To review, the fourth octave of the fourth dimension is the bridge between the lower three astral planes and the higher three. As explained earlier, the Outer Creation comprises seven great Super Universes having seven different dimensions in each representing forty nine different distinct frequencies. Each frequency higher in vibration than the one below. The forty nine levels of the fourth dimension as a whole reflects the Outer Creation as a whole, where every level reflects one of the forty nine different Outer Creation frequencies.
The fourth dimension is therefore the dimension of change, where the frequency changes reflect the progressive change in vibration from the very dense Matter Substance substantiations of the third dimension to the much higher refined Morontia Substance substantiations of the fifth. The fourth octave of the fourth dimension being the fourth of the fourth, reflects the nature of these changes more than any of the other octaves.
The fourth octave is therefore the busiest of all in the fourth dimension and the one which took the brunt of the negative influences which came around in the wake from the Luciferian Rebellion. And the frequency where the consciousness of Mankind as a whole is stuck. It is therefore the octave where most of the work is currently being done in cleaning up the frequencies in the all inclusive inter dimensional clean up in the aftermath of the Rebellion known as Armageddon.
It is therefore one of the octaves where the greater number of Radionnic Scout Ships are to be found. The Revelatorium, which you can access through the links to the right, deals with these aspects in full detail in the Starrgram titled 'Seven Dimension of the Outer Creation', plus others.
To confess, a bit of a cheat has been going on here. Only the Mother and Father Ships plus the Anchor Scout Ships produce the great Radionnic Cloud arrays that most of the forgoing has been about. By far the greater body of Radionnic Ships are Mobile Scout Ships, which only produce very nominal Radionnic fields, and usually not at all.
Again to repeat, the rule with ?Radionnic Ships is very simple, The higher up they are in the octaves of the fourth dimension, the more Radionnic lines you see and the less Ship condensations. The higher up in the levels of the fourth dimensional octaves, the more ephemeris seeming the condensations, the lower the level, the more solid seeming. In the third dimension itself, they seem completely solid but you could still fly though them in a Cessna.
Like the optimistic party who set up a 'Rapture' Facebook Group titled 'In case of Rapture there will be no more status updates', it is true that if you actually do see a fully condensated Radionnic silver Ship in the third dimension there is no more mystery. As has been shown so far, in the higher dimensions without an understanding there is always a mystery.
Radionnic Clouds and condensations are the key. Once a Radionnic Anchor Ship has settled into a location, it stays put for awhile. Mobile Radionnic Ships, and Mother and Father Ships on the other hand move around all over the place inside the magnetic umbrella set up by a pair of Anchor Ships. On the other hand, all you need to do is pinch yourself to know that the third dimension is the dimension of corporal manifestation. If you are going to see a Mobile Scout Ship first hand, this is where you're going to see it.
There are numerous types of Anchor and Mobile Scout Ships, accounting for the numerous types of Radionnic fields in Starrgram 2 and 3, weather conditions not withstanding. The most common type of Mobile Scout Ship, accounting for most of the sightings are the ever popular ever famous ever so called silver flying saucers of yore. The silver Ships are Positive pole and as the following Figure from the Internet shows some are actually more pill shaped.
Most of the silver Ship sightings are because you are ready to be shown the reality of the Radionnic Ships because you believe in your heart that they actually exist. A Mobile Scout Ship can lower it's frequency of band of visibility in the third dimension. You will likely see the Ship as a beautiful molybdenum silver M&M. It will be for your eyes only, the people around you will see nothing. It would seem solid but a bird would fly right though it.

Negative pole Mobile Scout Ships in the third dimension, being denser consist of large dark blobs, and are much more likely to be observed as they are much more difficult to hide outright. Figure 36 in Starrgram 2 held more than just a few white dot surprises. As shown below, a very condensated dark blob was also sitting just above the trees.

An all but identical dark blob, sitting right out in the open was also found on the Internet as seen below.

On the other hand by far the most common form of Radionnic Ships are Mobile Scout Ships in the lower levels of the third octave of the fourth dimension. The Ships are also somewhat solid seeming, comprising pure small spheres like gumballs. The Ships are not corporeal. Akin to the Radionnic Clouds of the earlier Starrgrams, you see a condensation of water vapour into the volume occupied by the Ship, giving the appearance of corporeality. The idea is simple. The ship causes water vapor in the atmosphere to precipitate into its area as a wetware like replica of itself. It does not have to be in an area of heavily ionnized water vapor to do it, the atmosphere has at leas some moisture in it at all times.. If you replaced every particle of the Ship with a molecule of water moisture you would end up with a version of the Ship in the fourth dimensional which is perfectly visible in the third but isn't solidly corporal.
Denser looking objects like the two above are just denser concentrations of condensation. Likewise, the Negative Pole condensations are denser than the Positive Pole ones at any given frequency. The following image off the Internet is of a Positive pole Spherical Mobile Ship. Gumball spheres have a very small number of people on board. Liken gumball Ships to small delivery vehicles in a big city, running around everywhere doing deliveries and other similar chores.

