise repeated periodically throughout this Revelation Disclosure for additional emphasis. When someone is hard of hearing you have to either repeat yourself ten times or shout real loud. Since this Revelation Disclosure is being presented within a medium which does not work all that well with shouting, repeating it, it is. Likewise, not every factor pointed out in a photograph is easy to spot. Think of it as finding the five cats in a cartoon drawing on a child's comic strip fun page. You sometimes have to look deep. Likewise, like an encyclopaedia, you can also think of the book version of this Revelation Disclosure as a lifetime investment. Nothing in it is ever likely to ever change. Also like an encyclopaedia, if you are looking at a Radionnic event in your area or manage to photograph one, use the book or website as a reference manual to identify what specific type of Radionnic event it is. That could be fun. The details in this Revelation Disclosure will hold true until it doesn't matter anymore two thousand years from now when there won't be anybody remaining in the third dimension to rummage around about it.
Similarly, considerable effort has been given to specify the compass direction of a particular view whenever possible, in order to impress the fact that these Ships are very loyal to their preferred locations and directions. Similarly, the events herein are being chronicled as much as possible as they are unfolding like a running log to help you stay in focus. This Radionnic stuff is is not old news, it is very new news constantly being updated, being laid down even as it unfolds like a diary. This is a very momentous moment in the Mankind's History, when Third-Dimensionally interred Mankind as a whole finally learns for the first time the truth about the fourth dimension and higher. You are a part of that un-foldment and also right in the middle of it. The Heavenly Host haven't come around for no reason.
Also, bear in mind that this Revelation Disclosure is fairly long. The Radionnic Picture is very extensive and multifaceted. Some of the parts will leave you looking on in studied wonderment, Others may have you heading out door for a beer. Some parts are like a bit of a word salad, striving to point out something obscurely relevant. Remember though that every part, large or small, teaches something new. Try to leave nothing out while reading through,. why make it hard on yourself. Here's an example, try and explain this out in a few words. Here are some samples to help you sort it out. A large horizontal Sylph sits across the upper middle. A small dolphin Sylph sits at its bottom right end. Just above that is a Positive-Pole globe and Positive-Pole foot Scout Ship. Right above that is a snowball sized Negative-Pole Scout Ship. At the very top of the cumulus cloud sitting just under the Dolphin Sylph is a very distinct gumball sized Negative-Pole Scout Ship. Plus, numerous different type Scout Ships sit all over the upper right corner, etc.
Please also note than this Revelation Disclosure is been presented to teach you about the presences of the Heavenly Host, and not to cajole you into a particular viewpoint or not about the matter. Also, please be advised that this Revelation Disclosure is specifically not intended to impress the academic community. It is for the men and women in the street Nor is it being put out by somebody seeking to pad their resume'. Nor is it being presented to gain acclaim. Nor is it intending to be academic. It is written in a somewhat informal and colloquial manner at a street level of conversation to both entertain and hold the interest of even those of you who are of the 'Slow to awaken', 'Great grey they', or even sheeple like persuasions. Or, as you are also called in some circles, the 'Pajama people' and in others 'Mr. and Mrs. Walmart'. Who might not yet be of the even difference between a Cumulous cloud and a thunder storm cloud, let alone the difference between a Radionnic Cloud full of ships and high flying Cirrus Cloud formations. Basically, this Revelation Disclosure strives to talk 'To' you rather than 'At' you in a language you are used to.
Likewise, most of the nomenclature in this Revelation Disclosure is not ridged. The terms, Ionnic Clouds, Radionnic Clouds, Ionnic Fields, and Radionnic Fields all refer basicallyto the same thing. Namely, the visible reflections in the Third-Dimensional of a Radionnic Ship's magnetic field in the fourth. Similarly, you may notice that some of the paragraphs seem unduly long or unduly short. Or likewise may seem to begin at the wrong place according to proper English protocols. This is because proper grammar etiquette wasn't the ruling authority of how things went into it. In the book version the page layouts pandered to the largest possible Figure impressions as possible and the text had to follow suite. If an overly large white gap resulted at the bottom of a page, a paragraph or two were split up to fill the space. If a space was not quite large enough on a page to accommodate an intended image comfortably, a paragraph or two were scrunched together to free up space. Once and a while a white section did result at the bottom anyway, no choice about it sob.
Likewise, the little captions beside some of the images are like pop corn to a movie. Read them for amusement if you want, or don't, not to worry. You'll wind up with the same understanding about the Radionnic Ships anyway. Likewise, considerable lore has been provided about taking photographs, merging them into panoramic vistas, how some of the photos came about, plus some of the events surrounding some of the sightings, etc., as color to lighten the load a bit so the whole thing doesn't come across like a bowl of dry corn flakes.
