The so called 'Ashtar Command of Pleidian Ships' claims to be the principle presence of Pleidean Ships on Earth. All you need to know about the so called vast Ashtar command of Pleidian Ships, under command of the self appointed leader called Commander Ashtar, is that they only number a couple of dozen in number and that they are definitely part of the problem. The fact that there are now hundreds of websites dealing with the Ashtar Command, and countless articles, blogs, and videos dealing with the subject doesn't help. Commnder Ashtars' so called face is plastered all over the place anytime the Pleiadians are mentioned.
The Captain Cody and the Space Cadets Pleideans arrived during Atlantis and over the years Ashtar made his presence well known to Humans by Inter-Dimensional mental contact. Since it seemed like he came out of the Spirit world like a demon, he was consdiered a demon by the name Ashtaroth in the sixteenth century. Also - - - In recent times, after the Rothwell incident in nineteen fourty eight, a Californian figured that if UFOs were out there, maybe he could make contact with one. The Ashtar people were delighted because by then, being completely out of the look since two thousand years ago, the only Energy source available was what could be drawn up from the Earth by contact with consciousness who were willing to hook up with them in order to puff up their outer ego in front of others. Who all promoted the Pleidian situation everywhere, seeking to make themselves a UFO hero and to make the so called Ashtar command big news. All lower outer ego stuff, whereby the Heavenly Host is all about inner higher ego stuff. The lower frequency outer ego stuff is part and parcel of the self will problem started by the Luciferians that's been cleaned up today in Armageddon.
The lid is finally coming off. Off World Space Craft have been around Earth for a long long time. Some Pleiadian Ships in particular have been around for awhile. A very large fleet of Pleiadian Ships now present is very recent. The presence of the Pleiadian Fleet is being revealed, plus the fact that a every vast fleet of hundreds and hundreds of millions of Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host are also present in Earth's atmosphere today hiding barefaced in the noonday sun, is finally being Disclosed. The Heavenly Host and the Recent Pleiadian Fleet are both good guys in the extreme.

To recap from to give context, the Outer Creation is currently over nine hundred trillion light years across and still within it's infancy. The bottom line of Creation is the fifth Dimension. On only about twenty five hundred planets does a third dimensional population like Earth also exist. All of them including Earth, are ill consequence of the Luciferian Self Will Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus. The contaminated planets only exist in this Local Universe, because this local Universe is the only one in all of Creation to have a special Cosmic Overplus attribution which the Luciferian Rebellion relied upon to ferment their social discord against the Laws of Creation. The Cosmic Overplus is ingredient in a New Day of Creation now in it's initial stages of start up.
Earth is in the bottom ten percent of third dimensional harsh conditions but is at the top of the ten percent. A number of Planets in the Pleiadian Solar Sector also have third dimensional populations. These however are much higher up the ladder of conditions than earth, some are near the top. Ships from these planets have been visiting Earth for many millennia. Their purpose has been benign, thinking to help Earth finally evolve up into the Galactic Community as a whole.
The problem was that the Pleiadians, for being in the third dimension were not in the loop and were not appraised of the Great plan for redemption now underway. Since the bottom line of Creation is the fifth dimension, the lower planetary populations involved do not evolve up into the fifth dimension, they are being returned to the fifth where they belong. Likewise Earth is not evolving enough to become welcomed into the Galactic Community. Earth's conditions are being cleared away so that Earth can be welcomed back into the Galactic Community as a member in good standing, from whence it had been quarantined for the past two hundred and fifty thousand years.
Through Luciferian meddling, Earth fell from the fifth dimension to the third dimension three and a half million years ago, and have been subject to the lower dimensions ever since. That condition is now being brought to an end. Over the next two thousand years through the Age of Aquarius, Mankind is being raised in consciousness sufficient to return to the fifth and all life in the third dimension will be relinquished.
The Luciferian Rebellion commenced five billion years ago until officially ended by Christ on the Mount two thousand years ago. At the time all off world space craft dwelling in atmospheres of planets not their own were put under quarantine, and have remained there ever since, including the thousand or so 'Off Worlders' around Earth at the time, which included the Pleiadians, as a second Quarantine involving Earth..
