Photographs like the ones below, some of which are iffy at best, are less for showing off a particular Radionic effect than for showing that Radionic effects are everywhere throughout the media once you get the idea of what to look for. Radionic radials can be spotted in the backgrounds of TV, motion pictures, and newspapers by camera staff not paying attention and/or who have no idea what they are looking at. There are no doubt that thousands of good Radionic clouds images sit within the collective world media archives. For example, a local Computer magazine in Ottawa, Ontario called 'The Monitor' had a perfect Radionic Cloud looking almost exactly like Figure 31 in Starrgram 3 behind its front page logo banner for years. Similarly, the local Weather Channel in Ottawa had a full blown Radionic Cloud morphing through its changes in real time throughout the nineties even as the announcer was morphing through the day's current weather changes in drone time.
Unfortunately, it's impossible to muse through the collective body of Media in storage in one shot web site searches like the 'sky', 'cloud', and 'Chemtrail' reservoirs on the Internet Search Engines. Nonetheless, by luck and by golly, a few good examples have managed to pop up here and there along the way. For example, the following Negative pole image found on the Internet, was taken the morning after a block long wood frame condo under construction caught fire and burned to the ground near downtown Los Angeles on December 9, 2014. The image had appeared in an ABC news broadcast the following day.
The cloud formation below, like the flying V Figures in Starrgram 3 is fairly typical for a Positive Pole Anchor Ship Field. The photo was taken in Seattle Washington on the weekend of April 24, 2017, and published in the Daily on May 5, 2017. The globes are interesting in their own right. The Internet Giant Amazon. com is attempting to create a novel new more conducive Biosphere working space for its employees. So put together a prototype of three Globes in Downtown Seattle as a beta test. Not shrimps, the largest is 535 feet high. Talk about your high rollers. Wonder if a roll of dice is how they'll choose who's going to work there.

Similarly, the following image of a Negative pole Radionic Field was taken from Episode 5 of Season 4 of the TV series Warehouse 13, circa 2011. The field was in its start up phase like Figure 7 of Starrgram 2. The inserted text came from the show, which may or may not have been telegraphing where the field was from. Not forgetting that the filming of these kind of shows is often nowhere near where the show says it is.

Likewise, the following right half of a Negative pole image was taken from the movie 'Desperation', filmed in Nevada, USA circa 2006. Ordinary cloud cover is moving in from the left, and/or the ionnic stuff is moving in from the right. Quite possibly footage left on the editing room floor could contain the whole field. At any rate, no denying that it is what it is for all that it's worth. And that's about all that can be said about that given that.

On the other hand, the following unmistakable Radionic image of a Mother Ship Field looking similar to Figure 35 in Starrgram 5 was discovered in the opening few seconds of another movie. If you're really on the ball you might Grok the title. In case you don't know how to Grok, it was 'Ice Sharks' circa 2016. How can you tell.
The movie was filmed in Utah. If you don't know what 'Grok' is. it came from Robert A Heinlein's groundbreaking Sci Fi novel 'Stranger in a strange land' circa,1961. And means to intuitively understand something.

Similarly, the following remarkably good image of a Negative monopole Radionic Field was found in the opening credits of the movie 'Deja Vu', circa, November 2006. The scene was shot in New York at a Hudson River ferry terminal. Best guess the view was looking is to the North West. Also shown as Figure 19 in Starrgram 8.

Similarly, a Positive pole Radionic Field was used as the backdrop for a (CGI) Computer Generated Image of the Star Trek crew frantically escaping the bad guys on a Planet where the Enterprise had crashed landed in the movie 'Star Trek Beyond'. The first Star Trek movie was released in December 7, 1979, to great hype. This last movie was release on July 16, 2016, to even greater hype. Two things, first it looks s bit like Hal from Figure 35 in Starrgram 2 had a part in the movie. Second, wherever the backdrop was actually from, the arrow pointing in from the right seems to have been borrowed straight out of Figure 4 in Starrgram 8.

