In Divine Order
- BOOK 3 -
Revealing -
The Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host
The genomes of DNA work like the letters of the English alphabet. Different combinations of letters produce different sounding words. Different combinations of genomes produce different organic results. The cubistic matrices making up Earth's recalibration to crystalline was based on this principle. The Luciferians discovered Earth and it's organic activity seven hundred million years ago, and found it suitable for enhancing their program of self will evolution on planets under their helm.
The proof for UFOS is not in what you see but in what you know.
The following is a Disclosure by the Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host self-revealing themselves to Humanity for the very first time. The fact is that a Heavenly Host of over half a billion Radionnic Ships of Light are around Earth every day. The whole Radionnic Fleet sitting outside the orbit of Pluto in the fifth dimension is many time bigger than that. The 'Four Horsemen of the ;Apocalypse' are the four Great Mother Ships of the fleet, where apocalypse in Greek means, 'Revelation' not disaster. The same Heavenly Host was also present in the millions in Biblical times as is mentioned throughout the Bible.
The ships around Earth are in the fourth dimension and can't be seen by the naked eye. However, they are magnetic, hence the term 'Radionnic'. The presence of their magnetic fields ionnize the atmospheric water vapours in the third dimension below. The ionnized water vapours collect along the magnetic lines, producing unique magnetic field reflections in the cloud covers overhead which are their signature. The image above is a Radionnic Cloud photographed near Lake Victoria in Uganda. The unseen ship is in the apex at the center bottom, about the size of a grain of rice. A condensated Scout Ship is clearly seen in the middle of the photograph. The condensated ships are likewise fourth dimensional and not solid, a baseball would go right through them. Condensated ships are discussed in detail in Starrgrams sixteen and seventeen.
Similarly, a Sylph can be clearly seen siding down the left hand side. Sylphs are also fourth dimensional and are matrixed half way between Man and animals, detailed in full in Starrgram 10.
The matter of UFOs is a two sided coin, and is not a simple matter. One side deals with third dimensional UFOs you can readily see with the naked eye, the other side deals with the fourth dimensional ships you can't readily see. The ones you can see readily see comprise about a thousand so called 'Tin Pot', which have been quarantined around around Earth for the last two thousand years. The ones you can't readily see comprise the half billion Radionnic Ships around Earth every day. The ones you can see readily are mostly the so called bad guys. The ones you can't see readily are the good guys.
The Cosmos calls the ones you can see readily the 'Alien Contamination'. The Cosmos calls the ones you can't see readily the 'Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host'. The Heavenly host is referenced numerous times throughout the Bible as on the side of Christ, and have been sitting barefaced in the noonday-sun for millennia after millennia as unsuspected Radionnic Clouds. The Bible talks about clouds throughout. There is nothing new under the Sun.
The Alien Contamination are from about twenty five hundred planets carrying a third dimensional population like Earth. Third dimensional populations are strictly a consequent of the Luciferian Self Will Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus and are not a part of the original blueprints of Creation. Similarly, the twenty five hundred planets carrying a third dimensional population like Earth are only from this Local Universe of a thousand galaxies, and are the only planets in all of Creation like it. The Heavenly Host are from all over Creation. The Current Creation is over nine hundred trillion light years across and still within its infancy, whereby every Starr has a family of up to twelve planets. 'In my Father and Mother's house are many mansions', a striking understatement, all in the firth dimension.
Most of the ships in the Alien Contamination are from planets having third dimensionally interred people. Who modified their fifth dimensional Radionnic Ships to work within the frequencies of their third dimensional environments. Consequently, the ships can also project into Earth's third dimension which is why you can see them. Most people have heard about the Alien Contamination through UFO clubs and abundant Earth lore and literature. No one has heard about the Heavenly Host until now, except for the few references in the Bible which have been blissfully misunderstood, who think of Angels playing harps behind clouds. The ships of the Heavenly Host carry Christ Workers under Christ jurisdiction. The ships of the contamination carry mostly Luciferians under malpractice intentions.