Altogether about twenty seven thousand Planets in this Local Universe of a thousand Galaxies had their frequencies disrupted by the Rebellion. Of those only the twenty five hundred also had a third dimensional population precipitated on it's surface. A clean up in the aftermath of the Luciferian Rebellion is now underway, affecting all of the Planets of this Local Universe that were Luciferian affected. In particular Earth, is the first to officially have it's population returned the fifth dimension and is the beta test for finding beneficial ways to clean up the Planetary conditions without bringing harm to the resident consciousnesses. So what's currently going on on Earth is no small potatoes.
At the present time Earth is being awashed with higher frequency Cosmic radiations of a kind unparallel at any time in history. The incoming Energies are for Earth's own evolutionary sake, destined to become a proto Starr in the womb of Orion two hundred and fifty thousand years from now. As above so below, children becomes parents, Planets become Starrs. The Energy levels around Earth at the present time in preparation have never been matched at any time in Creation, and will not be again for many many hundreds of thousands of years to come.
'Revelations' states that, 'Michael and his Angels won a war in the Heavens and the Dragon was cast into the Earth'. Meaning, all those with Luciferian conditions in their consciousness were rounded up from the twenty seven thousand odd planets involved, and put into Earth's incarnating cycles to have the opportunity to benefit from the unprecedented higher radiations present to cleanse their mal-consciousness issues once and for all. The reason behind the population boom.
Some Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host have always been around Earth. The Bible Refers to the Heavenly host constantly. In the early nineteen fifties, the presence of the Radionnic Ships was greatly increased to help Mankind in dissolving out of their consciousnesses their Luciferian conditions. Including those in the thousand odd tin pot ships under quarantine around Earth. In the spring of two thousand and sixteen, the presence of the fleet was enormously increased now numbering over half a billion ships in Earth's forth dimension at any given time.
The Ships are are fifth dimensional Ships of Light, which project only into the fourth dimension and can't be directly seen by naked eye, Their presences however, are readily recognizable by specific signature effects their magnetic fields induce upon the cloud covers below once you know what to look for. A full official disclosure of these signatures is given at:
The thousand odd tin pots under quarantine are also fifth dimensional, but were modified in their home planetary regions to project materially into their third dimensions. Consequently, the ones around Earth also project materially into Earth's third dimension and comprise the bulk of the so called UFOlogy activities taking place on Earth at the present time.
In the early nineteen sixties a small contingent of Pleiadians from the uncontaminated areas of their upper fifth dimensions were brought into Earth as an experiment to assist the Heavenly Host and see what they could do and see if they could follow directions positively. The experiment was successful. So on September 13, 2019, a colossal auxiliary fleet of many millions of Pleiadian Ships were brought through, and are now settled in around Earth as a Auxiliary arm to the Heavenly. They were not brought in because they were needed, but as an opportunity to help their own planets come up out of their conditions in due time by learning the ropes close at hand.
Like the Heavenly host, the Pleiadian Ship presences can be seen by distinct and unique signatures caused within the local environments of the third dimension below. Through the signatures, their incoming was inadvertently caught on camera. Website posts a daily full frontal view of the Sun everyday showing the current coronal holes activity. On September 7, 2019, the view was normal like it had been everyday for years prior.
On September 8, 2019, however, the output end of an Inter-stellar Starr Gate Portal had appeared right in the middle of one of the Coronal holes, clearly seen in the screen capture of Fig. 2 below. Three Mobile Radionnic Ships Scout Ships sit right in the middle of the opening like a welcoming committee and to hold the position steady. Over the next few days the portal slowly rotated to the right due to the Sun's rotation, until finally disappearing behind the right limb of the Sun on September 13, 2019. The screen capture was an extremely lucky catch, just a few days later all traces of the portal had been scrubbed from's Wayback archive, and dummy Corona Hole photos from past days inserted into their places as a complete cover up.
