In the old days they said, "Look to the West'. Now they say 'Look to the Sky'. Why? Because there are things going on and getting more and more interesting by the day. How interesting, how about the nose of a Father Ship poking out sporting a Rhinoceros horn the size of Mount Olympus. Or how about a piece of Fusilli spaghetti sitting right up there in the middle of nowhere for no reason.
For starters, the piece of Fusilli mentioned is at the middle left of the Figure below taken near the original Brantford address on August 6, 2014, and also shown as Figure 42 in Starrgram 6. It is not courtesy of PhotoMerge, it is also in the original photograph. What is courtesy of Photomerge however, are the lovely little dangling participles near the bottom center and right. What's really interesting about these is where did they originally come from, and why are they way up there. PhotoMerge usually does it's wild and wooly stuff around the edges.
Also notice the little saucer like thing just above the little Sylph thing sitting above the dangling participles type things at the center right. Also notice the Angel fish at the center left. Other than that it's a pretty ordinary piece of work.
1 - What are all you guys doing in there?
Actually. the Fusilli spaghetti thing is not so much of a mystery. It's illusion not fact. As the blow up below, it is actually a simple piece of cumulous cloud with strategically located shadows all over it. What's even more fun is that the shadows are actually more than fourteen different Mobile Ship condensates. In case you forgot, Mobile Scout Ships et al, are part and parcel of Volume II.

The Angle fish at the center left is likewise an illusion caused by gumballs sitting on a small chunk of ordinary cloud.
3 -
The idea of Mobile Scout Ship condensates is not to be taken lightly. For example, Figure 11 in Starrgam 2 is loaded with them.

In case you missed them, the blowup of the cumulous clouds below should help. Needing no help are the two larger saucer shaped condensate Ships sitting at the center right and upper right respectively in the Figure above. Similarly, sitting right in the middle of the space between white clouds below is a sizeable clutch of smaller saucer shaped condensate Ships. Also, see more in and around the white clouds. Don't be surprised if you suddenly started spotting these things all over the place in most of the photos shown in this Revelationnum. With the Saucer Ship sitting just above the Sylph in Figure 1 above and all the condensates shown below, this should gear you up to the fact that Volume II will be quite a cooker. Ufologists looking for fleeting zits on grainy videos are missing the huge grand enterprise unfolding before them. Most claim the clouds are uninteresting and not worthy of their attention. The clouds are the secret to the whole thing. Just blow them up and look.

As has been inferred, there are no guarantees about what to expect next. Spirals it turns out however, are a fairly common Radionic feature. The following photograph of a very energetic Father Ship Field taken near Huntsville on May 24, 2016, by the friend of the cause, has a nice spiral going on right in the middle. Spirals in a Radionic Field are not surprising as magnetics are involved. There is even a corkscrew in the neck of the Sylph in Figure 1 of Starrgram 10.

Likewise, the pretending spiral in Figure 1 above was particularly interesting because it had been taken in a known area by a known hand on the camera at a known time, as were the spirals of Figures 7 and 22 in Starrgram 2. As re-shown below together for reminders, straight goods, no pretenders pretending to be what they're not.