By auspice of the Heavenly Host themselves, a full disclosure of their presence around Earth is now being presented. Their disclosure is by way of teaching you exactly how to recognize their cloud and condensate presences instead of merely arguing for their existence. Once you read this Disclosure all the way through you'll recognize that you've been seeing Radionnic Ships all your life without actually realizing what you were looking at. Once you do start to understand what you've been looking at, you'll know for a certainty that Radionnic Ships of Light really do exist and no one will ever be able to take that away from you since something seen can never be unseen and something understood can never be un-understood. This is how their official Disclosure is being fulfilled, one person at a time by word of mouth, on the Internet, or on a book-store shelf. Eventually everyone will come to know about their existence and Society will not have been thrown into disarray one tiny jot by the fact. This is how the good guys work.
The Apocalypse is now unfolding, understanding as said that 'Apocalypse' in Greek means 'Revelation' and not disaster. The clean up in the aftermath of the Rebellion is now at hand throughout all thousand Galaxies of this Local Universe, known as 'Armageddon'. The Heavenly Host has been duly sanctioned to at long last reveal to their presence to all Mankind because Mankind has finally been deemed last high enough in Consciousness to handle the information. As also said, though the ships can't be seen in and of themselves, their magnetic fields induce characteristic cloud patterns and effects in the third dimension below which can be seen. The presence of a Radionnic Cloud pattern or condensate belies the presence of the Radionnic Ship. As powerful as the magnetic fields are, they are in the fourth and fifth dimension and don't affect your compasses.
The Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host have been hiding bare faced in the noon day sun for many millenniums as these unusual looking cloud formations and atmospheric effects. In the Bible, they are called 'Glory in the sky'. This official Disclosure is to reveal these presences by teaching you exactly which type of cloud signatures and effects to look for. If you see such a cloud or effect, you know for certainty that there is a Ship in the fourth dimension causing it because nature can't make such a Cloud or effect. Which forever ends the question, 'Do Radionnic Ships exist'? The eye sees what the mind cannot dispute.
The fact is as previously said, that over half a billion of the higher fifth-dimensional Radionnic Ships of Light are now overhead in Earth's atmosphere everywhere all the time. You only need to know what to look for. The Radionnic Ships do not project directly into Earth's third dimension, only the Fourth. The Radionnic Ships are magnetic monopoles. They are called 'Radionnic' because their their magnetic field lines radiate outward like the force lines of a bar magnet. The magnetic fields cause the water moisture in their local to ionnize and concentrate along their magnetic lines as a reflection of the Ship's magnetic field. The reflection appears in the form of the distinctive visible Radionnic Cloud patterns seen in the third dimension, and are their signature. Some people say that UFOs cloak themselves as clouds. Some of the tin pots do. The Radionnic Ships do not cloak themselves as clouds, they produce the clouds naturally because that is their magnetic nature.
The main body of Radionnic Ships sits in a vast fleet outside the orbit of Pluto in the Oort Cometary Cloud. To do the work they have accepted responsibility for, the Ships will project through portals from the Oort Cloud into Earth's fifth dimension, and then through portals from the fifth dimension into the fourth. Since magnetic monopoles cannot exist in and of themselves, to preserve Universal magnetic parity the Ships will always project together as a positive and negative pole pair. Which stay magnetically connected through the fourth and fifth dimensions as a regular magnetic field. Their magnetic lines of force will connect between them, setting up the magnetic field no different in principle than a standard bar magnet in the third dimension.
The fourth dimension is characterized by seven Energy octaves having seven levels within each octave for a total of forty nine different Energy levels. Each level is higher in frequency than the one below. The Ships are variously able to adjust their frequency in order to project appropriately into all forty nine levels of the fourth dimension. When the ships project into the lower octaves of the fourth dimension the signature cloud patterns as seen in the third dimension become more obvious. When smaller scout ships project into the lower levels of the Fourth Dimension, the outwardly radiating magnetic lines are replaced by a dense moisture condensation within the body area of the Ship itself as a visible water condensated version of the Ship instead, such as seen in the middle of the photo above.
The magnetic fields of the ships densely ionizes the water molecules in the area, which attract together into a literal water vapour version of the ship. 'Condensated Ship' or Ship Condensate' means visible as a three dimensional water vapour version of the ship, rather than as a ship present in a fully material three dimensional solid matter substance form. As said, the condensations may appear solid but a baseball would pass right through them.
Revealing the true nature of the Radionnic Cloud reflections and water condensations is how the Radionnic Fleet's is revealing itself. Cloud reflections and condensations are what you need to look for and not ships per se'. This disclosure tells you all you need to know in order to look for them.