2 - South end of an Inter-Stellar Starr Gate Portal
The idea that three Radionnic Scout Ships could be sitting on the portal opening is not far fetched. In fact it's fact as shown by Fig. 3 below, clearly showing three exact type Radionnic amigos sitting just off the Space Station. The Space Station photo popped up in the September 8, 2017 edition of the 'UK The Sun' newspaper, featuring a clear and unambiguous Negative pole Radionnic Mobile Scout type condensation, a clear and distinct Positive pole partner, and a not so clear and distinct Positive pole type second ship sitting together. Nobody at the Newspaper end had any idea what they were, or even if they were actually crafts. But you kind of had to know that the Ships knew they were going to get photographed out the window of the Space Station cause that's what people do. Convincing fervent UFO-ologists that Radionnic Ships are real is one thing, convincing fervent scientific sceptics and Newspaper journalists is quite another, who both tend to deny out of hand anything which are not of the material plane as their affliction.
3 - Radionnic Scout Ships off the Space Station
Fig. 4 below is a blow up just to be sure. Go back to Fig. 2 and look at the portal again. It is what it is, the ships are the same in kind. Don't forget these respective images have come straight out of hard nosed Reality and not out of someone's pass time muse.
4 - Blowup
Then on September 13, 2019, all six of the Sun astronomical observatories around the World were suddenly shut down on the pretext that pornography had been discovered on one of the computers. The real reason was that the Pleiadian Fleet had suddenly come through the portal, and had suddenly appeared sitting serenely just off the right limb of the Sun. Fortunately, Gina Hill of Salem, Indiana had caught them on her backyard observatory and had posted them all over the Internet.
Fig. 5
- Pleiadian Fleet Arrival
Confirmation can come in many ways. None is as elegant as the fact that a Pleiadian Ship like the vertical one near the bottom of Fig. 5 above somehow managed to find its way into the lens of a 'Google Maps' camera as seen in Fig. 6 below. It's sitting to the right overtop the hills in the distance behind a Radionnic Anchor Ship which is phase shifting between the dimensions. The Pleiadian Ship even has prongs to the right and a rectangular patch between the prongs like the one above.
The Ships in the Pleiadian Fleet had to compress their density many many thousand fold in order to gain a presence within Earth's lower dimensional environs. The extremely ungainly appearance of the Radionnic Anchor Ship part of the photo is not without good reason, explained in detail in Starrgram 2 of
6 - Pleiadian Ship in Distance
Similarly, a photo off the Internet, Fig. 7 below, bears a bit of a semblance to the greenish horizontal ship just to the right of the vertical ship in Fig. 5.
7 - Pleiadian Ship in a Lower Density Projection
Like the Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host, the Pleiadian Ships are also in Earth's fourth dimension, and can be easily noticed in the third dimension mostly by the signature cloud effects their magnetic fields produce in the atmosphere. Unlike the Radionnic Ships which are individually monopole and always project together as Radionnic pairs to preserve Universal Magnetic parity, the Pleiadian are bipolar having both poles at the same time. Their signature cloud effects are consequently trapezoidal like a bar magnet, with the line crosswise when their opposite magnetic poles are along their sides like the two Mother Ships in Fig. 1 above, and the parallel pair of a completely different type of Pleiadian 'Father Ship' raising quite the ruckus in Fig 8. below.
8 - Lengthwise Pleiadian Father Ship Magnetic Field
The crosswise Magnetic Field lines of a lengthwise Pleiadian 'Mother Ship' are much thicker, shown in Fig. 9 below. Mother Ships carry Ships, Father Ships carry people.
Fig. 9 - Lengthwise Pleiadian Mother Ship Magnetic Field
On the other hand, the lines of the Magnetic Field are lengthwise and short when the poles are at the ends of the ship, as with the completely different type of Pleiadian Mother Ship shown in Fig. 10 below.
10 - End to End Pleiadian Mother Ship Magnetic Field
Fig. 11 below is a wider Father Ship version, sent in from a Friend of the cause in California. Like in Fig. 8 above, the magnetic lines are much thinner. Also note that the respective smudges at the opposite ends of both differ somewhat the same.
Fig. 11 - End to End Pleiadian Father Ship Magnetic Field
Because the magnetic poles on Pleiadian Ships are on the same ship, while the poles of Radionnic Ships are shared between Radionnic Ship pair, the characteristic difference between their respective magnetic field lines is that the lines of the Pleiadian Ship cloud are always parallel like Figs. 8 to 11 above, whereas the lines of Radionnic Ship clouds spread out radially like the out stretched fingers of a hand as the Radionnic 'Mother Ship' field in Fig 12. below clearly shows. Characteristically, the right side lines go to the right, the center lines up, and the left side lines go to the left.