Some spirals however are not so easy to figure out. For example, the Figure below from the Internet, also shown as Figure 3 in Starrgram 11 sports a loud and clear spiral corkscrew at the left hand side of the part of a Negative pole Anchor Ship Fields. The question is, 'Huh'?
8 - On our Planet we call them Spin Dizzies'.
More mysterious on the other hand is the Following Internet photo which is included here as a prelude to Volume II. Unlike the spirals above which are cute little magnetic and /or wind caused twists and turns in a Radionic Field , or like the Condensated Scout Ship caused illusion above in Figure 1 above, the Figure below is a unique Radionic Field all in its own right. It looks like it could be a photograph of a DNA helix, one ionic strand is intertwined with the other.
Even Flat Earthers know Mother Nature can't do something like that. But Radionics can control lines like that, it's been done before. Wind your way back to Figure 7 in Starrgram 6. You will see that a pair of Mobile Ship condensates at the center left of the Figure has grabbed a single Radial strand of the Radionic Field and crossed it over about four other strands intact without mixing with them or mussing them up. The reason for the helix below is very interesting and entirely unexpected as explained in Volume II.
9 - Hmmph, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were way more impressive than
Like said earlier in this Revelationnum you never know what you're going to get next. And if things weren't screwy enough already in the Radionics World, you would hardly expect to see something like the Figure below from the Internet however. Twilight Zone a'comin. Here is probably the hairiest Radionic screwball ever on the planet. What the heck is it. It isn't attached to anything. It's just hanging there with some prismatic razzle dazzle going on to bring it to your attention. And it does look ready for business.
You can look at it long and hard for days and days and it never stops looking exactly like a turn screw. Screwing what. Whatever else, it definitely can't be a product of wind, fire, water, and ice, that Rock Band disbanded years ago. At any rate, it's a hard wired turn screw anomaly sitting right up there in everybody's face alright. It even has handles that auger well for auguring.

What goes around comes around. In this case in a pretty tight little circle. Yet another photo of the Figure above was found later on the Internet. This time taken by someone soaking up a few rays at the beach. Unfortunately, the photo was already beat to pieces when it was put up on Google, so it's beat to pieces shown here.
What it does provide however, is at least a good perspective for the lay of the land. Namely, the turn screw above was actually associated with a Radionic Field. More importantly, it was hanging up there for a very good reason which is to be explained in Volume II. The phase shift like buzz coming off the people and chair etc. isn't because of the fields. The picture was very small when downloaded from the Internet and blowing it up to fit the page did some messy things with it.

Speaking of the hand of God, you might be happy to know that God is alive and well and grabbing a nap in Cassiopeia.

The following Internet photo is of yet another odd ball Radionic corkscrew. This time a lot more corkscrew than Radionic. In fact it looks like the end of a wood screw coming out of the cloud or the top half of a Dairy Queen if you're into Dairy Queen. But look at the cloud effects around the outside edges of the Figure. This was not a hap hazard Blizzard Delight or, er, turn of weather events.

No need to dream about this next example of a corkscrew found on the Internet. Also no need to check hard if this is actually a spiral either, just look at the top. No way to tell where this was from and why, nothing else ever showed up like it. But no doubt about it, as you can see it's a corkscrew alright and some kind of Radionics were involved. And more. There is a Volume II intrigued featured right in the middle of it no one would suspect.
14 - Hmmm, the number one sound in the world indicating something perplexing has
just been discovered.
While similar but not a match, the following from the friend of the cause in Winnipeg, Manitoba is about as close but no cigar as it gets. Taken on June 13, 2018, wind shear had unfortunately beat the camera to it, spoiling what otherwise might have been a perfect spiral photograph.

Add in a horizontal corkscrew element to the mix and now you're cooking. The following stage prop from the 'The Pirates of Penzance' looks almost like a tunnel borer moving between jobs. This Mother Ship photograph from the Internet, is also one of the better Radionic optical illusions you will be likely to find. Like stairways that goes up then suddenly fwip, goes down, the image below shows white Radionic Mother Ship tubes on a blue grey sky background. Then suddenly fwip, it is dark cloud shadow lines on a whitish cloud background.
Actually, in this case it's Radionic all the way either way. The frilly white lines at the left reveal the additional presence of a Father Ship Field poking in off camera to the left.
16 - Now you see me, now you see me 2.
Less exotic corkscrews also form in Contrails passing through a Radionic Field, as Figure 17 in Starrgram 2 patently proved. The similar double whammy twist below filmed in Brantford on November 1, 2016, appeared for about five minutes at Sunset then was gone. Ten minutes later all remaining traces of the Contrails were also gone. But for the few minutes it was visible, it twisted and shouted better than the Beetles..
Positive pole Radionics were involved even though not very apparent, known because a half hour earlier in a different part of town a Negative pole Radionic Field sat up bold albeit not particularly beautiful as an Anchor Ship partner in the exact opposite direction, shown as Figure 46 in Starrgram 2.