Another hot movie of old was recently noticed to have up a Radionic Cloud in the background, for all of four seconds in the last twenty minute segment of the movie 'The Incredibles' premiered in October, 2004. The heroes were fighting the bad guy in the down town area of a big Metropolitan City. Stuff was constantly getting heaved up and/or blown up skyward. Every time the camera looked up, the sky was filled with Radionic radials. Suddenly, at the 1:40:48 mark, there it was for all of about four seconds, a fully fledged Radionic Mother Ship Field in all its glory as shown below. Notice the Radials wrapping all around a center area. Unlike Figure 2 in Starrgram 5, the center area is not completely empty.
The cluttered center area was through the influence of a second Radionic Field present in the area. Notice the straight lines of the second Field coming up at the lower right. Which never did get exposed to the camera. Best guess is that assorted sky views had been filmed all day used a the sky backdrop whenever need. Probably well worked out in advance on a chalkboard accounting for the assorted field's extended continuity. Also proving once and again that these things have been around everywhere and anywhere for awhile.

The backdrop sky clip had evidently been run into the evening hours. In the last few minutes of the film an all new foe had emerged in a new setting, gearing up as a promo for a sequel. The same Radionics background was still in play, but now as seen below, caught in a beautiful red highlight from the last moments of a setting Sun similar to Figure 20 in Starrgram 3.
The sequel to 'The Incredibles' finally came out as 'Incredibles 2' on June 5, 2018, fourteen years later. This time, instead of twenty odd minutes of a busy Radionic Sky, the very definite looking Negative Pole Radionnic Field shown below appeared for all of 3 seconds. The field was in a blip scene which had also been shown as an identical blip in the previous movie. The previous one though only had big fluffy cumulus clouds so it obviously wasn't simply the same clip re-used. But what is it with these guys anyway, every time they do an Inscredibles movie, Radionnics somehow show up in it.
10 - Blink you miss it.
On the other hand, the following Figure is from the movie 'Den of Thieves, released on January 19, 2018. The sky view lasted for about a minute and a half. The story was located in Los Angeles. About half way though the movie the sic, good guy went down to the beach at sunrise to mellow out. His head had just been squashed in the night before with some of the bad guys getting away and the divorce and everything. No doubt the passing flock of birds did the mellow trick, big flocks of birds murmerimng back and forth are good for that. If he had looked up at the Positive Pole Radionnic Cloud, plus Mother Ship Field like Figure 23 of Starrgram 7 instead, he might have mellowed even faster.

A little bit of both irony and serendipity both creeps into the next two photographs below. Figure 12b was screen captured straight from an email promotion a photo enhancement company had sent out promoting their next new can't live without it version on September 12, 2018. The irony is that the original version they emailed out advertising the benefits of their product by first principle, was no where near as good as the enhanced version Figure 12a done by this word smither. The enhanced version had been taken through the same forty one click process through five different photo enhancement programs that all six hundred and fifty plus photos of this Disclosure have gone though for six hundred and sixty plus best foot forwards
The serendipity of course, as you probably are already well aware, is that the enhancement brings right out into the open as bold as brass a Radionic Mother Ship Ship Cloud sitting across the landscape and in behind the lenticular cloud covering the mountain top. The very point for why the other six hundred and fifty photos were likewise enhanced. The photo even has a small Mother Ship Field, a la' Figure 10 of Starrgram 5 standing right above the camera lens on the mountain. It even has a very sharp vertical sitting Mobile Scout Ship Condensate sitting at the very upper left edge, as well as in the next open blue area over, as well as another very small pod like Radionic Mother Ship Field at the very upper right. Quite the busy doings.
Similarly, you have to concede that the advertised program did a pretty good job on the original photo in it's own right. After all, it's competing herein against all five of the major known photo enhancement programs combined.
12a - And you thought I was just a photograph.
12b - Be the best you can be. There's a lot of 'can' in that.
Wherever this company is getting their sample photographs from, it must be in the neighborhood of Shangri La. Because following below is another photograph from their website sporting a white Mother Ship Cloud in the upper right. Remember that the criterion for a Radionic Cloud is that the Radial line at the left go of to the left, up the middle in the middle, and ones at the right go off to the right and this is certainly exhibiting that.
13 - I'm Radionic, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Similarly, the image of a Mother Ship Radionic Field looking a bit like Figure 21 of Starrgram 5, was taken from a CBS Sacramento news broadcast, circa, May 19, 2016.