12 - Radially extending Radionnic Mother Ship Field lines
Like the Pleiadian Ships, the Magnetic Lines of a Radionnic Father Ship Field Father Ship tendrils tend to be thinner and wispier like Fig.13 below. Likewise, whereas Pleiadian Ship Magnetic Fields tend to be local because the poles are on the same ship, the Magnetic Fields of Radionnic Ships can sometimes cover vast expanses because the polarity pair can sometimes be great distances apart. As before, Mother Ships carry ships Father Ships carry people. In Biblical times, arrays like Fig. 12 and 13 were called, 'Glory in the sky'.
Fig. 13 -
Radial Radionnic Father Ship Field
Like Radionnic Ships, Pleiadian Ships occur respectively in many assorted Mother and Father Ship configurations. In the Father Ship Pleiadian Pod of Fig. 14 below, the Magnetic lines remain crosswise tight within the ship rather than crosswise open within the ship as per Figs. 8.
14 - Pleiadian Father Ship Pod with tight magnetic lines
The Mother Ship version of a Pod is shown in Fig. 15 below, getting somewhat kicked around by the Magnetic influences of a Radionnic Father Ship at the center bottom plus two or so smaller Pleiadian Ships on the right side of the pod. The disturbances are a mixed bag. Don't forget that these respective fields are not necessarily contiguous on the plane. If the Photo were in 3D, the Radionnic Ship could very well be way out in front and the upper most of the two smaller Pleiadian Ships way in back. Similarly, a very similar beat up but distinct Mother Ship Pod sits in the lower left of Fig. 9.
Fig. 15 - Pleiadian Mother Ship Pod
Both Radionnic Ships and Pleiadian Ships also occur as filled out Radionnic cloud condensations. Unlike filled out Radionnic Ships cloud shape condensates which appear variously as cigar, saucer, sphere, and other fuzzy edged forms, Pleiadian filled out condensates usually appear trapezoidal in shape such as the Pleiadian cloud condensation in Fig. 16 below. The photo nicely shows a Radionnic sausage shaped cloud, a Radionnic saucer shaped cloud and a Pleiadian trapezoidal shaped cloud all hanging out together for reasons known to them.
16 - Collective Ship Examples
Another example of Radionnic Ships and Pleiadian Ships working together, this time involving a Radionnic Field is seen in Fig. 17 below. The photo was taken in Brantford, Ontario, on the 17th of April, 2019. The Radionnic side is a Radionnic Father Ship Field sitting off in the distance over the Motel roof at the right. The Pleiadian side is a very large Father Ship pod sitting much closer in at the left. Another type of lengthwise Pleiadian cloud reflection, looking for all the world like a Pontiac automobile grill sits just to the right of the pod. Two more partially formed Pontiac Grills sit just to the upper right of it.
Similarly, the magnetic lines of a different type of Radionnic Father Ship with Radial Lines extending out to the right sits just below the Pleiadian Mother Ship of Figure 9. The Radionnic Father Ship lines dominate the lower part of the Pleiadian Mother Ship lines, probably sitting well out in front.
Fig. 17 - Additional Pod Example
Pleiadians also like to stick together with their own kind when called for as the photograph Fig. 16 below shows admirably. The photo was taken by eye with cell phone in Brantford, Ontario, on the twenty ninth of September, two thousand and fourteen. The photo shows seven Pleiadian ships sitting vertically side by side like sardines in a can across the middle of the page. Part of an eighth similar to Fig. 9 is sticking out to the right from under the bottom of the fifth one.
At the lower right, two more long white ones sit slanting up to the right At the lower left, another long white cloud types sit slanting up to the left. Two small Radionnic Ships sit in a row at the lower right. A small partial Pontiac Grill Ship sits horizontally in the open blue patch in the lower middle. Small Radionnic Mobile Scouts Ships like those in Fig. 4 above, abound in the cumulus clouds across the middle right and along the bottom. All in all quite the hob nob.