This is in fact a good teaching opportunity to clear up a few remaining confusions about Chemtrails and Contrails. Weather modification Chemtrails spread out slowly wider and wider hour by hour and never really go away. They just keep dispersing and dispersing until eventually precipitating a complete cloud cover overhead. A few hours after a Chemtrail spew has been put out, it will already be widening out into a rock steady grey overcast. Five hours later the whole sky will have changed from clear blue to a heavy overcast from horizon to horizon. Contrails don't do that. All traces of a Contrail will be gone within a half hour or so.
For political reasons Chemtrail spraying is called, ' Weather modification'. For practical reasons it's called, 'In your face'. For war like reasons it's called 'Take that, you dirty rat'. The following image below was photographed at a slightly different location from the Figure above just a few blocks down the road about fifteen minutes before the Figure was taken. It looks about as Chemtrailish as it gets, with a number of widening trails on the go. But no, fifteen minutes later, as seen in the Figure above, they were all but gone. Ten minutes after that as stated above, completely gone. Ergo, they be Contrails and not be Chemtrails.
To explain also as previously suggested, Brantford is under a main passenger Jet transit route between Eastern Canada and the West. In the twenty minutes while this little photographing jog was going on, no less than four high flying jets happened by. In fact, look at six underway in the Figure above, three of which are new, plus the six in the photo below and no less than five in Figure 46 of Starrgram 2. This goes on all day and all night over Brantford and has been going on since big city airports were invented. If Brantford has a complaint, it's all the soot from all the jet exhaust filtering down.
Basically, in the Figure above the setting Sun had hit the bottom end of the right center trail and exposed the screw in a very definite don't blink you'll miss it moment. After the Sun had shifted Westward a bit the highlight forming the spiral was gone. The point of all this is that most of the Jet trails you see in your skies overhead are Contrails and not Chemtrails, plus maybe some Radionics, plus once a while a set of Chemtrails, and plus of course the occasional crazy weather.
18 - Chemtrails orr Contrails, what's the difference, they both star with C.
There's definitely something screwy about all these screwy Radionic corkscrews going. There must be something definitely screwy about magnetics not yet well known. Well, maybe not all that not known yet. Corkscrews in the decay patterns of sub-atomic particles blown up in a Cyclotron is how Scientists have been telling a Beta Pi from a Tau Omega particle for a long time. A corkscrew in the hand is how a Frenchman tells a Chardonnay from a Vodka.
We're not through with corkscrews yet however. When an Anchor Ship first jumps in out of a Local level portal and the circumstances are right, it can leave a distinctive trail like an exclamation mark. In the case of the image below from Paris on June 9th, 2015, the point of entry was at the top where it had it had stopped long enough for ionnizations to start forming around it. It had sat for bit when it first came in, producing the patch of ionnizations at the top, then moved down to the bottom point. It would then eventually move to the position it would take up as a monopole Anchor.
The final position can be anywhere, accounting for the fact that the view was due South even though due South Radionic Fields have not been seen set up yet in Paris at the time. Once settled in, the magnetic Radionic Field would have started to set up. Anchor Ships can move around over a reasonable area once passed through and on the go. This is more or less the same modus operand for any Radionic Field getting started up anywhere. Such exclamation mark startups were observed somewhat frequently in Ottawa, unfortunately never photographed. The point is that a corkscrew turned up in this one. The Silver Surfer just above the exclamation point is discussed in Volume 11.
19 - .
It can safely be said that the image above is not a Noctilucent cloud, but the Figure below from the Internet definitely is. It is in fact a photograph of a brilliant Noctilucent cloud display lighting up the Radials of a Mother Ship Field sitting out in front. The Field seems to go right up past it into the edges of outer space because of the distant camera angle taken from way below. All in all, quite an amazing photograph.
Radionic Lines up into the Noctilucent zone is not that far fetched, They are much the same as Lightning Sprites which go upwards instead of downwards, following upward flowing plasmic lines of atmospheric electrification from the lightning bolt. Radionic magnetic Fields are not limited by altitude and just keep going upwards. When the conditions are right they reflect out as distinctively in the Noctilucent vapors as they do in the Meteorological vapors far below. The Figure below off the Internet shows the effect very nicely. Unlike sprites which are dependant upon the lightning strikes below, higher up Radionic visibilities are not dependant upon lower layer visibilities below and visa versa. The magnetic field will still be present no matter what might or might not be showing in it or where.