To repeat, Radionnic Ship presences occur in two forms. The first are as Radionnic magnetic cloud reflections, wherein the water molecules in the area become ionized or electrolysed and gather together along the radial lines of the magnetic fields set up between a projected pair of the Radionnic Ships. The second are as condensated moisture replicas, whereby the ionized or electrolysed water molecules gather tightly together into the actual shape of the Ship. Condensated Ships also project as pairs, but they are highly mobile, usually occur in collections, and usually never set in one place long enough for magnetic fields to begin becoming reflected in the third dimension below to show the pairs.
The cloud figure above is a good example of both, first by displaying an unmistakable Radionnic Anchor Ship cloud pattern on the one hand, and second by having an unmistakable condensated version of a Ship sitting in the center area of cloud on the other.
The branches of the cloud in the image above, splayed like the outstretched fingers of a hand, are the magnetic cloud reflection in Earth's third dimension of a Radionnic Anchor Ship sitting unseen in the levels of Earth's fourth dimension above. The Ship itself causing the cloud is sitting unseen at the apex point of the cloud at the bottom of the image, and had been sitting for awhile in order for the magnetic field rays to form. The saucer shaped Ship seen in the middle right is a larger lower level fourth dimensional condensated Mobile Radionnic Scout Ship reflection within the Radionnic Cloud, caught exactly where you see it when the photograph caught it and was likely passing through.
There are six main types of Radionnic Ships where the Radionnic Clouds and condensates reflect their natures exactly. Namely, Negative and Positive Polarity Anchor Ships, Negative and Positive Polarity Mother Ships, Negative and Positive Polarity Father Ships, and finally Negative and Positive pole Mobile Scout ships. Mother Ships have a Negative polarity and Father Ships are Positive. Within these three principle groups there are many different Radial cloud patterns and condensations associated with each different type of respective Ship. However, all are similar according to their kind, and all are consistent in accordance with their Principle.
The first two groups produce the main body of visible Radionnic Clouds seen around Earth every day. The Mobile Scout Ship condensates produce the main body of visible ship replicas and comprise the main portion of the half a billion plus ships around Earth every day, occurring in great number.
As stated, Mother Ships are Negative in Polarity, Father Ships are Positive. In a bar magnet, the direction of the magnetic lines of force is outward from the positive pole and inward at the negative end. The positive and negative poles of the Radionnic Ships work the same way. Anchor Ship and Father Ship Radials Clouds which are Positive and magnetically out going, are frilly and decimated looking. Negative pole Anchor Ship and Mother Ship Radials are thicker and more robust as the field is flowing in.
The Radionnic storey starts with the Radionnic Anchor Ships, which are the main producers of the outstretched-hand like Radionnic Clouds. Radionnic Anchor Ships fields are always vertical in alignment like in the example above. As also stated, the Ships always project together in pairs. Each Ship is a magnetic monopole, one has a negative polarity and the other positive. The fields connected through the fourth and fifth dimension to preserve Universal magnetic unity. The projecting Radionnic Anchor Ship pairs always project facing each other oppositely at one hundred and eighty degrees. They can be somewhat close together or hundreds of miles apart.
The out flowing radial lines of the Positive pole Ships flow out and into the incoming Radial lines of the Negative pole, creating a bar magnet like magnetic field overhead like a magnetic canopy. Whose joint lines you can sometime follow and see by eye. Radionnic Anchor ships stay put. Once in place they stay in place. They are called 'Anchor' because they anchor down a magnetic field canopy between the pair, creating a local magnetic environment allowing the mobile types of Radionnics Ships to move freely around within it by magnetic attraction and repulsion against the polarities of its field like a mag-train against it's rails. They also tend to be very visible and can anchor down for days on end and even weeks if that is what is being called for by the programming management upstairs. As previously mentioned, the clouds themselves are not the ships. In the example below the ship producing the cloud would be about the size of a grain of rice at the apex.
Negative Pole Anchor Ship Radionnic Cloud
In Negative pole Anchor Ships the Field is incoming, and busy up the middle as seen above.
Positive Pole Anchor Ship Radionnic Cloud
In Positive Pole Anchor Ships the field is outgoing and thinner or even empty up the middle.
