As previously mentioned, Anchor Scout Ships, Mobile Scout Ships, and Father Ships don't travel between the Planets and Starrs, only Mother Ships do. A Mother Ship will drop off the Other Ships within a particular location when needed. Mother Ships and Father Ships will both project into Earth's Fourth Dimension as needed. Anchor Scout Ships and Mobile Scout Ships will stay on board until within the planetary environment where they are to work. Like Anchor Ships and Mother Ships, Father Ships also produce unique Radionic Fields and/or condensations whenever they settle in.
Father Ship Radionic Fields are far more varied than Mother Ship Fields but are still consistent according to kind. As previously stated, Mother Ships tend to drop off a load then move out. Father Ships tend to hang around for awhile and shoot the breeze. Consequently, over time you will generally see more Radionic Father Ships Fields around than Mother Ships. On the other hand, Mother Ship Fields tend to be more dramatic looking than Father Ship Fields because they are more heavily dressed, so are more likely to get easily noticed. Because of the tubes, Chemtrail heads love Mother Ship Radionic Fields.
Basically, the Positive Monopole Father Ships like Positive Monopole Scout Ships Radionics are more decimated and less substantial in the middle. The assorted effects become stronger the lower down the Ship is within the Fourth dimension.. If the radial lines are not peacock feathers like an Anchor Scout Ship, or tubular arrays like Mother Ships but are still evenly spread across the page like Mother Ships, then it is a Father Ship and not a helicopter. The basic types of Father Ship Fields are euphemistically seen as frills, fringes, eyelashes, feathery fronds, decimations, grills, outlines, willowy whisperies, and frizzy spritzes. Like in the previous Starrgrams, matched similarities from all over the Planet make the story.
The following Figure off the Internet, taken somewhere in Australia at some time, is the Father Ship equivalent of Figure 2 in Starrgram 5. Likewise it has tendrils all around showing off its shape. In this case a fat cigar.
Likewise, the following Internet Figure is the Father Ship equivalent of Figure 38 in Starrgram 5. Featuring, naturally, decimated marshmallows.

As the above Figures imply, the Father Ship equivalent of any type of Mother Ship Radials is decimated. As the below Figure shows, frillies are also a favorite kind of Radial. When in a Fall Hole in a mid level cloud layer, the frillies are obvious. As the below Figure also shows, the pressure from the Ship's magnetic field creates a hole in the cloud around it. Such hole occurrences are called Fall Holes, taken from a Scientific interpretation called, 'Fall Streak Holes' or Hole Punch Clouds' based on the idea that a patch of water vapor above the cloud has cooled below the freezing point but not yet turned to ice crystals. A passing plane or other event shocks the vapour into suddenly turning to ice and the heavier weight causes them to fall through or punch through the cloud layer below. Down it comes like a heavy weight on wet tissue paper, punching out a visible hole.
The shock of an intense magnetic field around a Mother Ship or Father Ship which has popped in can do it just as well. The difference is that you will see Mother and/or Father Ship Radionics in the hole at the same time instead of the simple non-descript grey shadows of a Fall Streak Hole. Most Fall Streak Holes you see are actually Radionic, as there is no evidence of a plane or something similar ever being anywhere near them. But when you don't know about Radionic Ships, how else are you going to explain it. Like with Chemtrails, remaining confused is the easy way out unless you know what you are looking for. Radionic Fall Holes have Radionic effects present. Magnetic eyelash ionnizations around a Father Ship are a giveaway, tendrils or tubes are the giveaway around a Mother Ship.
For an interesting change of pace, the following satellite photo from off the coast of Australia shows a many miles long Father Ship sitting in a Fall Hole like the Figure above, only seen from above. How many interesting Radionnic events are nestled away in the World's satellite archives would be anybody's guess. A passing jet would hardly be even a tiny speck in the photo. Try and imagine an all but invisible tiny passing speck causing all this.
Remember too, that Mother and Father Ships can precipitate their own moisture attractions as condensates, and that their magnetic fields repel away the ordinary non-ionized moistures around them as a hole. Also notice the considerable ionizing effect the Fall Hole has caused upon the surrounding cloud layer, versus the ordinary cloud layer to the upper right.
Similarly, a frilly field can be ionnized around a Father Ship by water electrification on a clear blue day. The following image of a frilly field around a Father Ship sitting alone in the open sky, and looking for all the world like a Dragonfly larva in a frog pond, was likewise found on the Internet. This is the Father Ship equivalent of Figure 4 in Starrgram 5.