Like the figure above, the Internet Figure of a high plying Father Ship Field below is a good candidate for maybe a once in awhile glimpse of the future. With more and more of Crazy Mankind's 'off their rocker' space rockets throwing off tons of rocket exhaust every launch while thinking they are eventually going to go to the starrs, plus more and more Radionic Ships coming in day by day to make good and sure they never do in their current state of lesser frequency condition, maybe more and more of these exceptional type photographs will turn up over time.
21 - Must be a lot of swamp gas getting up there these days.
Similarly, the following Internet photo of a Noctilucent cloud taken over Sweden, shows a Positive Pole Radionic Field extending almost to the edges of space. The interesting thing about this particular photograph is that this Radionic structure has been around before. You may recall seeing something somewhat similar in Figure 8 of Starrgram 3, only this one is way up there.

Figure 8 of Starrgram 3 was not the first time that M&M eyebrows showed up in the picture. Back in the original address in Brantford that produced Figure 8 et al, the following Father Ship Radionic Field over a Positive Pole Radionic Field was photographed on the 5th of September 2014, out back of the same Brantford address as some of the original photographes in Starrgram 2 and 3. Notice the same old pine tree. It was also historic for being the first Radionic Field finally recognized not to be a just a Radionic Anchor Ship during the early stages of this Disclosure. It also goes without saying that it could squeeze into the Figure above without a lot of effort. It was also one of the original ones taken with the cell phone on video by mistake and came out dirty brown. A lot of effort finally produce the barely presentable form you see below.
23 - It's the pine tree, we're here trying to figure out why it's so important.
The next grand Sylph Figure below from the friend of the cause in Kampala is more than interesting, from the yakking point of view side and not the photographic side because quite a bit of serendipity was involved. Shown as Figure 1 in Starrgram 10, it had originally been found on Google/Sky by this word smither. And had become duly incorporated into the original beta version of this Revelationnum affixed to the end of The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega' in the spring of 2016.
Once the photograph had been put up in the website, because the friend was a bonafide beta test proof reader of the Revelationnum, he was duly notified to check it out. Two days later the two original side by side snapshots used to make the composite you see below arrived by email. Turns out our friend in Kampala had been the one who had originally photographed it, joined them together and put it up on Google Sky. Whoever says it isn't a small world doesn't get out very often.

The following photograph likewise involved a somewhat serendipitous inter-action with its source. To make a long story short, on December 17, 2017, this word smither was invited to do a radio podcast interview about the Radionic Ships with a radio host in Calgary Alberta. The interview lasted two hours and some of the time was spent in simple chit chat. During one of the chit chats the radio host mentioned that he and a friend had just done some sky diving and put picture of their sky dive up on screen to look at. Lo and behold, there in neon lights across the back of the sky was a beautiful full-width Mother Ship Radionic Cloud like we had just been dicussing..

For years now the Americans have been fighting everyone except themselves for pipeline rights through the Middle East. They're missing the really big play. Simply run it hassle free overhead instead. The following Internet photo looks like a pipeline if it looks like anything. It's either a polite Contrail making itself dramatic, or a dramatic Mother Ship Field making itself polite. In either case, you don't see too many like this around. A lot of 'just right' conditions had to be going on to produce this exact miles long Mother Ship uniformity.
This photo is actually a big winner. It shows very long highly condensated Mother Ship in a Fall Hole as it actually is rather than as reflected just by open Radial Cloud ionnizations. The large Radial lower cloud ionnizations you do see in the photograph are from the Mother Ship magnetic Field highly interacting with the Negative pole Radionic Field it is sitting in. You might also notice by the frillies that a Father Ship partner is slanting upwards to the left at the bottom of the cloud cover, whose Radials take over the whole the lower left part of the Negative pole Field.