A Positive pole Radionnic cloud field and Negative pole partner are sometimes both visible at the same time when the atmospheric water moisture content is sufficient in both directions to allow the the respective visibilities to be produced. Usually, seeing the two visible at the same time is more by luck than by golly. Whenever you see a Radionnic Cloud visible in one direction, always check to see if the Radionnic Cloud in the other direction is also visible. In the example below photographed from the side, you can readily see the lines of the one pole flowing out and into the lines of the other. The out-flowing positive pole field is at the left and the in-flowing negative pole field comes in at the right.
A Negative Pole Anchor Ship and Positive Pole Anchor Ship Together
On the other hand, Mother and Father Radionnic Ships occur in two main shapes, saucer and elongated. The respective Radionnic Clouds reflect their respective shape. Like the Anchor Ships, the Mother and Father Ships always project together in pairs representing the positive and negative polarity components of a magnetic field. They may be many miles apart and may even be on different sides of the planet in different Anchor Ship Fields. But they will always remain connected magnetically through the fourth and fifth dimensions. The Laws of magnetics are Universal and remain the same throughout all frequencies of all dimensions stemming from the fact that the Father (Positive frequency) and the Mother (Negative frequency) agreed to be absolutely equal in all aspect in the original precursors to Creation. (Starrgram 1 - www.thedesignofcreation .com).
The positive and negative magnetic features of Mother and Father Ships work the same way as Anchor Ships, Father Ship Radionnic Fields are wispy, Mother Ship Fields are robust.
Saucer Shaped Father Ship Radionnic Cloud
Saucer Shaped Mother Ship Radionnic Cloud
The elongated shaped Mother and Father Ships can be very long, up to ten miles in length or more. Very long Ships produce very characteristic Radial Cloud Patterns. The thing to remember is that no one makes Chemtrails in a Radial pattern. Similar to Saucer Shaped Ships, Father Ship cloud lines are quite wimpery while Mother Ship cloud lines are very robust
Elongated Father Ship Radionnic Cloud
Elongated Mother Ship Radionnic Cloud
Radionnic Ships can't move at will from one Radionnic Field to another because there is not a magnetic field between them to work against unless the Fields overlap. When a Ship has to change Fields that don't overlap they travel through a local dimensional portal. The portals are like flat rectangular panels which are visible or not depending upon the local moisture conditions. In the Figure below, a rectangular portal panel is visible in the middle of the picture along with a small clutch of Mobile Scout Ships which have just come through. The dark item in the far upper left corner is a sea gull photo-bombing the shoot.
Small panels involve Mobile Scout Ships, larger panels involve Anchor Ships and Mother and Father Ships. The figure below shows a larger portal with an Anchor Ship at it's immediate left.
Whether or not a panel can be seen with a condensate or Radionnic Cloud depends entirely on both the local conditions and the circumstances of the projection. In a clear blue sky the panel will be as invisible as a pane of glass, meaning there are lots around, just not seen. With lots of moisture around, interesting variations can occur such in the figure below.
Mother and Father Ships can also appear as plain simple condensates. Very distinct Saucer shaped and cigar shaped Father and Mother Ship condensates both exist. Father Ship condensates are lighter in appearance because the magnet flow is outer. Mother Ship Condensates are darker.
Radionnic Ships hiding bare faced in the noon day sun is not just a figure of speech. If you didn't know what was going on, you wouldn't have a clue that something was going on in the Figure below. Big Ship clouds are as common as Borscht. And to most people mean nothing. But when someone knows that Radionnic effects are in play the issue changes. The Negative Pole Radial cloud pattern in behind the large Saucer Shaped Father Ship in the photo below is the give away. The cloud is actually why the photograph was taken, the fact of the Saucer Shaped Father Mother Ship in the middle was realized after the fact of the photo. Not to mention the abundance of Mobile Scout Ships at the center right, upper top right, and upper left. It's been going on like this in secret for thousands and thousands of years. From now on, it's no longer a secret.
A cigar shaped Mother Ship condensate is shown below.
The bulk of the Radionnic Fleet around Earth is made up of Mobile Scout Ships. Mobile Ships have one, two, up to a couple of dozen people on board. The Mobile Ships around Earth number in the hundreds of Millions daily. Like Anchor Ships and Mother and Father Ships, the Mobile Scout ships also respectively have a Negative or Positive polarity and also project in pairs. They usually project into the Anchor Ship magnetic fields as lower level condensates such as is visible in the original photograph at the top.