To confirm the phenomenon, a yet similar Father Ship frilly centipede was found in yet another Internet search. There must be dozens of these going on world wide at any given time for two to have come up so similar on the web just by open chance surfing. The Contrail passing through has nothing to do with the Ship, and the plane's pilot and/or crew, and/or passengers probably never even noticed it.

Father Ships are also famous for putting up very big uniform sprays of eyelashes like the fringes of a carpet. The following spray, looking like somebody's false eyelash was found on the Internet while searching for 'Chemtrails'. A spray is a spray, nothing like telling it like it is. Like with Mother Ships, specific alignments with Earth's magnetic field can produce Radials on one side but not the other. And take a look at the Scout Ship Mobilia at the right hand edge.
More pebbly versions of the uniform arrays also exist, looking er, more pebbly. The following image was photographed in Brantford on the 2nd of December 12, 2015, looking to the North West. Actually, it is the Father Ship equivalent of Figure 34 in Starrgram 5. The horizontal V near the bottom middle of the Figure is a characteristic feature of Father Ship Fields. In this case one in each direction.

Likewise, a somewhat similar version was found on the Internet featuring wider frillies, more like decimated fonds. The difference between uniform radial tube rays of Mother Ships as in Figure 17 in Starrgam 5 and the decimated radial rays of Father Ships in the Figure below is obvious. By the decimation, this is the Father Ship equivalent to the Mother Ship Fields in Figures 16 to 20 in Starrgram 5.

On the other hand, the Father Ship equivalent of dense Mother Ship fronds is thin whispy Father Ship fronds. As the following image found on the Internet shows, the fronds can also be far reaching. By decimation, this is the Father Ship equivalent to Figure 20 of Starrgram 5. This is about as Chemtrailish as Radionics ever gets.

The setting Sun can also sometimes catch things not normally noticed in the daytime Sun. On April 15, 2015, in Paris, Ontario a very fried potato looking decimated Father Ship Field appeared sitting straight into the Sun which was starting to set to the South West. Check with Figure 15 of Starrgram 2 to see the exact same house at the right hand side in the exact same location. The cell camera evidently went into emergency mode to protect its retinas, because it produced this qualified beauty, looking every bit like stalks of wheat.
You all remember when Canada thrilled everyone with the world's first rust resistant wheat called Triticale. Now nobody but Monsanto is rejoicing at Monsanto's announcement of a new GMO wheat which is resistant to everything including good health. The plate of spaghetti at the bottom middle is a portal, dealt with in Volume II to come.
Father Ships can also produce uniform mid level cloud based Radionic Fields like the Mother Ship Field of Figure 34 in Starrgram 5. However, being Positive in polarity, the uniform Father Ship spray can be even more decimated. The following highly decimated Father Ship reflection was photographed by the friend of the cause near Huntsville on June 18, 206. Don't know what's going on down there at the bottom of the Figure, but it sure looks like the whole galaxy is in for a meet.
A likewise somewhat similar looking decimated Father Ship Field was found on the Internet. It gives the definite feeling of fingernails on a blackboard.

Similar less decimated Father Ship Fields also exist, such as the one below also found on the Internet. Not much to say except it's nice and busy.

A much better version of the above was photographed in the Uvita de Osa region of Costa Rica on July 26, 2018, by a friend of the cause. Actually, this will also be a prime candidate for Volume II. Mobile Scout Ships are sitting all over the place, at least six different types at last count including the two big obvious ones in the center looking like weather ballons.
Probably one of the best all around Father Ship Clouds of this type was video taped in Whitney, Ontario on the 11th of December, 2017, by the friend of the cause from Huntsville. A select set of side by side screen captures were taken from the video and PhotoMerged into the result shown below. As you can see, the Cloud has symmetry, color, and is likewise full of Mobile Ship goodies.