More obviously, the extremely dramatic view of Figure 4 in Starrgram 7 just starting to come out of the darks of night into the morning light makes you kind of wonder what else goes on with these Radionic affairs at night when nobody sees them. Turns out that the Figure above and Figure 4 just cited are just the tip of the iceberg.
The following internet night time photograph of a mellowing Father Ship, whose Pilot's name is Sal A. Mander shows it like it is. The intensity of the starry sky shows that this was a time lapse photograph similar to the type used to show huge Northern lights displays in the sky, when in actually only the faintest of whispers are visible. No doubt the photographer had a vague sense of something going on over the hill and took a time lapse to see what they would get. Probably had no idea, and probably dropped their partials into their coffee when the photo came out. Take a look. Like, sic, 'Nobody's watching so what the heck do we care'.

Similarly, the image below from the Internet is where 'Close Encounter of the Third Kind' got its idea for the back yard scene. Like the Figure above, the bright Milky Way shows it to be a time lapse photograph. The original view, like the above was likely just a faint feeling rather than something actual visible. It also make you think that all those crazies over the years claiming to have seen bright lights in the forest in the middle of the night may have just had good vision.
What it actually is may also have an answer. Exodus 13:21-22, describing Mose's treck with his people across the desert states explicitly 'The Lord was going before them in a pillar of Cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light that they might travel by day and by night'. 'He did not take away the pillar of Cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people'. The Pillar of Cloud before them is presumably a Radionic Anchor Ship Field in close like perhaps Figures 15 or 17 of Starrgram 2. The image below is about as 'Pillar of fire' before them as it gets. Don't forget that these are in fact the Heavenly Host this Revelationnum is talking about and not the latest aircraft in the US arsenal.

If Radionic Clouds can sit in front of the Sun, so why not the Moon. It is entirely possible to see a Radionic Field sitting nicely ghostly lit in the light of the Silvery Moon. With time lapse thrown in it gets even better.The following image of a Positive Polarity Field in a night time lapse exposure came from the Internet. Whoever took it knew what they were looking at without probably knowing what it was. Notice how perfectly framed it is.

There's no doubt about it, time lapse helps. The following photograph of a somewhat flimsy Positive Pole Radionic Field was taken in Brantford just at the extreme end of sunset on October 13, 2018. It was not a time lapsed so didn't get much. But it get enough to prove once again that what goes on during the daytime is goes on during the night.
30 - Why are you surprised.
With a little help from the last rays of twilight, the Negative Pole Radionic
Field below from the Internet is easier to see. How the setting sun managed to
get down in front of the mountains is another matter yet again unless it's a
fire with no smoke. Wait, what?
31 - .
Also from off the Internet, the very striking Positive pole Radionic Field shown below was obviously taken at the break of dawn behind one of Earth's Large Telescope Arrays. You have to like the meteor strike instead of Contrail for added drama. You can't beat the symmetry of Nature, during the day Contrails, during the night, meteorites.

Likewise, from off the website, the following Figure is of a similar long exposure like Figures 28 and 29 above showing a very shy Negative Radionic Field highlighted in the green Airglow of an oncoming six month long Artic night and deep freeze.