Anchor ships stay put, allowing their magnetic fields to expand out and expand out. The smaller ships on the other hand are able to move freely around within the magnetic environment of the Anchor Ship under the direction of pure thought, so usually don't produce Radionnic cloud lines flowing out. There are many types of Mobile Scout Ships. The most common are very small, and more often project into an Anchor Ship Magnetic canopy in considerable numbers like a swarm of bees. Most Mobile Scout Ship condensates appear saucer shaped, comprised of a condensated globe or gumball of water vapour sitting on top of a snail like foot of moisture condensation, giving it the distinctive flying saucer like appearance like the ones in the first image above.
The Figure below is a Negative pole version of one of the most common types condensated Mobile Scout Ships. The globe bears the Ship's Polarity and also carries its occupants, the skate board like foot is where it's magnetics are generated. Dark globes are Negative in Polarity, white globes are Positive. The feet are an effect from their magnetics and can be polarized apart from the globe depending on purpose of the Ship, making for four possibilities. Namely Negative globe/Positive foot, Negative globe/Positive foot, Positive Globe/Negative foot and Positive Globe/Positive foot. Like both the Mother and Father Ship and Anchor Ship pairs, the Mobile Scout Ship pairs also always project together as pairs even though when a number are projected together it's anybody's guess as to who is partnered with who.
Negative Pole Mobile Scout Ship Condensate
Positive Pole Mobile Scout Ships Condensates are the same as Negative Pole Ships except the center Sphere is light. The Fig. below is a Mobile Scout Ship with a two Positive Pole globes with Positive Pole foota, sitting next to their Negative pole partners. Neither are as hallelujah as the Figure above but in the Radionnic business you work with what you can get.
Positive Pole Mobile Scout Ship Condensate
As anyone who has studied Science knows or has flown in an aircraft, the lower the altitude the denser the air and greater the pressure. Consequently the lower down in the atmosphere a Mobile Ship is projected, the denser it appears. When it is projected well below the lower cloud layer, the globe can be surrounded by a seeming donut of condensed water moisture rather than sitting on a foot. In The Positive Pole with Negative donut below, the globe carries the Ship's Polarity plus occupants and the donut is from its magnetics. Like also said, they may look solid enough to hold a reflection, but a baseball would still sail right through it.
Lower Atmospheric Positive Pole Mobile Scout Ship Condensate
The fact is that these Mobile Scout Ships really get around. The Figure below is an Inter-dimensional Starr Gate, taken in Paris Ontario on Apr1l 15, 2015.
A blow of a section of the Figure above shows it is densely packed with hundreds of Scout Ship condensates in all four versions. In this case, the Ships didn't come through the portal, they're there to help keep the opening stable while bigger ships come through. There's a lot of Energy going on there, the Durum Wheat stalk looking cloud lines in the Figure are testimony to that.
The next figure below showing nearly a hundred small ships, proves the point. The image was obtained from a completely random 'Bing' search off the Internet. Meaning it could have come from anywhere on the Planet at any given time.
The photograph clip above is not a 'one of'' a kind incident, in fact quite the opposite. The Figure below, co-incidentally also photographed in Paris, Ontario along the shore of the picturesque Nith River, shows a small tempest heading in from the West with also a Radionnic Mother Ship at the upper middle left.
Until again, when the top left is blown up as per the Figure below, there you go again. Mobile Ships all over the place, just not as many. This time there a number of different varieties present.
Most are of the Negative/Positive feet variety. A very close look will also reveal a number of lighter Positive/Positive versions which are much harder to spot against the whitish backdrop. The background color change was necessary to bring out the ships.
The respective photos show only a small portion of the sky over Paris. Paris is only a very small town in the Province of Ontario. The Province of Ontario is one of ten provinces in Canada, etc, etc. Do the math. it's easy to see that there are hundreds of million of such ships around Earth everyday.
When Mobile Ships like the Negative pole example above sit against white cumulous clouds the white foot portions becomes indistinguishable. The image below is of a Negative Pole Radionnic Cloud with a couple of larger Scout Ships present on the right hand side. The Positive Pole Mobile Scout Ship Condensate example above is from this photograph.