This time the image below is from a news story in the KRON 4 Bay Area News Station website, the following Fall Hole photo was taken on September 14, 2018. That it's a Fall Hole and not a fallstreak hole is obvious by the slew of Radionic Mobile Scout Ships condensates across the middle top of the cloud. If that wasn't enough, what about the Mobile ships all through the popcorn area across the middle. Of course the Scientists all explained it a s a "fallstreak hole" or "hole punch cloud." cause that's all they know. The cause of the Fall Hole outbreak was carefully explained in Figure 34 in Starrgram 11.
15 - We find this Bay area pretty interesting, lots of people eating Vegan and
drinking Perrier water.
Likewise, the following Father Ship image shown as Figure 1 of Starrgram 11 is from an Australian ABC press release dated November 2, 2014, about a Fall Hole sighting in Victoria East, Australia. To remind you, Scientists call such formations Fall Streak Holes, or Hole Punch clouds on the theory that water particles have frozen and fallen through the cloud cover punching open the hole. The magnetic eyelash ionnizations around the formation however, is the Father Ship giveaway. A quick but careful check shows that it is the same Fall Hole as in Figure 41 of Starrgram 12, just taken from the different location, obviously at a different time. Victoria East and Phillip Island aren't far apart. Also shown as Figure 1 in Starrgram 11.

Nothing pulls on the strings of whimsy as much as the following Figure from a story in the Australian Herald Sun, dated March 12, 2017. The article was about the famous Melbourne Westall High School sighting in 1996, where 300 students and staff witnessed a whole fleet of UFOS fly by and land in a nearby field. The report had been soundly pooh-pahed by the pundits for 50 years. In particular, the articled featured the Clayton South UFO Park Memorial built in memory of the sighting. Where the whimsy comes in is that the photo of the Memorial shown below, has an open center Saucer Shaped Mother Ship Radionic Field like sitting right above it.
17 - Crickey Mate, I hear you calling.
As said, if one of a thing is a thing, two of the thing is proof. Just to make sure the point wasn't missed, whimsy did it again. A second photo of the same memorial,. but taken from the opposite side features yet another Radionic Cloud effect again sitting in plain sight right overhead. To remind you, the main tell tale of a Radionic Cloud signature is that the Radial lines splay outward like the fingers of an open hand. The lines at the left go out to the left, the lines up the middle go up the middle, and the lines at the right go out to the right. See also in the Figure above. They must have done something right down there, two for the price of one is a pretty good get no matter where it is.

Lightning doesn't strike twice except in Radionics. An even more ironic example of whimsy exists in Canada. In nineteen sixty six, the small town of St, Paul in the North East corner of the Province of Alberta, Canada build what is now a World famous UFO landing pad in the middle of its downtown core. The purported purpose was to sic, attract in a UFO. Actually, it was intended to attract in tourists by the thousands which it does.
Countless thousands of photographs have no doubt been taken over the years. Hundreds now show up on an Internet Google Search for the keyword 'St. Paul Landing Pad'. Like above, two of the photos sport Radionnic Ships attracted in plain as day completely unsuspected sitting overhead. The first photo below shows a Positive Pole Radionnic Anchor Scout Ship visible via the Positive Polarity Radionnic Cloud sitting directly overhead. I.e., hiding in plain sight.

The second shows that a Negative Polarity Radionnic Anchor Scout Ship is present, revealed by the fact of the Negative Polarity Radionnic Field sitting overhead.