Thinner more condensed Father Ship frilly Radials are also common. Condensed frilly fields occur when the Ship is lower in the cloud layers and have been around long enough to really spread out evenly, as the very frilly filled out Radionnic Field from the Internet below abundantly shows. Like Figure 2 in Starrgram 5, the empty center silhouettes the Ship itself in the upper fourth Dimension. The Ship outline shows a wide saucer shaped Ship rather a wide cigar shape, revealing the presence of the Ship both ways, namely, as implied by the fact of the Radials and as outlined by fact by the Radials.

The following photograph below is from the friend of the cause in Medicine Hat, Alberta. The photo was taken East of Calgary, Alberta on May 4, 2013, and is the inside out opposite of the Figure above. Namely, the center area is full indicating that the Ship itself is in a low enough frequency of the Fourth Dimension to precipitate a condensation replica of itself. Like the Figure above, the radials also somewhat help outline a saucer shaped Ship, revealing the presence of the ship in yet another version of the two for the price of one.

Even more frizzy spritz fields as mentioned at the beginning of this Starrgram, are yet another typical type of Father Ship Radionic Cloud. The Figure below was photographed in Paris on March 10, 2015, looking to the South West. This field is a bit like the one above because presumably a similar type of Father Ship was involved.
19 -
A very similar fizzy spritz field showing a relatively short Father Ship was likewise photographed in Huntsville, Ontario on September 28, 2016, almost a year and a half later by the friend of the cause who took Figure 35 in Starrgram 5. The photo is quite a bit better this time for having a complete Father Ship Field in its view.
20 -
A similar frizzy spritz field shown below, was photographed from the same Paris location as Figure 11 above fifteen days earlier on March 31, 2015. This time looking again from back across the street to the South East. The field was somewhat different, presumably again because a Father Ship of yet a different frequency was involved, or maybe it was the Fourth Dimensional levels, or maybe it was because of the water vapors, or maybe because there was a local election pending.
21 - Nothing quite like certain uncertainty.
As luck would have it, in the early evening of August 27, 2016, another almost perfect example of the Father Ship version of the Mother Ship of Figure 12 in Starrgram 5 was photographed in a clear sky at the Brantford Train Station by the same Brantford lady who photographed the Anchor Ship pair presented as Figures 13a and 13b in Starrgram 4. It's very seldom you get to see a whole robust Mother Ship body and tendrils sitting clear and open so up close in one clear shot. Usually you just get a little bit sticking out from behind a tree, or clouds obscure one end while dry air eats away the other.
Because of the distance away in the Figure above and uneven distribution of the tendrils along its length, it is a less than stellar example. The Figure below on the other hand, is a Cuban Havana all the way because of the closeness and even distribution all the way across. The Ship was still looking to the North West, fish tail off to the right, and trail off to the left and sitting right in close over town. This photo was a really good catch, an almost perfect rendering of everything that says 'We am Cosmic, we am here to stay, enjoy'.
Also please note, that the reason the Brantford train station holds fort for some of these photographs is that it is one of the few areas in that end of town which offers a really convenient view not obstructed by trees, high rises, passing trucks, passing dirigibles, flying geese, or bill boards. Judging by how close in it is and the Branford terrain it's sitting over, this one is probably at least three miles long. It also looks like something from the depths. Maybe somebody should do a movie.
A similar version from off the Internet shows a visible Father Ship precipitation across the bottom with frazzy looking fronds and body. The vertical lines are because whoever stitched this photo together didn't know about photo merge which merges the pieces together with no splice lines.
Long cigar shaped Father Ship Fields with more condensated bodies and much shorter frilly fronds are also common. Some of you have no doubt been clamoring for a bonafide cigar shaped UFO Ship for some time now. The following is a cigar shaped Father Ship which is as cigar shaped as you can get. Even more fun, it's the inside out opposite of Figure 1 above. In Figure 1 you have a Radionic Field but no Ship condensation on a partially cloudy sky. In the one below you have a condensated Ship but very little Radionic Field on a nearly cloudless sky.
Thinner, shorter more defined frillies are also common. The following photograph, taken in Brantford on July 12, 2014, shows a cigar shaped Father Ship condensate with frills sitting above the Motel. Not to be mistaken, the Ships is a long way back and the Motel up close. You might remember that in Figure 32 of Starrgram 5, a Mother Ship Field was photographed over the same Motel. The reason that the Motel features in these examples is that it is right across the street from the Brantford location of one of Ontario's premium Heath Food Chains called, 'Goodness Me'. Cute. Once in a while on a regular basis this word smither just happened to be looking that way visiting the store.