A blow-up of the figure as shown below however, reveals a collection of Mobile Scout Ship condensates sitting around the innermost cumulous cloud edge at the left. Of importance to note, the small Mobile Radionnic Scout Ships don't mask themselves as ordinary clouds, rather, they tuck themselves against the edges of the clouds where the naked eye would have a tough time seeing them. In the figure below, small saucer shaped Mobile Scout Ships can be seen visible all over the place, even in the clouds and even in the blue area between the clouds. A blow up of rat chewed cumulous clouds like in the Figure below usually reveal condensated scout ships as the cause.
As said, like both Mother and Father Ship pairs and Anchor Scout Ship pairs, Mobile Scout Ship pairs also always project together as pairs, though when a number are projected together like in the Figures further above it's anybody's guess which one is partnered with which. An expanded look at the left side cumulous clouds above shows that they are actually very busy with Mobile Scout Ships, particularly at their left side edges. Also present is a fingers clasped version of a Pleiadian Ship sitting just above the right-most cumulous cloud, plus also a more vague turtle-shell back looking version of a Pleiadian Ship at the middle right.
A similar photograph shows a small number of mobile ships in a small area, but the point is made, they are everywhere in abundance.
When a Mobile Ship goes stationary, the ship will often in suck in the moisture at the edge of a nearby cloud to create the condensate, leaving a decided looking cookie cut at the edge of the cloud such as can be clearly seen in the figure below. Any Time you see rat chewed clouds it's because of cookie cuts.
Anchor Scout Ships, Mother Ships, and Fathers Ships around Earth every day number in the millions. The number of Mobile Scout Ships is in the hundreds of millions. As many of the stationary Scout Ships as there may be as suggested above, their numbers could well pale in comparison to the number of Mobile Scout Ships on the move. Countless videos exist of little dots moving slowly from one cloud to another, or suddenly breaking apart into a small group, or as little blips fitting by so fast the can't be seen unless the video is slowed down. A case in point is from a two hour video taken by a friend of the cause in Winnipeg, Manitoba in September of two thousand and eighteen. He had been planning to capture a Radionnic Field sitting stationary while cumulous clouds zipped by similar to the video example presented half way down in Starrgram 1. He parked his car looking out at a partial Radionnic Field in the outskirts of Winnipeg, strapped his cell phone to the steering wheel, and ran it for two hours. He did not get the good Radionnic Field representation he had been hoping for, but what he did get was an unexpected surprise for everyone. It was five Mobile Ship clusters scooting by in two frames each over that two hour long period. Again do the math, that implies hundred and hundreds of millions of Scout Ship clusters zipping around unseen all over the Earth all of the time.
These folks were really moving. Until the video was slowed down, nothing whatever was apparent. The quad Figure below presents screen captures of one of the events slowed down five times. Going clockwise from the upper left, the first screen capture is of the sky view as it was out the windshield of the car. I.e., nothing seemingly going on. The second screen capture now shows one of the Ship clusters sitting barely visible as a white v at the upper very edge of the view just right of center. To give you an idea of the speed, in the frame just previous the ship was at the seven o'clock position down near the bottom left. Meaning it had traveled the whole diagonal span of the screen view in just one frame. That's really moving. The third screen capture is a blow up of the object, proving definitely that it's not just a wanton fly speck. And the fourth shot is a full blow up, showing that it is actually a small cluster of ten Ships moving tightly together as one. Interesting. The images are highly enhanced to to bring out the V's.
Just so you are not left with the notion that the above example is nothing but hokum, the totally unrelated Radionnic photograph below was taken in Brantford, Ontario on September twenty ninth of two thousand and fourteen. A close look just above the water tower shows a similar kind of Mobile Ship clutch, serendipitously captured in the photograph the split second it had been whizzing through. Like said, they are everywhere, buzzing all over the place like bees around a bonnet. Do the math again. There are many, many such many.
The following silver ship is a version of a Heavenly Host ship which a lot of people are familiar with. In this case it is not a condensate, rather it is virtual, as it's frequency of visibility had been dropped to that of third dimensional visible light giving it a very solid looking silvery appearance. But a baseball would still pass through it. These visibility projections are done for people who are positive enough about the possibility of such ships that their belief can be confirmed. Only those who are supposed to see them will see them. The consciousnesses of those standing right beside the targeted party will be screened so they don't. Which is why the controversy about UFOs rages on. Positive thinking people are brought into the loop, negative thinking people are kept out so their inharmonious thought patterns about Ufos don't impart negatively back upon the people in the ships.