Fig. 16 - Two's company, sixteen's a crowd
Yet another distinct kind of Pleiadian signature contains what looks like someone's outstretched hand, as seen in a Father Ship version Fig 17 below. The sixth ship across in Fig. 15 above is a variant. The Mother Ship version in Fig. 10 above looks like a mold.
Fig. 17 - Pleiadian Hand
Photo Fig. 18 below from Can Stock has a Mother Ship hand ghosting away in the upper right quadrant, plus an even more solid looking variant sitting at the lower right with fingers at the bottom extending to the right. Plus it has a long Pleiadian Ship slanting upwards left near the bottom left, plus a Radionnic field up the middle which is impossible to miss, plus a nice little saucer shaped Radionnic Ship sitting just above the hills at center left, and also a clutch of spherical Radionnic Scout Ships just to the right of the saucer. Also, like in Fig. 16 above, small Radionnic Scout Ships abound in the clouds up the left side of the Radionnic Field plus also to the right of the middle. You have to admit there's more than just a few of these things hanging around out there, this is just small one photograph in one small area of sky.
Fig. 18 - Pleiadian Hand
Similarly, as can be seen in the middle of the screen capture Fig. 19 below, a very distinct variant of a Pleiadian Mother Ship hand appeared suddenly on the surface of the Sun on February 23, 2020. Why it was there is anybody's guess. The important thing to know is that by good or by bad it was completely gone again the next day.
Fig. 19 -Pleiadian Helping Hand
Keep in mind that all of the examples in Figs above and below are all just examples of a kind only, and not one and only's of the kind. Radionnic and Pleiadian Ship effects both vary almost endlessly like pooches according to their particular kind, depending on the current geological conditions of the moment such as position of the Sun, temperature, pressure, wind, overcast, etc., plus geographical conditions such as location on Earth, season of year, etc., and even Sun sign Astrophysical conditions such as the time of the day, time of the month, and month of the year.
Like Radionnic Ships, Pleiadian Ships can also produce Fall Streak Holes depending on the circumstances. While Radionnic Ship Fall Holes are typically ovular like Fig. 20 below or elongated like Fig. 21 below, Pleiadian Ships are true to form, producing Fall Streak Holes bearing the entirely different looking characteristics of a trapezoid such as Fig. 22 below. A part of a Radionnic Field can be seen peeking out from behind it.
Meteorologists believe that passing jets cause ice crystals to suddenly form above the cloud layer below, which falls by weight through the layer producing the Fall Streak hole effect observed. Some are. However, most are caused by Radionnic Ships and Pleiadian Ships settling in, which jars the ice process into motion producing very distinctive results. You might notice that there are literally hundreds of small Radionnic Scout Ships like those of Figs 3 and 4 above sitting all over the place in Fig. 22. You should be starting to get the picture, there are lots of these around.
20 - Oval Shaped Radionnic Fall Streak Hole
21 - Elongated Radionnic Fall Streak Hole
22 - Trapazoidal Pleiadian Fall Streak Hole
Also, like Radionnic Ships, Pleiadian ships can appear in very dense condensated forms looking almost solid but a baseball would go right through them. The Radionnic Mother Ship Ship in Fig. 23 below is as cigar shaped as it gets. It even looks like someone's smoking it. Similarly, Fig. 7 above looks all but solid in parts. The respective ships in Fig. 6 above are another story yet again.
23 - Very Dense Radionnic Ship Projection
Among other responsibilities, the Pleiadians have been given the job of helping to dissolve the myriads of lower fourth dimensional NPlus static patches sitting in small and large reddish globs all over the Planet. The NPlus static around Earth and within Man's consciousnesses is the source of everything you call evil.
Two enormous globs of NPlus static sat over Sodom and Gomorrah during Atlantis. Which were exploded by a laser cannon fist fight which had broken between two warring factions of Baal worshiping black magicians and brought about the worldwide fall of Atlantis.