Though hard to see in the figure below taken from the Internet, a Type 4 type Positive pole gumball sits causing a commotion at the center left of the image below. As you can see, though not large it still has quite a dynamic effect on the clouds around it.

The Negative polarity version of a gumball is dark with a light spot. More often than not, the respective spots aren't visible because of the angle seen. As the scenic picture below found on the Internet clearly shows, opposite is opposite. Notice that the light spot is away from the sun. Notice also there is a mauvish fourth octave sphere along the lines of Figure 17 in Starrgram 15 sitting behind the telephone line at the upper right.

The number of different types of Mobile Scout Ships in the third octave of the fourth dimension are many and varied. At the lowest level as described above are the small Spherical Ships euphemistically called gum balls. In the middle levels of the third octave, things change and the gumballs acquire a precipitation of dense condensation around them. The result is gumballs surrounded by a seeming donut. The gumball is the habitat. The Positive polarity Mobile Scout Ship shown below off the Internet was photographed in Kelsey Bay on Vancouver Island BC, Canada in 1981. A lot of work has been done trying to debunk or decode this particular item as it looks pretty purine. A search for the location and date will turn up numerous analytic and journalistic websites about it.

A blow up shows it to be a light coloured gumball nestled in a dark coloured donut.

Another version has a slightly darker gumball in a lighter donut as the following Figure from the Internet shows. The thickness of the donut in any precipitated condensation Ship can vary. The variant below is a thicker and narrower donut around the center ball as the Figure also shows.

Though not as clear as ideal could be, the blow up below is a clear case where a really big blow up plus lots of crafty enhancements can really make the day. Close scrutiny shows that the big brown gumball looking object near the top center in the figure below turns out to be a Type Figure 8 type precipitation, casting a hefty dark shadow beneath it looking itself like a ball. Similarly, a Positive pole version of a Type 9 type precipitation with a white gumball sits at the one o'clock position up from it at the very center lower top area of the image. As previously stated, having two of a thing confirms the thing. The chances of two different people, at two different times, at two completely different places on the Planet Photo Shopping the exact same fake UFO is not particularly high.

An upper level of the third octave variant of Figures 8 and 9 sees a much larger gumball sitting higher on a much more diffuse donut. The following side by side Figures below, also found on the Internet are a respective close up Negative and Positive pole condensate of the variation. The Figure unfortunately started from very small original pixel sized photos so did not enlarge to screen size all too happily. Nonetheless, enough preserved to give you an idea of what it is about.
As you can see, rather than being inside a solid donut, it seems to be surrounded by a ring of scout ship stuff. Makes you think of 'Ring World'. Whatever it is, it is a dark ball on dark ring on the one hand, and on a light ring on the other, so it's definitely a Negative and a Positive polarity Mobile Scout Ship variation.

Although scanty looking, the following Type 11 type Mobile Scout Ship is in a blowup of Figure 37 in Starrgram 2, sitting straight up above the water tower in the middle of the Figure which is sitting in front of a Positive Pole Radionnic field in the photograph.

Also in the upper levels of the third dimensional octave, the donut can give way to a flatter less symmetrical condensation sitting more under than around. The Negative polarity Mobile Scout Ship from off the Internet below shows a very distinct dark gumball globe on a very distinct flat foot condensation almost like a short surf board. Distinct foot and donut condensations are a common trait of this level of Mobile Ship projection. When determining whether a gumball condensate is Positive or Negative, the gumball part holds the key. If it is dark it's negative. If light, then Positive. The donut around it, and/or skateboard at the bottom can be variously light or dark depending on the circumstances.