It's not a stretch to see that the next Figure below is an excellent equivalent to Figure 12 in Starrgram 5. Even better, it is about as flushed out a Father Ship Field of this kind as it gets. It is also much closer up than the Figure above so shows its size, it's fairly large. The photo was taken in Whitney, Ontario on July 2, 2018, by the same Huntsville friend of the cause who took Figure 20 above. For the record, the small but very scenic town of Whitney is in the middle of Ontario's World famous Algonquin Park.

The somewhat similar photograph below was taken by a friend of the cause in the Tasman region, South Island, New Zealand, on September 9, 2018, showing a sort of Father ship version of Figure 24 in Starrgram 5. The Father Ship Field is bit farther farther back than the above. It's actually coming outward over your right shoulder. A small lower level pinkish cloud layers covers the left half. If it wasn't for the cloud, it would an almost perfect photograph of a miles long cigar shaped Radionnic Father Ship.
Can't fault New Zealand for the scenery though, the All Blacks too, perennially one of the best Rugby teams in the world. So is their lamb. So is their Merino wool. Too bad it's not in Oklahoma.

On occasion when a middle level cloud front is moving into an area where a Father Ship is sitting, the leading edge of the front will start to pick up on the Radionic radiations and push a condensated array of tendrils out in front of the advancing front. Just for fun, the following sequence of four images was observed on May 17, 2016, in the Paris, Ontario area, and are shown to give you an idea of how the Fields can also be consistent from one observer to another and from one observation post to another even as they change. The first step below was taken in Paris. The direction was looking back South East towards Brantford over the location where an unseen Father Ship had been sitting in a clear sky.

During the same time as the Figure above had been approaching Paris, somebody in Brantford who was much closer to the advancing array had photographed it and put it up on Facebook.

When the front wall was getting close to overhead, they put it up again. Notice the same tree from the center right above, only closer up and at the left.
Then when it was almost right overhead they put it up yet again, all taken standing from the same location by a creek as the tree now at the right again clearly shows. Whoever took these photos had to have stood at the same spot for at least twenty minutes or so. Nothing like a little patience to make a point perfectly made. The interesting thing is that the party didn't know what they were looking at, only that it was way too woo wooish to ignore. This is what the future holds for everyone until this Revelationnum gets passed around well. Which you can help towards at any time, ahem.. And, yup, those are Mobile Scout Ship condensates sitting around the top left edges of the cumulous cloud at the left.

Similarly, the following more complete Father Ship frilly wire frame type container was captured over Hamilton, Ontario on June 27, 2016, by the Hunstsville friend of the cause looking to the North West. Just as a V doesn't appear in the middle of all Positive pole Radionic Fields but the presence of one guarantees a Positive Pole designation, the mark of Zorro scissor like horizontal V near the bottom middle of the Figure below looking like the one in Figure 8 above, always assures that a Father Ship is present and not a Mother Ship. This guy Zorro really gets around. Mexico, then Figure 8, now this.

Remarkably, a very similar Father Ship Field was photographed in Paris on April 27, 2018, nearly two years later.

An almost identical kind of Father Ship Field from parts unknown was found in a Bing Search for something. The Ship is sitting in a lower octave of the Fourth Dimension. The condensate portion of the Ship is partially visible. Vitally proving both the consistency of the Radionnic Rules and that they are everywhere all the time as the Figure below could have been from anywhere at any time. The interesting thing is that between the many different types of Ships from the many different parts of Creation, plus the various types of weather conditions on Earth given the circumstances, the Principles still manage to stay true to kind even as the practices vary constantly according to every different occasion.