The Aussies are not known for doing anything half measure. Figures 13 and 14 above are good examples. Their National Rugby Union team 'Wallabies', is one of the world's best. Their Rugby League brand of rugby is one the world's roughest, a cross breed between the mayhem and the of World Federation Wrestling and Rugby, only without the fake. So when a photograph from Sidney, Australia taken on August 30, 2018, turned up on the website featuring a bunch of nifty ice halos, it was no surprise to discover the halos interspersed amongst no less than eight distinctly different kinds of Radionnic events.
The first is a small Positive Pole Flying V Anchor Ship Field sitting above the sun. The second is a Father Ship Field like Figure 5 in Starrgram 6, interacting with the first and visible by its faint horizontal lines across the lower middle and spread a bit to the right. The third is an ice halo right in the middle of the photograph, featuring a small very diffuse saucer shaped Father Ship Field kind of like Figure 2b in Starrgram 4. The fourth is a small horizontal Father Ship Field visible by Radial line arcing upwards to the right just above the open branched trees left of the sun. The fifth is a small horizontal Mother Ship Field at the bottom left, visible by very definite Radial lines rising to the left. The sixth is a open hole Mother Ship Field similar to Figure 2 in Starrgram 5 in the lower middle left edge. And the seventh is a large Mother Ship Field off camera to the left, visible by the Radial lines coming in from the left middle edge. Not to mention the gumballs all over the small ice halo at the bottom right.

As seen, Radionic background clouds get in everywhere. Like the movies above in Figures 6 to 11, the panoramic image of a beautiful Positive Pole Anchor Ship Field below was screen captured from the Movie 'Fracture' from 2007. This movie was filmed at a small airport near Encino, Los Angeles. In the movie, the car had just left a hanger and was screaming hell bent for leather out hard to the left with the camera following right behind for dramatic effect. The Negative Pole Radionic Cloud flashed by in all of about 3 seconds. The private plane going by, plus the stubble burn in the distance is a nice incidental touch for naturally caused realism.

The following pretty pink fingered sunset view of a Mother Ship taken in Nova Scotia Canada, was likewise found on YouTube. The date and exact locale are unknown, but the Global Canada TV logo and time stamp at the bottom right are a certain giveaway that this was from a Local Global Canada TV news broadcast.
Pretty pink sunsets occur from time to time when the rays of the setting sun pass through an opening in the clouds at just the right height to allow it to shine straight across a lower cloud cover lighting up the bumpy bottoms underneath. The same effect lit up some of the Mother Ship and Father Ship Radiations in Starrgrams 5 and 6. Talk about being in the pink.

And of course, if you appear in movies at all the probability is high that you also live in Hollywood. Particularly true if you are a famous actress whose first name is Denise and your last name starts with R. Plus, you were married for a while to a very famous actor who was big in a popular TV sitcom about two and half men. Who succumbed to the constant psychic pressure of millions upon millions of people constantly seeing him as a letch and had a major melt down. And you just rented your fabulous LA mansion to an even more famous very jollie Actress who had just left an even more famous Actor who wasn't exactly the pitts.
Which brings things around to the following image below from the Internet, which was part of a major press release on the 6th of October 2016, when the very jolly AJ rented the very happy DR's luxurious La La land palace of leisure called 'Hidden Hills' for an exorbitant sum. Which pleased DR no end because now she was that much richard. And the whole world was watching because that's the kind of Angelinic stuff they spend all their time watching these days instead of important stuff like who won the lotto. If you didn't get any of that, Angelina Jolie leased Denise Richards fabulous LA estate 'Hidden Hills' just after leaving Brad Pitt for alleged extra marital peccadilloes. And you thought that kind of stuff was only in Soap Operas.
What nobody seemed to notice in all their bubbling enthusiasm over the titillating news report however, was the absolutely perfect Negative Pole Radionic Field sitting almost right behind the house in the picture which was used in the press release to announce the whole entangled affair to the whole untangled public masses.

Likewise, the following many miles long Mother Ship Ship sitting in all it's pristine beauty, also shown as Figure 29 in Starrgram 5 came off the Internet from a March 15th, 2017 news story about Lake Tahoe returning to full capacity as a result of extensive rains through January and February of 2017. Good news all around it would seem. Really goes to show that for some silver linings there is a Radionic Cloud.
Look at the left end again compared to the left end in Figure 28 of Starrgram 5. Almost the same even if the rest of the Field isn't so on point.

On the other hand, the partial Positive Pole Radionic Field below covered half the front page of the August 7, 2018, online edition of the Grimsby NewsNow, located just South of Hamilton, Ontario along the Western shore of Lake Ontario. This is about as 'Media' as it gets. The image is an artist's rendition of a proposed addition to the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario. Like Figure 9 above, a computerized foreground was superimposed over a stock sky background photograph to make it look like real.