It is also important to know that a ship which can reflect sunlight like the image below is a third dimensional hard metal bad guy ship.
To recap, Radionnic Ships are not corporal. They sit in the Fourth Dimension. The visibilities you see in the Third dimension are either Radionnic Cloud reflections of their magnetic Fields composed of ionnized water vapour, or condensates in the shape of the Ships themselves. Both are composed of assorted electrolysed molecules of water. The Radial lines of the Radionnic Clouds can be extensive or diminutive, and the condensates can range from ephemeris to dense enough to cast a shadow, but all are still just concentrations of water.
The takeaway is that Radionnic Anchor Ships always appear as Radionnic Clouds which are always vertical to the horizon, and are always in pairs opposed to each other at one hundred and eighty degrees. Father and Mother Ships almost always appear as Radionnic clouds which are horizontal to the horizon, and can also appear as condensates and condensations. Mobile Radionnic Scout Ships almost always appear as condensates and condensations with no Radionnic cloud, although small Radionnic Fields can develop if the Ships sit stationary for awhile.
'Ezekiel saw a wheel a'rolling way in the middles of the air'. Ezekiel had been given the unique ability to see the Radionnic Ships behind the ionnizations anytime one was present. Very few, like Ezekiel, are able to see the Ships directly. Fortunately as is now revealed, the presence of the Ships can now be conclusively concluded to be present by anyone at any time by the unique atmospheric cloud signatures they produce. The cat is out of the bag. Such Radionnic Ships of Light have been hiding in plain sight in Earth's atmosphere as Radionnic Clouds throughout history. Clouds are referenced numerous times in the Bible. Any Search Engine query for 'Clouds in the Bible' will turn up dozens of results, also called 'Glory in the sky'.
Because of the untoward Cosmic changes now taking place on Earth, the Radionnic Ships are now here in the millions upon millions. The Ships are at long last finally revealing their presence, not by landing on the White House lawn stating "Take me to your leader", but by sanctioning this Universal public Revelation about their presence whose contents they are directing. The divulgence is by way of teaching you how to recognize them when present by the cloud signatures and condensates they produce. More importantly, by knowing in full understanding specifically what it is you are looking at and why. The information given within this Revelation gives you that complete understanding. By this method, society at large will gradually learn of the Radionnic presence one person at a time rather than explosively.
Those of you with higher consciousness awareness are the most likely to be guided to this information first. From you, it will quietly spread downward to the lesser aware among you, gradually raising everyone up into an full understanding about their presence. Eventually, everyone will know about the Heavenly Host and their purpose without one person going into panic.
The un-harmonious Luciferian Rebellion Self Will Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus has ended and this Local Universe of a thousand Galaxies is now in the clean up in the aftermath, called 'Armageddon'. The Rebellion began five billion years ago and was based on a 'Service to Self' vibration instead of the Universal 'Service to Creation' vibration known as 'The One Law'. The Rebellion only affected the thousand Galaxies of this Local Universe. It could not pass beyond because of frequency differences with the rest of Creation. Christ officially ended the Rebellion two thousand years ago by decree on the Mount.
The bottom line of Creation is the fifth dimension. Third-Dimensional populations such as on Earth are aberrations resulting from the Rebellion. Only twenty five hundred planets in all of Creation have a third-dimensional population like Earth's. All of them are within this Local Universe, mostly in the Orion and Draco Solar Sectors. Earth is the first of the twenty five hundred Planets to be officially cleared of its aberrant third dimensional condition. Two thousand years from now Earth's entire population will be raised back up into the fifth dimension where it belongs, and Earth will be welcomed back into the Galactic Community as a member in good standing from which it has been quarantined for the past two hundred and fifty thousand years. The greatly enhanced fleet of the Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host currently present are here to help in the clean up and transition.
Over half a billion Radionnic ships are in your atmosphere at any given time. They teleport in on a routine basis from a vast fleet of billions of Ships sitting in the Oort Cloud outside the orbit of Pluto. The ships are from all over Creation, assembled here as volunteers to assist in Earth's undertakings. Some of you popularly refer to them as, 'The Galactics' without being aware that they can be seen. The ships are from Higher Cause and are functioning at a much higher frequency than the thousand or so lesser off-world ships also present on Earth comprising the Alien contamination.