Another green Airglow photograph from the Space Weather website was taken on September 12, 2018, at Stornoway, Eilean Siar, United Kingdom. This time it shows a very faint side by side pair of joined Anchor Ships a la' Starrgram 4. The question, 'What goes on at night' has again been answered, namely, lots. Follow the vertical Milky Way curves on either side with your cursor.
Similarly, the image below was another Airglow photo found on website As reported on the website, after nightfall on Dec. 2nd the sky above Mihlyi, Hungary suddenly became impressed by luminous ripples. It was a once in a lifetime display of airglow in the middle of the light-polluted European sky according to eye witness reports. Airglow is an aurora-like phenomenon caused by chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere. Human eyes seldom notice the faint glow, but on Dec. 2nd it was easily visible to the naked eye.
Likewise according to the website, the red color of the display was remarkable. Airglow is usually green like in the two Figures above. The green color of light is from oxygen atoms some 90 km to 100 km above Earth's surface. Where does the red come from? Instead of oxygen, OH produces the required color. According to the website these neutral molecules (not to be confused with the OH- ion found in aqueous solutions) exist in a thin layer 85 km high. The website also pointed out gravity waves had impressed the red glow with a dramatic rippling structure. You know better of course. The ripples were not gravity waves but a Mother Ship Radionic Field sitting there plain as day in the middle of the night.

The next Figure below is another case of fast changing visage. This time with a sorry element of 'Close but no cigar' thrown in. The Mother Ship under the dark cloud in the middle isn't the interesting part. It's the spike of bright light covering the left end under the cloud. It is in fact a Radionic Anchor Ship Field at birthing. The photo was taken in the evening on July 21, 2016, on the highway back to Brantford from Hamilton. While driving at a steady 120 Kilometers per hour, suddenly a distinct small white open V of a Positive Pole Radionic cloud started appearing against a blue sky. Coming down out from the dark overcast cloud where the yellow ray is now. It was in opposite alignment, with the point of the V sitting in behind the cloud and the opening V coming down where the yellow streak is now.
Perfect, at along last, a Radionic Cloud looked at from a distance beyond the point of the apex, from the outside in rather than always from underneath looking out. I.e., an apex on top rather on the bottom, right at the start before it settled down and the apex moved to lower down and the Radionic Field spread out to parts abundant above the apex. Feeling the urge to pull over and take a picture but assuming it would just keep getting better and better, nothing was done. Ten minutes later the whole scene had morphed into the scene you see below when the photograph was finally taken from the side of the road. The original opportunity was gone like the wind. The point of the apex had started moving down and the beginning vestiges of the Radial lines were starting to show upwards in the pink area to the center left.
A similar lost opportunity happened on May 3, 2018, in Brantford. The sky was covered in low overcast, but the faint signs of a partially formed Negative Polarity Radionic filed was reflecting through the grey. After emerging from a small shop, a small row of short white Radials had appeared clear as a bell like Figure 31 of Starrgram 5 where there had been nothing ten minutes earlier. This time they were sticking boldly right out in front of the overcast rather than shadowed within the overcast like say, Figure 13 in Starrgram 9, or as part of the visible Mother Ship Field like Figure 14 of Starrgram 9.
Such had never been seen by this word smither outside the door or on the Internet in the twenty four odd years of active looking. An excited grab for the cell phone failed to produce it. Apparently, it had been left at home, and ears and tail drooped instantly to the ground. Ten minutes later the Radials were absolutely gone. Ten minutes later the cell phone showed up in an odd ball inside pocket not usually checked. It's like having the winning lottery ticket then forgetting where you put it. I.e., gone forever. As often said, Radionics is often a very 'Now you see it now you don't' proposition.
Yet another similar opportunity missed by scant minutes occurred in Brantford in August of 2018. A spectacular array of long thick Mother Ship tubes suddenly appeared in the lowest cloud layer possible. Another highly uncommon combination, wow, perfect. But the car was driving down a side street and an open area was needed where the view wasn't so blocked by houses. By the time a good pull over spot came up a scant three minutes later, the tubes had already started to melt away and the opportunity gone forever. In hindsight, this was another perfect instance where half a view would have been way better than none at all. And as everyone knows hindsight can be very depressing. 'He who hesitates is lost' also comes to mind. The Mother Ship Cloud in behind didn't help the self flagellation about it.
Yet another, 'Good cigar but it could have been a lot better' opportunity was lost when Figure 10 of Starrgram 5 had been taken. The mood at the time was to get a definitive photograph with the apex of a Radionic Cloud above the ground categorically obvious enough that it couldn't be a Chemtrail by bare face fact. Suddenly, in Toronto in the late afternoon, the perfect candidate appeared hanging way up there all by itself over the Don River Valley as though suspended by a sky hook. But no clear view was around, apartment blocks and trees blocked all but a bit of it. This called for a drive up a street along side the Valley looking anxiously for an optimum spot. Suddenly a driveway was spotted going around to a parking lot back of an apartment building with a view overlooking the Valley. Unfortunately, trees lined the back of the lot so the bottom portion of the view was masked. The photo of Figure 10 was taken anyway, as second best is better than no best.
An hour and a half later, coming back the other was but now way too dark to photograph anything useful, exactly two blocks further up the street from where the photo had been taken was the wide open scenic parking lot of a Burger King Drive In. Which overlooked the Don River Valley and not even a mosquito blocked the view. Nuts, darn, phooey, shoot, and heck, by waiting another two minutes and driving exactly two more blocks up the street, the absolutely perfect definitive 'Not a Chemtrail' photo of a lifetime would have been taken. Where was intuition when you needed it.
Actually, yet another noisy hindsight exists in the making of this Revelationnum. This time way back in Ottawa around 2011. Figure 1 in Starrgram 5 had been photographed more than sixteen years earlier. But wouldn't it be great to have a version with the Radials going around the end points to prove the cigar shape once and for all. Then out of the blue one morning, an absolutely perfect example with Radials all the way around the full circumference of a big fat cigar showed up on a clear blue day. This was before a cell phone was in hand and disposable cameras still did the duty. But instead of running to the camera rack, this word smither just noted it quietly for its aptness and carried on laissez-faire. Days later the regret started to set it and stayed around a bit ever since. After all, this might have been the one and only chance in a lifetime to prove the specific point about the shape of a cigar once and for all, which it did in fact prove nicely.
Then in the summer of 2016, bingo!. Like a prayer answered, Figure 1 in Starrgram 6 turned up on the Internet then Figure 2 in Starrgram 5 from Kampala, and the job got done quite nicely anyway. Not as good as the original would have been mind you, but definitely good enough to put away the burning guilt that a key opportunity might have been let slip through the fingers for a lifetime. The foreground split in the highway below is by PhotoMerge and not the Ministry of Transport misreading a blue print.