Then just when you thought it couldn't get any better, it suddenly gets a whole lot better. The following full blown wire frame type Father Ship type Field, the Father Ship equivalent of Figure 36 in Starrgram 5, was photographed in Brantford on July 20, 2017, looking to the South West. As one wag succinctly put it while looking at the photograph, sic, 'Nobody's going to make Chemtrails in a radial pattern'.
Unfortunately, an incoming partial cloud cover nuked any possibility of a good usable photograph of its Mother Ship partner, which was sitting polar opposite face to face on this particular occasion.

A similar but more partial version, had shown up earlier in Brantford on September 5, 2014, like a halo as one of the earliest Brantford Radionic Cloud photographs taken. The view was to the North West. Like the Figure above, the Ship portion which the Radials outlined was invisible. Notice again the church from Figure 8 in Starrgram 2. Somebody must be doing something right in there, the parking lot always has a late model Land Rover and a late model full size luxury Jaguar sedan.

A more exotic version of a Father Ship wire container Field photographed in Warwick Australia on March 28, 2016, is shown below as a Father Ship pod version of the Mother Ship pod shown in Figure 40 of Starrgram 5. The Technicolor item is pod all the way. Two features to notice are that it is very low down in the fourth dimension for having no radials whatsoever, and it is low enough down in Earth's atmosphere to have caught the sunlight full force. The huge collection of Volume II type condensates all over the right side proves its authenticity.

Another characteristically specific Father Ship Field effect is Jeep SUV radiator grills. On July 2, 2016, a fully fledged frilly ionnic Father Ship Jeep SUV radiator grill field was captured over Brantford looking due South West. The field was lying from the South East to the North West. The field featured a radiator grill type wire frame pattern as its main event instead of the long frilly Radials.
As a rule, as mentioned, anything with anything horizontal in it is a Mother Ship or a Father Ship. In particular, notice that the center bottom of the frills does look a lot like the front grill of a Jeep SUV. Grilly wire frame type formations are actually another fairly standard Father Ship configuration. Anything having anything in it that looks like the front end of a beat up old car, or iron gate, or Jeep SUV is evidence of a Father Ship.
36 - Two bubbas in a bar. 'My car can kick the butt off your car'... No way, my car can kick the butt off your car'....'No
way ...'.
Like Figure 35 above, Father Ship wire frame outlines can be without extended frillies, looking more like in fact a container than like a Field. The following Father Ship outline was photographed in Brantford on the 17th of May, 2016, by the same friend of the cause who took the Anchor Ship pair Figures 13a and 13b in Starrgram 4. The wire frame like Radionnic container is at the left, looking like someone peeking out from behind the trees to see what the Twitter bird like Sylph is up to. The strip of horizontal lines up the middle is another common Father Ship Cloud reflection like Figure 10 in Starrgram 1.
A blow up of the Figure above shows the container formation even better. Notice the container pod like Figure 35 above just below the bird. The smaller size is somewhat arbitrary. Big Ship, small Ship, close up, far away who can say.
38 - I did, I did taw a Twitter Bird.
Cigar shaped Father Ship condensations with short magnetic frilly radials at one end like a bulbous nose are also very common. In the following Figure taken in Paris, Ontario on July 26, 2015, a shy Father Ship is sticking its nose out from the right. The whole picture is filled with Mobiles.
39 - At least I have a nose for it. (Sylph)
As said with the Figure above, an ersatz like kafuffle at one end or the other of a Father Ships Field is a very common type of Father Ship projection. For a nice quiet change of pace, on September 28, 2015, the following partial Father Ship activity was observed over Cambridge, Ontario about thirty kilometers North of Brantford. Likewise sticking itself out into the scene from the upper right is a Father Ship kafuffle.
40 - (Sylph)
Figures 26 and 27 of Figure 3 were very interesting for their durability. However, on the 21st of April the very next day after the Figures were photographed, things really started popping. The morning in Brantford started off with a clear blue sky with no sign of Radionic activity visible anywhere for lack of ionnized water vapour present.
Around noon a Jet Stream of ionnized air slowly started moving in from the South West. At about three thirty, when the Stream was passing exactly over where the Positive magnetic Pole Field had sat for most of the day before, the sky suddenly exploded into a frenzy of ionnizations. A kaffufled Father Ship looking almost like the rest of the two Figures above, was sitting loud and clear right in the front and center. With the tail part now added in, it looks just like a giant dragonfly pupa.
Take a look at the right hand side for Volume II type stuff all over the place. The rest of the main body of clouds down the left was the Jet Stream itself running back off into the distance as it slowly passed over. The suddenly appearing dramatic sky over Brantford still had people talking about it a few days later.
Like in humans, really big noses can really stick out. It's all a matter of distance. In the old days they said, "Look to the West'. Now they say 'Look to the Sky'. Why? Because things are getting really interesting up there. How interesting, how about the kafuffle nose of a Father Ship sporting a Rhinoceros horn the size of Mount Olympus. The following kafuffle front end of a Father Ship shown below sticking in from the left, was photographed near the original street address in Branford on August 6, 2014. Look around, there are Radionic goodies galore which will be dealt with in Volume II. The dangling participle lamp standards are by PhotoMerge not Radionics.
Like Mother Ships, Father Ships can also appear as saucer condensates. The following Figure, was photographed on August 2, 2018, near Arnprior, Ontario, again by the friend of the cause from Huntsville who always seems to be on the move. The pending Saucer shape is not hard to miss.
The next Figure is also very interesting for being even more to the condensate side and having much shorter Radials. The frillies are in front of the cumulous clouds showing it to be in very close. The photograph was taken in Huntsville, Ontario, near Algonquin Park in central Ontario on June 18, 2016, by again the friend of the cause in Huntsville. It's far too big to be a Mobile Scout Ship. You can tell it's a Father Ship too by the frillies. Most of the work of the Mobile Scout Ships is in the lower levels of the Fourth Dimension and very seldom have Radials. You can also tell it's a Saucer Shaped Ship by, ah, looking at it. It's also the Father Ship equivalent of Figure 39 in Starrgram 5. Nothing like making things easy.