On July20,2018, the Winnipeg Free Press ran an article about a new Community Center project slated to go in near the Bridgewater Town Center in Winnipeg's South end. Hanging right over an empty lot photo of the proposed development lot shown below, was an all but perfect Negative Pole Radionic Field. Given that this Revelationnum also has some photos from a Winnipeg Friend of the cause, seems like Winnipeg has more going for it than just super cold winters.
27 - We concur, good spot to build it.
To re-cap, in the early seventies Vancouver, British Columbia is where this word smither was first made aware of the Radionic Fleet. In the mid nineties Ottawa, Ontario, was where this word smither first learned about the Radionnic Clouds aspect. As originally mentioned, Ottawa had been a humdinger for Radionnic Clouds. And by the assorted photos which have come in from Ottawa for this Disclosure, still is. So it was no big surprise to find a fully formed Negative Pole Anchor Ship Field hanging right overtop of Ottawa's big national Sports Arena as plain as day for all to see.
The photograph below is from a recent article about major Sports stadiums that could have been better designed or better located. In this case better located. It sits sixteen mile out of town with only one way in or out. You think LA has bad traffic jams, try and head home just after a game at the Canadian Tire Centre.

And at last, from a magazine source and not the Internet for a change, the following image of a Negative Polarity Radionic Field was scanned in from an article in the February 13, 2017 copy of Time magazine. The article was about traditional Chinese dancers performing on the second day of the Lunar New Year, on January 29, 2017. Like said, these fields are all over the world, all of the heh heh time.
As another little aside arcane tidbit, the Island of Taiwan was traditionally part of China. Now there is a big dispute going on about is they is or is they isn't. Chan says they is, Taiwan says they isn't. At one time it was no big deal from an economic standpoint. Now of course it's a very big deal as Taiwan is a high tech powerhouse. But it wasn't always. After the war Japan freaked out the US by opening up the overseas electronic wars with stereos and photocopiers.
Then IBM PCs desk top computers came along. And Taiwan grabbed the brass ring real fast by starting to export PC clones and components. Which now comprise almost the entirety of the World desk top Computing market. Korea, then finally China jumped into the fray as the market expoded from a few desktops in a few countries, to everybody's desktop in every country. And now of course cell phones. The point is, that literally overnight Taiwan jumped from dirt poor farmers to high tech millionaires.
In the later eighties this word smither knew a senior engineer from the then Canadian Telecommunications giant Northern Telecom Who then changed their name to Nortel. Who in the late nineties then lied through their teeth about how much money they were making. Who then after the late nineties dot com bust saw their stock sitting at just a couple of dollar down from a hundred and fifty per share, plus a couple of senior executives down for the count in jail for awhile.
The engineer was Taiwanese. In the late eighties he and this word smither were talking about the incredible change Taiwan was undergoing. Who remarked, 'Ten years ago I go home to visit and I the rich guy. Now I go home and I the poor guy. Nothing like a few cleverly cloned mother boards for making everyone a fortune.

Sometimes the backgrounds just scream out at you. The seriously composed graphic work below promoting visit tickets to Israel, sports another library fetched background sky. This time sporting a nicely evident Positive Pole Anchors Ship Cloud. It's pretty good guess that they weren't suggesting that if you go to Israel you will see a Radionnic Cloud. But it's also a pretty obvious guess that they liked what they saw when they browsed the selection for backdrop. Or the Director's young daughter took the photo, or spouse. In any case there's no getting around it, 'There's glory in the sky' around them there parts, presumably by proxy.

The last place you would expect to find a Negative Polarity Radionic Cloud like Figure 9 in Starrgram 2, is on the album cover of an LP record. But then why not, the Ships are everywhere so why not gracing vinyl. Even more fun in this case, the album is 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' by Richard Strauss. You may remember that the piece was used as the opening back drop to Stanly Kubrik's Space Odyssey '2001', released in 1968. It was about Aliens and other off World shenanigans. Kind of fitting. What goes around indeed comes around. Look at today, everybody is starting to talk about Aliens and other off World shenanigans and have completely forgotten about 2001.