Also to give you an idea of how fast these views can sometimes come and go, about twenty minutes after the view of Figure 32 in Starrgram 6 had been taken, a second photo was taken a small distance away which had thinned out to the Figure below. The Jeep grill work is gone, the bright shaft up the middle is all but gone, and most of the extensive surrounding ionnizations are gone leaving only remnant willowy frizzies.
Since some of the Father Ship viewings in this Revelationnum are like this such as Figure 26 in Starrgram 9, it makes you wonder what they might have been like sometime earlier. A half hour later the field was completely gone as the ionnized water vapour giving rise to the field had completely moved along. That's the way it works. Frizzy hair today and gone tomorrow doesn't work just on scalps.

The following image, also Figure 26 in Starrgram 7 is likewise interesting for a different reason. It shows by first principle a difficulty which faced all of the composite panorama images in this Revelationnum when first starting out. Before the handy talent of Adobe PhotoMerge et al became known.
The problem when creating a composite panoramic photo from a number of side by stills, is that unless the camera was on a tripod and the photographer had twenty five years experience, the camera would move slightly off angle from still to still because nobody's hand is that steady. The problem which could result is that if the top half of a pair were matched up later, the bottom half wouldn't quite match up and visa versa. The problem is further compounded by the fact that most of the photos were taken by cell phone, where the lens aperture is so small that even the slightest change in alignment could produce significant side by side or up and down mis-alignments. The image below was a nice try but you see the problem.
The original test case presentation of the Revelationnum as mentioned earlier held at the Alien Cosmic Conference in Brantford, Ontario in June 2016, was done with only about five dozen cut and pasted panoramas, Some looking worse than the one below. Since the Figure below is the only one like it out of six hundred and sixty now herein, it is patently obvious that PhotoMerge technology is one true and loyal Godsend for panoramic photo enhancing.
Obviously, the photographer in the photo below had the original problem and chose to go with the middle section of the picture because that was the bigger show. But you see the problem, the bottom is way off alignment. The solution was in PhotoMerge, yaay, which among one of its many talents checks the alignment of each photo against the next before merging them, and adjusts for them. Up to a point that is. If the alignment is too far off PhotoMerge will just laugh and say, 'Yeah right' and boot itself out of the process. Sadly, more than a couple of really good Radionic photos never made it into this Revelationnum because they could never make it past PhotoMerge's best try and looked really crummy by scissors and Scotch tape. Figure 2 in Starrgram 7 is the only one in this whole Disclosure except for the Figure above, which was done by scissors and tape because it was just to good an opportunity to make a good point to just let go by.