The ships of the Alien contamination are from lesser causes of the Rebellion, are from the lower fifth dimension of this Local Universe, and comprise the totality of the so called UFOs you are all currently appealing to your Governments to disclose. The Alien ships are under Galactic quarantine and cannot leave Earth except by sanction. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the four great Mother Ships of the Radionnic Fleet.
For full details about the Radionnic Clouds and their different types, see the following Radionnic Starrgrams. Read them sequentially for greater understanding. A review of the book version of the website from Google Books says it all, see: Google Book Review. Please note that the cited 'Author' did not create the information, merely word smithed it into readable English form. The Heavenly Host is writing the tune the word smith is playing the piano.
The story is in the texts, avoid the temptation to flip around just looking at the pictures. the story tells you specifically what Cloud and Ship differences are which, and why. The texts are the teachings, the pictures are simply helpful examples. The texts also present a hurry up to the great cosmic events now starting to unfold on Earth at large by sliding in timely little tidbits of higher Cosmic understanding whenever appropriate. Read the Starrgrams through sequentially and not haphazardly for much greater understanding. Similarly, if you come across a Radionnic image or take a photograph, the book can be used as a reference to tell you what you are looking at.
Also, please note that 'The Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host' is actually Book Three out of a three book set called 'The Revelatorium Revelations', which comprises a full revelatory Revelation of the past, present, and future Cosmic activities of Creation at large and on Earth in particular. 'The Intelligent Design of Creation' is Book One, which deals step by step with how Creation was begun and why. 'The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega' is Book Two, dealing with the assorted Spiritual matters of Creation and yourself based on the Design, and Book Three, this 'The Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host' officially reveals the presence of the Ships to all Humanity for once and for all. For your convenience, the Starrgram Chapters of all three Books are presented at the right hand side indexes of every page in all three website versions of the Revelatorium Revelations.
Also, in particular the 'Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega', explains in full detail why the Radionnic Fleet is here. Plus it reveals in detail the twenty two different major Cosmic events starting to occur on Earth at the present time and your purpose in them, an absolutely unique occurrence within the annuls of Creation for both you and all of Creation combined. The current situation on Earth is not ho hum, and you are not here as a matter of happenstance. You volunteered to come here at the present time in your current capacity and it's now time for you to come to grips with that capacity by grasping a full understanding of what's involved.. You all have a vital role to play in the events now unfolding in this Revelatorium Revelations and not just for your idle muse.
Likewise read the Radionnic Ships sequentially from the first page to the last for better understanding. 'The Intelligent Design of Creation', also listed in the indexes down the sides reveals the complete Intelligent Design of Creation as it has currently unfolded, including how and why the Only Begotten Son and Only Begotten Daughter were begotten, how and why the Creators brought the Holy Trinity into existence, and how and why the dimensions of Creation were needed to be formulated in their current form.
Also, please note that 'The Revelatorium Revelations' are a pure Christ selfless teaching in higher Melchizedek frequencies, and are on the Christ Table as is to help you in your ascension to the fifth dimension two thousand years from now. It serves no other purpose. The Revelatorium Revelations is likewise not a sr up dialogue or versy, nor does it comprise a doctrine or personal belief, nor does it represent a new philosophy, religion, or group, nor is it to be used as fodder for a church.
Starrgram 22 is the official buy page for the Revelatorium Revelations Books and Pdfs.
Also please note that the websites are currently undergoing a revision, and some pages and pages may look a triffle unfinished.
A special thanks to friends of the cause: ND of Uganda, ZJ of Salmon Arm British Columbia. MS of Huntsville Ontario, LF of Paris Ontario, JM of Brantford Ontario, LS of Brantford, Ontario, MK of Winnipeg Manitoba, BK of Medicine Hat Alberta, RL of Ottawa, Ontario, and OO of Costa Rica who generously contributed Radionnic examples and suggestions for this Revelationnum.
Also thanks to PW, of Northern California, JT of Brantford Ontario, KB of Scottish Border Scotland, and KL of Burnaby British Columbia who helped with timely happy lettuce from time to time.
For complete details about the Adjunct Pleiadian Fleet, see:
You are free to repost or use any part of this information, or all, anyway you like as long as you provide a link or reference to the website as source.
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