Similarly, most importantly, this Revelation Disclosure functions like a classroom, helping you understand the Radionnic Fleet in detail rather than just pointing it out to you or commenting about it. It should be read as a text book rather than a novel. You don't start at the last chapter of a calculus book to learn how to do calculus. Keep in mind that the text informations given in this Disclosure are action packed. By the very statements themselves nearly every little sentence teaches you something new about the Radionnics phenomenon. Very little space is wasted wafting on and on about something. The Revelation Disclosure simultaneously teaches you how to recognize the Radionnic Ship's presences, how to understand their inner workings, and how they are working together to unfold the Cosmic plan now occurring on Earth, and why.
This Revelation Disclosure similarly teaches you about many peripheral things, not the least of which is the nature of the higher dimensions and the fact that Universal life exists everywhere throughout Creation. For those of you who are new to the subject, this is far easier than trying to make sense of the thousands upon thousands of Internet websites and books in book stores shelf purporting to deal with the subject, usually erroneously, and usually written a language structure that would mystify even a Linguisticist. Also, importantly, if you don't read the Radionnic texts sequentially you won't know what some of the later unfamiliar expressions mean.
For these reasons this Revelation Disclosure takes the position that most of this information is completely new to Humanity, and no one will have a prior clue about what's being discussed. Consequently whenever possible, everything has been rendered down almost to the point of pabulum for the benefit of all newbies to the subject. Which means nearly everybody. For the points that haven't been pre-digested for you enough, just re-read them once or twice to get it. Likewise, the verity of the Revelation Disclosure itself is beyond the doubt of anyone who takes the trouble to read it all the way though, as it continually confirms and re-confirms itself over and over as it goes. Those of you who are at least partially aware of the subjects discussed herein will learn of facts not found in any of the thousands and thousands of typical UFO sites and/or publications out there, and not likely to until they start coming around to the Reality of Radionnics also.
In particular, the photographic points in this Revelation Disclosure as proofs are a judicious mixture of images off the Internet and from the media, plus a generous helping from real live cameras in real live hands by real live people at real live locations at real live times. Whenever possible, a real live known example is always chosen over one from the Internet, which could have been from anywhere at any time. Similarly, this Revelation Disclosure leaves no stone unturned. Enough photographs and explanations have been provided to not only make the points clear but to prove the points beyond all speculation. Very Few points are made that aren't backed up by visual evidence.
Likewise, as mentioned before this Revelation Disclosure will not stale date on the day it is issued . The types and kinds of Radionnic Ships and the types and kinds of Radionic Fields they produce will not change, nor will this Revelation Disclosure itself except to gradually expand through successive volumes. Likewise, as previously mentioned use this trusty Revelation Disclosure as a reference guide. If you see something, whip it out to identify what you are seeing.
By the time you have finished reading this Revelation Disclosure you will be a confirmed believer in Radionnic Ships. For sure, you will also no longer see every interesting cloud as a Chemtrail or cute lamb. You will also likely not be so much absorbed with the tin pot Alien contamination quarantined around Earth and their abductions, for they will be seen as much lesser matters. And if not, you will at least be far more enlightened about the lesser Ships than before. The tin pot Ships are of the days of future past and are starting to become translated out of Creation forever. Remember also, that the Radionnic Ships are the good guys not the bad guys, and not the other way around regardless of what someone tries to tell you.
To summarize once again, the work of the 'Radionnic Ships of this Heavenly Host' Revelation Disclosure is to reveal to you the fact of the Heavenly Host and to teach you how to see them. By the time you have finished reading the last Starrgram, unless you are a frozen department store mannequin or a stulted synchopath, you will know more about Radionnic Ships than scientists know about the parts of an atom. This Revelation Disclosure also teaches you a fair bit about higher dimensional Cosmic Law as part and parcel of the explanations. The 'Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega' is the full Cosmic Reality classroom, teaching you the complete facts about the Creators and their Creation of which you are an integral part. If you also read 'The Intelligent Design of Creation' and then the 'The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega' Starrgrams all the way through, you will know more about what's going on in the Cosmos at large than at any time since Man has been in the third Dimension, including Atlantis and Lemuria.
It is important for you to also remember that one of the main purposes of this Revelation Disclosure is to help direct you to the overall Revelatorium Revelations information. The Revelatorium Revelations is by far the greater story. It involves the whole of Reality and not just one or another particular aspect such as the Radionnic Ships. A small introduction about the Radionnic Ships was originally included as a final Starrgram in 'The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega', until the request officially went out from up stairs to break it off and go main stream about it as an independent part of 'The Revelatorium Revelations' in its own right.