It's the unique combination of gumball and foot which gives the condensates the distinctive seeming appearance of a classic UFOs of lore as the next Figure below clearly shows. As many of you probably aware, there is a lot more floating around the Space Station than just space junk. NASA cameras on the International Space Station (ISS) captured a well defined so called 'Flying Saucer' UFO image sitting just outside a window. A news story about it appeared in the UK newspaper '' on November 6, 2015. Take particular note of the original object inside the circle. Take a good look again. It's a Figure 12 type condensation free and clear. You can't make this stuff up. Well you could, but when fact is stranger than fiction why bother.
14 - Hey everyone, the Pizza guy's here.
Then by one of the most perfect timings on the planet, just as this Disclosure was being wrapped up in early September, 2017 to show the world, the following photograph from the Space Station popped up in the September 8, 2017 edition of the UK The Sun newspaper featuring a clear and distinct Negative pole Type 13 type condensation, a clear and distinct Positive pole partner, and a not so clear and distinct Positive pole Type 13 type buddy along for the ride. You had to know they knew they were going to be photographed. It's fun to think, and maybe even true to think that they did it deliberately to give this Disclosure a major boost with the Main Stream Media where it needs it the most. Convincing fervent UFO-ologists that the Radionnic Ships are real is one thing, convincing fervent scientific skeptics and Newspaper journalists is quite another.

A blow up of Figure 15 makes the day. Talk about a welcoming committee.

Just as the Anchor Scout Ships and Mother and Father Ships always project together in Positive and Negative pairs in the preservation of Cosmic Parity, Mobile Scout Ships also always project together in pairs not always seen. Figure 16 above however, shows it nicely with a Negative and Positive pole pair sitting side by side. Presumably a Negative pole partner for the Positive Pole third Ship is sitting out of view somewhere. Positive and Negative pole partners don't always have to be at the same frequency in the same location at the same time as the magnetic connection is through the fifth dimension where it is not directly seem.
As it is more common for a number of Mobile Scout Ships to project together in a cluster, it is usually very hard to figure out which who goes with which whom. In a blowup below of Figure 9 of Starrgram 2 taken in Brantford, on September 20, 2014 however, the matter is made easy. The ghost like outlines of a pair of Type 11 condensates can be easily seen at the middle right. The light Positive pole Ship is the upper of the two, the darker Negative pole Ship the lower.

A similar pair can be seen in a blowup of Figure 16 in Starrgram 6 below though not quite as easy. The Positive pole Ship is on the left and the Negative on the right. Even more interesting, the Ships are tied right into the Radionnic field of the Father Ship as the image shows. No one would ever recognize these with the naked eye, the clouds are your key.

These types of Mobile Ships in particular like to travel in fleets. Notice in the Figure below that those are not little fruit flies hovering around all over the place. They are Type 13 type condensates like the ones above. The irony is that you like to call the little fruit flies hovering aimlessly around your kitchen disposal, little flying saucers. Here you have big flying Saucers trying to look like little fruit flies. The closer they are the bigger they are. Keep in mind that when 3D gets photographed it becomes 2D.

Type 13 type condensates all over the place seems to be common. The following Figure from the Internet is presumably from a completely different time at a completely different place than Figure 19 above. Not as prolific this time there are nonetheless at least three obvious Type 13 condensates at the lower right plus two more at the center left. Blips are saucers like Figure 1 above but seen on edge. A nice blip sits just right of center, plus other condensates and gumballs sit scattered here and there all over.

The very blown up and enhanced image below from Figure 31 in Starrgram 6 is another instance that turns out to be packed with surprises which would never have been otherwise noticed without the blow up The field is filled with a plethora of different gumball and condensated types, particularly the clutch in the center area which is extremely had to see in the original. Including a variant of the Type 13 condensate featuring a very large gumball on a very small foot. A variety of condensates sit across the top of the left center cloud. Plus more the center and right near the bottom.
There is also an elongated variant of Type 11 gumball condensate sitting at the upper right, now looking like a badminton bird or Shuttle re-entry craft. You see how it goes in any of these Figures, just look around. Similarly some condensate stuff sits clearly visible all along the top of the upper left cloud of the original. In fact you can eyeball over most of the original and find something somewhere. Talk about the fleet being in.
21 - Hey over here, eh.
Another variant of upper third octave Mobile Ships has a barrel shaped habitat instead of gumball. The Figure below from the Internet in fact has two barrels. Barrels are the largest of the Mobile Scout Ships.
The Figure below, shown 'as is' off the Internet, also has it all, barrels, gumballs, blips, at least three blob condensations, and even has a reddish haze condensate a bit like the mauve patch in Figure 6 above sitting just left of center.
Also notice the wake trails from the barrel Ships, which seem like rocks in a stream as the cloud cover moves left to right across the screen. Even though these things are small, are in the upper third octaves, and are vaporous rather than solid, they still carry a considerable quasi corporality when combined with their magnetics. The large brown hunk at the center top is an unknown partial Mother or Father Ship variant, which is very substantive as no clouds get by it.