Here is another case where a Radionic backdrop is used to help reel a spiel. Some really creative Photo Shopping skills created the front part, the Negative Polarity Radionic Field in back was probably swapped in just as it originally was. Hard to tell whether that's a flock of birds, a fleet of little Mobile Ships, or a bug in the software at the center right and extreme lower left. At any rate, kudos to somebody for a slick looking production well done. Wonder what B Z sells.

Then the Internet movie giant Netflix got into the act. Netflix sends out regular emails to all of its subscribers announcing the latest addition they think they might like. Sure enough, the August 2, 2018, blurb for the movie, 'Guernsey', featured the heroine standing by the sea shore halo-ed by a Father Ship Field as shown below. The ad also featured a Mother Ship Field off her shoulder to the right.
33 - Go see the movie now, free potato peel pie for the first one hundred
A supreme surprise for everyone from a news story about the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC, was found on the website on June 28, 2018. The articled featured the following Positive Pole Field sitting over the Court House like it was listening in. The case for it looking very similar to the Positive pole Field in Starrgram 4 of Starrgram 3 just couldn't be dismissed.

Every now and then as shown above, a bit of Cosmic whimsy comes along. You might also remember Figure 27 in Starrgram 2, where hundreds of people sat in a lecture hall listening to speculations about the tin pot UFOs, fueling even more speculations that they might exist. All the while a real McCoy was sitting right up there out back. All they had to do was go out and look. The Figure below is from a news article in the 'The Guardian' UK newspaper website on May 18, 2018. The article was about the US Pentagon which had just admitted to having investigated UFO sightings for the past five years.
The interesting part is that the newspaper had front ended the article with a photograph of a hand painted parking sign from an outdoor UFO rally somewhere at some time. The whimsy part is that as plain as day, the sky above the sign was filled with a Father Ship Radionic Cloud in all its glory. The real whimsy though, is that presumably thousands of people sat around at the rally all day hoping to see a tin pot or two zipping by. While everything they could possibly hope for was sitting right overhead as bold as brass. Same as this word smither in Vancouver in the summer of 1971. Who looked all day at dozens of Radionic Ships up in the sky all at the same time fueling Radionic Clouds in all directions, and never twigged on what the broken glass looking sky was all about. Talk about seeing but seeing not.
35 - Maybe Morrow Fuels had something to do with it. You know like, 'Call
tomorrow for your fuel today'.
Another image off the Internet where crowds are involved, features the Pope giving everyone the bird. The photograph was from an article about the Pope in the ' website on August 26,2018. In the background is a partially cloud covered Negative Pole Radionnic Field looking in. Nothing like a beautiful Dove of Peace for bringing a big happy smile on everyone's face.

Likewise, there's nothing like having really really big crowds involved. It was said at the beginning of this Revelationnum that the Radionic Fleet has been here for ages and in earnest since the fifties. It was also mentioned just above that one of the first official observations by this wordsmither was in 1971. Here's proof that it wasn't just simply a maybe conjecture. The following is a screen capture of the logo Disney has been using for years. Including for the movie 'Sleuth' from 1972. As the Figure clearly shown, the logo has a captivating backdrop. Without knowing, the designers had incorporated a late evening photograph with a Radionic Mother Ship Field sitting clearly visible in the pending night sky.
Hiding in plain sight, no kidding, how about also right up front in the whole World's face, Disney isn't exactly a neighbourhood operation. Wonder what was in the whole original photo. There is no doubt whatever however, about why they chose this particular photograph for their front piece. As in, 'When you wish upon a starr'....
37 - 'Makes no difference where you are..'.
As the following screen capture from the Movie 'Cinderella' circa, 2015, forty three years later shows Disney is still showing the same logo. It's the exact same except expanded by the modern miracle of modern cinematic technology. It is now bigger, sharper, with a lot more stars, and using a lot more of the original background photograph. And lo and behold, you now have also a small second Mother Ship Field sitting as a clear as a bell up the far center left. It's obvious now that what they did was not superimpose a bunch of graphics over a sky background, they slapped their castle over a whole evening scenic photograph. Talk about never changing a winning lineup. And talk about sitting barefaced in front of everybody. You think?