It is also important to point out that this is not a, sic, 'Look at what this word smith has discovered and put together'. This is instead what this wordsmith has been told about and shown, and has been asked to put together by the Heavenly Host into presentable form under their guidance, protection, and direction for the benefit of all Mankind. The more you can help to make it well known to others the better.
Also, as has been previously mentioned this Revelation Disclosure is the third part of a three book series titled 'The Revelatorium Revelations'. 'The Revelatorium Revelations' is about Reality, where 'Reality' is everything in Creation which does not come from the mind of Man. Which includes all eighteen dimensions of the Creators, their Holy Trinity Self in the fifteenth dimension, and their greater made outer bodily projection from their thirteenth dimension on down which you know and are a part of as 'Creation'. 'The 'Revelatorium Revelations' also comprises a full revelatory Revelation of the past, present, and future Cosmic activities of Creation at large and on Earth in particular. 'The Intelligent Design of Creation' is Book 1, dealing with how Creation was begun and why. 'The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega' is Book 2, dealing with the assorted Cosmic Spiritual matters of Creation. And 'The Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host' is Book 3 dealing with the Radionnic Fleet which is here on Earth during Armageddon to help make sure everything ongoes properly as it should. The greater Cosmic laws of Reality are simple to understand and need to be known by everyone before they can successfully allowed back up into the fifth dimension where they belong. You know what you have to do. View the Revelatorium Revelations as a handbook for ascension.
The Chapters of all three books, called 'Starrgrams' are down the Index at the right hand side of every page in every part. You need to read 'The Revelatorium Revelations' all the way through from page one to page end to get a complete understanding of who and what the Creators are all about, what Creation is all about, and who and what you are all about. Plus what great cosmic events are starting to unfold on Earth at the present time such as the Age of Aquarius. And why it is happening now and not yesterday or tomorrow. Plus everything about the all new Anti-Matter Creation starting to unfold in Andromeda which is the money shot.
When you are finished with the Starrgrams of this Revelation Disclosure, start again with Starrgram 1 of 'The Intelligent Design of Creation'. When finished it, read 'The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega' all the way through. Then read the Radionnics Ships of the Heavenly Host all the way through again. It will seem like a whole new read. Your understanding of each topic will be many times greater. Then read the whole of the Revelatorium Revelations all the way through again. Your consciousness never stops expanding. It's part and parcel of the Cosmic Clock. The Cosmic Clock is how Creation ever expands.
A special thanks to friends of the cause: Z&J H of Salmon Arm British Columbia, ND of Kumbala Uganda, LF of Paris Ontario, BK of Medicine Hat Alberta, JM of Brantford Ontario, RL of Ottawa Ontario, MS of Huntsville Ontario, MK of Winnipeg Manitoba, CL of New Jersey NY, ML of Waterloo Ontario, OO of somewhere on the Planet, and KB of Scottish Border Scotland, who all generously provided numerous Radionnic examples for this Revelation Disclosure. Also thanks to PW of Northern California, JT of Brantford Ontario, KL of Burnaby British Columbia, and R&B E of Castaic California, who helped with timely happy lettuce from time to time. Names are not given only initials, this is all Battle of Armageddon stuff. Any time light is being pitted against dark you have to be careful. The negatives can use the vibration of someone's name to ferret them out astrally then use Forbidden Wisdom type malpractices to psychically bother them with difficulties.
Also note that the following Photo enhancing software programs have all been used in critically enhancing the visual quality of every one of the photographs in this Revelation Disclosure
1. Adobe - 'PhotoShop';
2. Corel - 'Paint Shop Pro';
3. NCH Software - 'PhotoPad';
4. Topaz - Photo AI
5. Topaz - 'Gigapixel'
6. Cyberlink - 'Photo Director'
7. Affinity Photo
8. Inpixio - 'Editor
9. Eclipse - 'HDR Pro''
10. Photo Works - 'Photo Editor'
11. WebMinds - 'Duplicate Photo Cleaner'
12.Radiant Pro
13.EyeQ - PerfectlyClear
Most of the photos herein were literally converted from a sow's ear into a silk purse. A few are not so silk but none are all sow's ear anymore. For fun, see Starrgram 17 for some before and after comparisons. Also, the 'PhotoMerge' features in Photo Director were used to re-create the original panoramic effects of all of the real live photographs taken by this wordsmither plus a few from the friends of the cause. The 'panorammic' camera feature was used in many of the photos off the Internet.
You are free to repost or use any part of this information, or all, anyway you like as long as you provide a link or reference to the website as source.
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