The discussions above were of Mobile Scout Ships projecting into the assorted levels of the third octave, having a sort of solid looking corporality, the lower the level the more solid the look. When they project into the higher levels of the third octave they loose some of their hard core corporality. They look much the same but appear more vaporous. Throw a paper airplane and it would go right through.
As explained in Starrgram 15, the next frequencies up from the third dimension are the fourth dimension. As also earlier explained, the fourth dimension has seven octaves factored into seven levels each for a total of forty nine higher and higher frequencies. As shown a little in Starrgram 15, Radionnic Ships can also project into the different levels of different octaves. Back up into the lower levels of the fourth octave, things back off from condensated and look a bit more nebulous.
The rule is simple. If you look at just about any photo of an Anchor Ship field, even if ones you subsequently take yourself the chances are you are likely to find one or more gumballs, and/or blips, and/or condensates. The nice little surprise mentioned in Figure 3 of Starrgram 2, the first Positive pole Radionnic photo taken in Brantford, is a hard to see lower fourth octave Type 10 type condensate sitting right in the middle just right of the cloud as shown below. How hard you ask, the original Starrgam 3 photograph had been looked at off and on many many times by this word smither since June of 2014. It wasn't until December 18, 2016 that the Mobile Scout Ship condensate was actually noticed for what it was for the first time.
Two things about it. One, it wasn't in any way expected in there so was never noticed. There's no doubt about it, you see what you want to see. Second, Radionics is definitely a path of discovery. This form of white condensate sytting at the upper right is also often seen, and is often used as a model in sophisticated Si Fi movies such as 'Plan B from Planet X'. There are many many variants of Mother Ship and Father Ship Clouds, and there are many many variants of the Figures 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 13 Type condensates. Though not specified in the following examples the variations are plain to see. Figure 21 above is a good example, all are of a Type 12 but all individually just a little bit different.

A much better similar lower level fourth octave condensated Mobile Scout Ship is seen below sitting pretty as a picture right in the middle of a blow up of Figure 22 in Starrgram 2. How many times have these things graced the cover of a Sci Fi magazine over the years. This time it has an arrow pointing straight at it like a Neon light so you can't miss it. A quick check shows it to also be a Positive pole Type 11 type condensate with the dark ball sitting high on the disk. Notice the shadow underneath on the foot.

It likewise turns out that the Radionnic field of Figure 12 of Starrgram 3 had changed into the completely different looking Radionnic field of Figure 13 in Starrgram 3 in only a few short hours, because a new comer had come onto the scene. As the Figure below shows, a similar condensated lower level fourth octave Positive pole Mobile Scout Ship had showed up right in the middle of Figure 13. It may look a little bit conditionary, but it certainly isn't imaginary. The point to remember is that it had been nowhere to be seen at all just a few scant hours earlier. These things really putt around.
To make a point completely clear again, these Mobile ones on the move all the time are not the mammoth magnetic tow boat like Anchor Ships holding up the Radionnic fields which the Mobile ones are putting around in. Likewise, a quick check comparison shows the Ship below likewise to be a Positive Type 13 type condensate. As these examples all show, all polarity variations of gumball on foot are possible as are respective size of gumball and respective thickness of foot.

The Internet itself also obliged and produced a pair of lower fourth octave Type 11 type condensates too, sitting right on top of each other front and center in the middle left of the following Figure below, also shown as Figure 13 in Starrgram 8. Notice that while not fully materialized, these lower octave Ships are still substantive enough to have a direct effect on the Mother Ship Radionnic field Radiations moving upwards from below. There are a couple of other condensates also present in the view, look around.

Also from the Internet, the Figure below also has a perfect example of a small clutch of Type 11 type condensations riding high on wings of its own right in the lower center. A closer look shows it is accompanied by a couple of Negative polarity Type 13 type condensates sitting around, plus assorted gumballs.

Another Figure from the Internet below, is again of a Type 12 type condensate with a dark ball riding high on the skateboard. It sits just to the right of the CC logo.

Figure 36 in Starrgram 2 also displayed the somewhat hazy Positive pole Type 13 type condensation shown below. It is likely up close because it is one of the first things you notice in the original picture. It should be mentioned again that you usually don't see these things flying around, which take rime to condensate so have to be sitting around for awhile. Also, you usually don't see them when looking up in the sky. If you go back over most of the photos above, you'll see that most of them only came to light because some extensive blowing-up had been done.
If it takes blowing up a picture to see them at all in a photograph, what chance do you have to see one in real time when the photos being blown up are usually only a part of the whole visible Radionnic array which typically covers the whole sky. Silver Ships which have lowered their frequency to the third dimensional band of visibility are a different matter. That's all there is to see. You are supposed to see them so see them you do.