The year nineteen seventy two, like in Figure 34 above might seem a long way back. But what about nineteen fifty seven. The following image was found in a UFO article on the website of The Telegraph UK Newspaper on July 20, 2018. The article was about the photo which had been taken on the Mescalero Indian Reservation near Three Rivers New Mexico, October 16, 1957. Notice the scant Mother Ship ionizations up the top right. And on close inspection, Mobile Scout Ships condensates can be seen along the top edge and right edge of the white cloud at the center. Also notice the large Father Ship Condensate similar to Figure 48 of Starrgram 6 sitting open air in the lower left center. A good bet that it was probably why the photographs was taken, as they for sure didn't know about the Radionic factor back then.
39 - 'Something's happening here',,.
The Figure above may be a really early Radionic photograph found by this word smither, but it is not the earliest discovered occurrence. The Figure below is a reprint of the World Famous painting 'Island Georgian Bay', by the World Famous artist, 'Franklin Carmichael'. who was a member of Canada's seven world famous Post Impressionist painters, called the world famous, 'Group of Seven'. The painting was done in 1917. Given that it was probably sketched first then painted in from memory, Mr. Carmichael nonetheless still managed to capture in the traces of a Father Ship Field at the upper right side, plus a Mother Ship Field underneath it towards the center. Be willing to bet that it was the sky that captured the artist's muse that day, as little islands are a dime a dozen throughout that whole region of Georgian Bay.

There is no doubt that many such examples are waiting to be discovered going all the way back to the early part of the century now that you know what to look for. Should you spot something in anything, it would be greatly appreciated if you would send it with any info you can about it production to the email address below for inclusion in this Revelationnum.
This Starrgram above all in this Revelationnum is the most important for a reason none of the others can boast. Namely, it sports the unvarnished truth about Radionic Ships. This is the Starrgram where the expression 'Hiding in plain site, bared faced in the noonday Sun' really gets to mean something. In all the other Starrgrams, the photographs were taken either by somebody in the know, or by somebody who thought the sky looked unusual, or even that the Radial lines were Chemtrails. At least at any rate, always for a logical reason. The point is that the photos were not taken or posted on the Internet for purely arbitrary reasons. On the other hand, every Radionic occurrence in this Starrgram is strictly by an arbitrary reason.
Somebody cranking on a movie camera, or photo-oping a publicity piece did so completely oblivious to what was going on behind the target. Which serves two goods. First, it proves that Radionic events are strictly 'there' there's, and are not choreographed, and second that they are in fact all over the World. Interestingly enough, nothing useable has turned up yet on Facebook which is very world wide. Not to say nothing's in there, just not yet come across. Most of you know about Facebook, their motto is world famous sic, 'We let you do anything you want so we can see everything you're doing'.
Likewise, speaking about items that are always in the news, for the record, something which most people don't know is that Sci Fi writer Fredrik Pohl, and Sci Fi writer Robert Heinlein who was mentioned above in Figure 5, both had a hand in the founding of Scientology. Scientology wasn't founded by Sci Fi writer L.Ron Hubbard just to make money as everyone supposes. The time was the late forties. Sci Fi anthologist Judith Merril was married at the time to Sci Fi Writer Frederik Pohl. She, Frederik, plus Sci Fi chums Poul Anderson, L. Ron Hubbard, and Robert Heinlein used to meet around Judith and Fredrik's kitchen table on Friday night over a bottle of wine in order to discuss their latest Sci Fi projects and swap notes and ideas. One of them mentioned that a new story idea they were wrestling with was about cults. But because cults were still a very difficult grey zone and esoteric subject, not well understood at the time he wasn't getting anywhere. 'Posh tish' L. Ron piped up, 'Cults are trivial, anybody can start up one in no time for just about anything you can imagine'. All you have to do is convince at least one other person to believe in the same off the wall thing you do and presto you have a cult.
A fierce intellectual debate as you might expect ensued almost immediately, and the matter was eventually settled by a bet over a bottle of wine. A couple of months later L. Ron presented Scientology and won the bet. Scientology of course then developed wings of its own, and has been soaring higher than a kite in a hurricane ever since.
You are free to repost or use any part of this information, or all, anyway you like as long as you provide a link or reference to the website or book as source.
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