Similarly, two and a half billion years ago the whole third and fourth dimension of Maldek between Mars and Jupiter had become one big dirty thick black gooey NPlus static blob. Which was likewise exploded by the same two laser shooting warring black magic factions, causing Maldek to lose it's whole third dimensional outer material body. Which is now the asteroid belt.The five hundred Draconian Black Masters of Maldek wound up in Atlantis is explained in Starrgram 12 of
The reddish patches around Earth range range in size from small blobs in a lady's back yard like Fig. 24 below, to sizeable swaths over some of the bigger cities like Fig. 25 below. It isn't how big the cities are or how dense the populations that determines the amount of static, It's what the people are doing that is or isn't in accord with Cosmic Law. Sodom and Gomorrah were prime examples of that..
In denser concentrations like on Maldek the static becomes jet black. Until recently the whole of Earth's two lower fourth dimensional Hell states were a Stygian Deep of dense black NPlus static. The work of cleaning them up was begun in earnest in the early nineteen seventies and they are all but crystal clear now, looking somewhat now like the Caribbean Oceans sixty to seventy five feet down. While they are being cleared Earth is being enveloped in a sea of pure emerald green love frequencies from the Heavenly Host to keep the unstable Stygian Nplus concentrations from exploding while the clearing was been going on.
Human eyes can't see the static because they're in a frequency of visible light which is above that of most Humans. Cameras are set for cut off at considerably higher spectrum levels than Humans, so cameras can see them no problem. So can animals. The bright white sphere lighting up the static in Fig. 24 below is a Radionnic protective orb which was shielding the lady from the static. Lots going on.
Fig. 24 - NPlus Static - Uhgg!
Fig. 25 below from the Internet shows sloppy red patches of NPlus static sitting above someplace somewhere at the upper right. Not exactly Sodom or Gomorrah, but definitely requiring the removal services of somebody sometime. There are also a slew of Radionnic effects all over the place but that's definitely good.
Fig. 25 - NPlus Static Bad! Radionnics good!
Static is all over the countryside too just not as dense, as in Fig. 26 below. The static is not an easy fix.
Fig. 26 - NPlus Static bad! Scenic countryside good.
This Revelation as compelling as it is, is not actual proof that Space Ships really do exist. That comes later, individually to each of you the day you step out the door look up and say, "Holy Mackerel'. 'Holy Mackerel' indeed, some of these stellar events send IMax and Cinerama to the back seat. Once you see one for yourself and know exactly what it is no one will ever be able to talk you out of it, and therein lies the proof.
Once Earth has been returned to the fifth dimension two thousand years from now, the main bodies of the Radionnic Ships and Pleiadian Fleet will move on to the next of the twenty five hundred Planets down the line slated to get the lye soap treatment. A new Radionnic Host will move in to Earth whose frequencies will be attuned to the job of readying Mankind for the job of teleporting Earth to the womb of Orion two hundred and fifty thousand years for now where it will begin its new career as a Radiant Protostarr.
Take the above as a teaching consideration rather than as a presentation of things to know. You now understand details about the Pleiadian fleet not known before, plus aspects of the Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly host never even previously suspected before as a warm up to the full Heavenly Host Disclosure at
This information has been handed down to Humanity from the Melchizedek World's of the Magellanic Clouds to unconditionally reveal a complete picture of the higher Realities of the Cosmos throughout all frequencies of all dimensions. The extended new Revelation is called 'The Revelatorium Revelations'.
The 'Revelatorium Revelations' are presented in three parts. The three parts are respectively:
1. 'The Intelligent Design of Creation'.
2. 'The 'Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega'.
3. 'The Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host'.
Specifically: - 'The Intelligent Design' is the complete set of rules and principles by which all of Creation has been blue printed and expressed. The 'Revelatorium' is about how the Intelligent Design has out-come into the various aspects of Creation that are relevant such as Re-Incarnations, Soul Mates, Tree of Life, Luciferian Rebellion and Battle of Armageddon, Root Races, etc. The 'Radionnic Ships' reveals in breathtaking detail a type of UFO currently present in great number in Earth's atmosphere, but which are completely un-suspected by everyone including all the Government aencies currently dealing with UFO matters. This current Starrgram presenting the Pleiadian Fleet herein, is Starrgram 22 of The Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly host.
It is suggested you start with the Radionnic Ships as it is the less ardent of the three, Then read the Intelligent Design since the Revelatorium often refers to facts from the Design which are helpful to know.
The three websites are respectively:
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