Likewise check out the blown up Father Ship lattice shown below from Figure 35 in Starrgram 6. There are a gaggle of gumballs and condensates in the clouds up the middle, not to mention as previously mentioned in Starrgram 8 a small Mother Ship pod partner just under the bird.

Likewise the image below from Figure 16 in Starrgram 13 is riddled with gumballs and condensates. It even has a saucer shaped lower fifth octave Mother Ship condensation with localized tendrils like Figure 4 in Starrgram 5 sitting at the upper right. Basically you could look carefully at any of the Figures in this Disclosure and find condensates and gumballs. Many of the images from the Internet were originally selected solely for their Radionnic Cloud effects, and the Mobile Scout Ship stuff was discovered later.

The lower Astral Hell states contain the accumulated Negative Plus (Nplus) static generated by Mankind's negative consciousness conditions over the past three and a half million years. Called by Ethologians the Stygian Deep. One of the main works the Radionnic Ships are currently involved with is cleaning out the Lower Astral Hell states, almost done.
During this time, the great fleet outside Pluto has been projection an emerald green love field around Earth so it doesn't explode. Negative NPlus static is heavy stuff. It's the source of all your negative destructive thoughts towards others, and comprises the complete totality when in consciousnesses of that which you call evil. NPlus static also can occur in consciousness causing a so called negative state. And like when wool and fur are rubbed together to produce static bits in the third dimension, it is produced in the fourth dimension when your consciousness is not working in harmony with Cosmic Law.
The risk of a NPlus static blow up is not just unbridled paranoia. As they say, 'Even paranoids have enemies' and in this case it's particularly true. A planet named 'Maldek' was originally a confinement planet between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Maldek had an absolutely severe negative NPlus static condition in its whole first four astral octaves. Triggered by a furious laser cannon battle between two disputing factions two and a half billion years ago, the NPlus static exploded and took all of Maldek with it. Maldek's remnants are now called the asteroid belt. A loosened Maldek satellite struck Earth two and a half billion years ago, dropping it's frequency from twelve strand 'Crystalline' DNA to two strand 'dross'. Starting a billion years ago a third dimensional outer surface organic evolution was precipitated on Earth's surface to slowly bring it back up into twelve strand crystalline DNA, nearing completion.
Two hundred and fifty million years ago a root race program was initiated in Earth's fifth dimension. Three and a half million years ago, through Luciferian interference, the current root race population fell into the third dimension where they sill remain. At the end of the Age of Aquarius you will be raised back up into the fifth dimension where you belong. The Radionnic Ships are also assisting in the final stages of that.
Twelve thousand years ago Maldek's population was brought to Earth during Atlantis, including the warring factions. Similar intense NPlus static conditions arose during Atlantis ten thousand years ago. Similar laser cannon warfare erupted between the two disputing factions, causing the atmospheres over the two main North American centers, Sodom and Gomorrah to explode. These matters are dealt with in detail in the Revelatorium Starrgram titled 'Atlantis' listed at the right.
Earth's mass consciousness is still somewhat infused with the static, and a lot of the Radionnic Ship presences on earth is dealing particularly with this issue. Much of it by the Ships working in the third and fourth octaves of the fourth dimension. As mentioned, Radionnic Ships are also doing considerable work in the lower Astral Hell states to help clean them out. The condition of the seven Astral octaves of the fourth dimension influence the seven dimensions in your consciousnesses through frequency attunement. As the Astral realms are been cleaned out, so are some of the wayward conditions which have been for so long belaboring your consciousnesses.
The increasing clarity in your consciousnesses helps you more and more to relate to Reality better, and to come to grips with the responsibilities you all share equally for cleaning up the remaining conditions in your consciousnesses once and for all. Also for accepting rather than rejection the ever increasing Cosmic Christ conscious frequencies that are coming in now pursuant to your rise in consciousnesses back to the fifth dimension you belong in. The Revelatorium deals with this responsibility in detail. Remember that the Hell States are not a bad place. Just a particular range of frequencies where a lot of negative NPlus static has accumulated over the duration. Without the static, the two lowest Astral octaves would be as pristine as the others and soon enough will be.
You are free to repost or use any part of this information, or all, anyway you like as long as you provide a link or reference to the website or book as source.
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