About sixty panoramic photos were shown at the original table at the Ace conference in June 2016 as cited with Figure 27 of Starrgram 2. All were done by the match and bash method exampled above. Fortunately, this word smither was told about the miracles of PhotoMerging in the summer of 2016, and has been going gung ho-ing with it ever since as this Revelationnum now testifies. The only downside, as previously discussed, lies in some of the funny stuff down some of the sides and some of the foregrounds when some of the shots had information that didn't match up with any of the others shots adjacent it. Where the PhotoMerge 'Fill' feature had to make a pretty good guess at what it thought it should be with some pretty wild and wooly results.
According to the sophistication of their 'Fill' feature, two different Photomerge programs working with the same set of originals can come up with substantially different results. Just for fun, the following is a PhotoMerged panoramic from one of the PhotoMerge programs used in this Revelationnum that really went off the rails. The other PhotoMerge program produced the not so bad version shown as Figure 50 in Starrgram 2 for comparison. It's not that one program was always 'Boss' and the other 'Bogus'. With other panoramas the roles were completely reversed. The trick with each photo was to run both PhotoMerge programs and see which one came out the weiner. A few cases were beyond the skills of either. Maybe one of the programs the NSA uses to watch somebody lighting a cigarette in Moscow Square could do the job. But small moment, as national security is not at stake here and thank goodness for that.

Like the Figure above, the following Figure, previously shown as Figure 36 in Starrgram 5 is likewise not shown here because of the Radionics involved, but because of the PhotoMerging done to get it in. As mentioned before, both PhotoMerging programs used in the Revelationnum have a 'Fill' feature. Which when selected gives the program free licenses to fill in any empty area with whatever it thinks appropriate. In one program if the 'Fill' feature wasn't selected you would get a clean cookie cut rectangle where no black would be showing. In Adobe 'PhotoShop', if the 'Fill' feature isn't selected, the Figure below is what you get. In which case you would use a crop tool or similar option to cut out a cookie cut section which is clean without dark areas. A problem is that if you are taking up too much computer memory using other programs at the same time as the PhotoMerge program, the Adobe 'Fill' feature won't be able to work even if selected, and you end up with the same kind of dark areas.
So with the photo below, either A, the PhotoMerge program used didn't have a 'Fill' feature, or B, the 'Fill' feature wasn't selected, or C, too much additional memory was being used, because dark areas are what it ended up with. And now you know the rest of the story.

On a different track, the Internet Figure below is another Fall Hole from Australia. What's interesting is that it is actually the old Australian friend Figure 1 in Starrgram 11, only from a different angle just in-shore over Victoria, Australia. What is particularly interesting in the Figure below is the Negative pole Radionic Field similar to Figure 6 in Starrgram 2 in the background which the Fall Hole is sitting in. Also this time it is much farther away.

Who knows what stuff from the past may be out there and to come. Interesting things are happening more and more, and with more and more cell phones coming on line every hour, more and more are likely to get up on the web. Not to mention your own stuff now that this Revelationnum maybe has you looking towards the heavens at long last instead of your feet. Or rummaging through a dresser drawer looking for that twenty five year old photograph that maybe looks familiar. And with the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Ships around Earth every day now instead of just thousands, the ante gets bumped up yet again.
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