Similarly, the following Figure below is a very good photograph of a Saucer shaped Father Ship condensate in a lower Fourth Dimensional frequency, having much more ship condensation and much less Radializations. Also shown as Figure 2b in Starrgram 4. Also, note what looks like a Jeep SUV grill at the upper left. Like previously said, when anything like those are around, you have a Father Ship.
45 - How's that for hanging around..
Then on August 16, 2016, in Brantford, a really gang busters Father Ship Radionic Field partner of Figure 26 in Starrgram 5 suddenly appeared from behind the heavy stormy cloud cover blowing by. The view was in a South East direction lying South East to North West. It was an extremely blustery warm day with low hanging puffs of cumulous clouds scooting furiously by. Suddenly, there was a brief break in the cumulous cover and both Figures were instantly exposed like the curtains being drawn back on a sunny day.
As the Figure below shows, the Father Ship Field part of the episode was all but hand shake close right overhead while the Mother Ship part was way way down stream as Figure 26 in Starrgram 5 showed. The field hadn't been up long enough to settle in and set up full frillie profiles yet.
This one in particular was having a heck of a time trying to figure out just what to do. But without a doubt are the characteristic showings of fully filled in Jeep SUV grills like in the Figure above all over the place. Father Ship tell tale. As said, anytime some of these are in a picture a Father Ship or Ships is also involved. In this particular case a Saucer shaped Ship just like the one above is sitting partially cloud covered just to the right of the tall lamp standard at the center left.
There is also a long Cigar shaped Ship sitting just above the top edge of the large white cover cloud at the upper right, producing the double row of Jeep SUV grills above it. Also notice the very busy clutch of Mobile Ship condensates sitting across the whole lower middle of the photograph. particularly to the right hand side. Not to mention the three Amigos sitting right in the upper center. All in all quite the heyday.
Father Ships can also occur in more condensated sculptured shapes like a tour boat on the Hudson River or a Cessna flying by, called Radionic Local runabouts. On June 6, 2016, the more condensated Radionic Field container of a local runabout Father Ship was captured near Huntsville, Ontario, by the friend in Hunstvulle again. Local runabout Father Ships are the Cosmic equivalent of an Uber Taxi, having a driver in front and a couple of rows of seats in behind for passengers.
Local runabouts temporarily move people around from one Earth local to another for inter-dimensional cue ups and/or higher dimensional group meetings. The Figure below is a Cessna type version without wings or propeller, and running on magnetics instead of Saudi Arabian Oil. It's probably the most singularly self revealing photograph of something not of the Earthly plane in this whole Revelationnum.
At this point, a rather interesting little data fact enters the picture about the nature of the higher dimensions. The higher the dimension, the higher the frequency, the lower the density, and the farther spread out everything is. The photo below is of a Fourth Dimensional more spread out Figure showing as a reflection in the Third Dimension, is more spread out in the Fourth from where the reflection is being cast. So seems overly large as observed in the Third. The people inside the ship are also in the Fourth Dimension and subject to the same rules. To them, sitting in the ship seems no different for them than for anybody sitting in any ordinary four seater Cessna any where in the World. Everything in Creation is a matter of scale. If a ninth Dimensional Runaround Ship were seen sitting reflected in the Third, whole galaxies would pass right through it. To the people inside it would still be like sitting in a Cessna.
That's another neat data fact about the dimensions. No matter what dimension, everything seems all but the same as they do in the third, only minus inertia and all the negative attitudes, statics, and activities that plague Mankind in the third. The higher the dimension the closer you are to the Creators and the more everything is in beatific harmony with everything else.
47 - UberUber at your service.
Like with Mother Ships, at the lower end of the Fourth Dimension, the radials diminish and the condensate side enhances. Shown below, an almost perfect Father Ship match for Figure 41 in Starrgram 5 was also found on the Internet.
Likewise, the Figure below off the Internet is the Father Ship equivalent of Figure 44 in Starrgram 5, sporting a complete semi-solid looking condensation and no Radials whatever. Some may argue that it is a Lenticular cloud. But it needs to be pointed out, that because Lenticular clouds involve different cloud layers with different temperatures, they are by default horizontal like Figure 42 in Starrgram 5. In the Figure below, the view is out a backyard somewhere showing clearly that the Ship is not lying horizontally. Likewise, Lenticular clouds are typically over or around mountain tops above the cumulous cloud layers like in Figure 42.
The projection below is in really close, in cumulous clouds. If there is a mountain around it either has to be really really small or a really really far off. Also, because of how it is framed it can't be horizontal. Talk about a close encounter of the second kind. 'Of the third kind' means getting to have a yak with them. Wonder what the fourth kind might be, maybe getting hired on as a member of the kitchen staff.

Similarly, at the lowest end of the Fourth Dimension the reflections seem almost corporal. The following Internet photo is a Rod shaped Father Ship, somewhat equivalent to the Cigar Shaped Mother Ship in Figure 45 in Starrgram 5. The big difference with this one is that no one is smoking it and of course the fact that it is sitting in a nice flying V Positive Polarity Anchor Scout Ship Field.

A semi corporally configured Silver Saucer Ship projection had been sitting near a Nevada Atom bomb test tower when a blast occurred. This was not the Alien contamination Ship made famous as the famous Roswell incident. The Radionnic Ship wqas never in the Third Dimension. The Ship with two on board had been investigating the original Atomic bomb tests the US Government were conducting in the Nevada desert in the later forties. The investigation was because such had never before occurred within the annuls of Creation and the tests were giving Reality cause for concerns. According to the original Intelligent Design of Creation, the molecules of ordinary Matter Substance are ever gradually built up over eons and eons by Nuclear fission such as in the Sun, and never ever are reduced back to a lower level quantum molecular state by Nuclear fusion in the split of a second.
The Ship was in too close when a test went off and the two parties on board were in imminent danger of having their Akasic record stripped off by the blast. In an emergency their frequencies were quickly dropped to that of Earth's Fourth Dimensionality so their Soul Atoms would be able to incarnate into Earth's Human population stream to rejuvenate. Both incarnated in the winter of nineteen forty eight. One incarnated as an Aquarian in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada, the other incarnated as an Aquarian in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
You are free to repost or use any part of this information, or all, anyway you like as long as you provide a link or reference to the website or book as source.
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